11. Wedding?

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Everything had moved so fast. Within a few weeks, the small wedding had been planned. Ariana and Aiden had decided that their marriage would remain a secret between them until they decided to go public.

Nonetheless, Ellie, Debra and Alicia were the bridesmaids, dressed in beautiful long blush coloured dress and Aiden's best friend, John, was the best man. She felt bad that his family, especially his parents wouldn't know but Aiden had insisted. The ceremony would take place at the closest mosque centre and then they'd drive to a small reception. It was going to be a small and intimate wedding. 

'I can't believe you're getting married before me..' Ellie said as she sat on the plush white couch. Ariana took a deep breath and appeared from the makeshift changing room in the mosque facility. Ellie's jaw dropped and her eyes went wide. 

'So, what do you think?' Ariana asked clenching her hands. She had gone with Alicia to buy her dress as Ellie couldn't get time off work. She had known exactly what look she had wanted. Something elegant, sophisticated and simple, and she had found one exactly that. Her a-line ivory dress was netted on the top half and plain satin on the bottom. Her hair was in a romantic updo and she had teamed it with a short veil and a silver rhinestones headpiece. 'Well?'

'Stunning.' She begun fanning her eyes and blinking rapidly. 'I don't want to ruin my make-up. I am so happy for you.' Ellie got up and hugged her. She couldn't believe it. This was actually happening and in a few minutes she would become Mrs Jones, but she'd keep her name. 

Just then there was a knock warning them that the ceremony was taking place in a few minutes. It was a friday and the ceremony would be read after the Midday prayers. Aiden was going to be there in front of the imam (Leader of the prayer) and a few other witnesses, and she was in another room, with a few other Muslim ladies to proclaim her acceptance.

Suddenly, Ariana froze.  A wave of panic overcame her. What the hell was she doing? She begun to pace up and down the room, furiosuly clenching and uncleanching her hands. 

'What's wrong?' Ellie said, with a look of concern.

'Are we ready?' A lady appeared with a smile on her face.

'We just need a moment.' Ellie dismissed the lady and turned to Ariana, holding her arms to stop her frantic movement.

'I don't think I can do this.' Ariana whispered with a look of fear. 

'What! You were fine a few moment ago.'

'I know, but there's something just not right. I don't know what it is.'

'Yeah, it's called wedding gitters.'

'No, its something else. I can't explain it. Like there's something going on. What if this is'nt serious? What if this is just a game to him? What if he breaks my heart?' She was pouring put all her worries, but she just couldn't keep it in anymore. What if all this was a mistake and she had rushed him? 

'Where's your faith gone? You always spoke about trusting God, and this is the time. Anyway, everyone can see how you guys feel about each other. The way he looks at you when he thinks everyone isn't looking, is enough to tell me that it's not a game to him. This is serious. He is marrying you, Ariana, You!'

'Yeah, and he's practically making a flood from his own sweat out there.' Alica said casually, appearing from no where. 'He's been acting weird ever since he met you so don't worry. I think you two are good for each other. I mean you've taken him out of his cold ROLF behaviour and he's removed your iciness. Both of you are close to normality.' Ariana looked at her in awe. What did 'ROLF' even mean? 

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