JUST FRIEND?:Chapter one.

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"Mommyyy hurry upp" Little Darrin said draging his pregnant mother to the Park.

"My love am Walking as fast as I can" Allison ,Darrin's mother said  with her right Hand on her Tummy.

"Well thats not fast enough" Little Darrin pouted at his mother.

Allison ruffled his sandy blonde hair and smiled at him.

"Okay ,my love ,you run along ,I Will meet you there" She said seeing as the park was in front of them.

Darrin debated if he should leave his mom or walk with her, but just like every kid he hugged her legs and ran into the Park full of kids his age and above.

He ran to the swing and started swinging ,touching his Brown glasses so to not fall.

     Minute later his mom walked to him and waited for him to come down, holding his chocolate ice Cream, Darrin's eyes bulged at the sight of the treat and jumped down from the swing. Allison ruffled her son's Sandy hair looking into his green eyes and handing the treat to him.

"For my baby" She said to her seven year old.

"Mommy, I told you to stop calling me that in public" Darrin said glaring at his mother who he loves so much.

Allison laughed and kissed his Rosy cheeks and headed to a bench where she met another pregnant mother.

Darrin walked around the Park licking his Ice Cream, when he saw a red hair with ponytail and Bangs crying. He was alittle Heart broken to see her like that even if he didn't know her. He walked up to the girl and tapped her shoulder,When she looked up at him , he was met with a beautifull green eyed.

"H-hi" he stammered since he had never been close to a girl.

He didn't just have the features that the little Girls in is class Wanted. They Wanted Prince charming not a nerdy guy who wears thick Brown glasses.

"H-hi" the little girl stammered cleaning her tears not to appear weak infront of a cute boy.

"W-hy are you crying?" Little Darrin asked not Sure why he was asking.

The little red haired with freckles debated if she should tell him...her dad Always told them not to talk to people they don't know, but she told him anyways.

"Some mean kids took my ice Cream and my sister laughed with them" The little girl pouted to him, which Darrin Found cute.

He looked at his unfinished ice cream, he bit his lips debating if he should give her, his mother Always said help those in need, he gave her.

The little girl widen her eyes at his out stretched hands holding a chocolate treat.

"Here, I don't want it anyways." He lied. He smiled when she took the treat and smiled at him.

"Thanks" She said. She licked the ice Cream and looked at him, she saw the longing look he give the ice cream, and an idea popped.

"Here ,(she gives it to him) lets share, you lick then you give me to lick." She said.

"Are you not Scared of cooties" Darrin asked wide eyes. The little girl put her index finger on her Rosy cheek and appeared to be thinking.

"Promise you wont give me cooties and I Promise not to give you..okay?" She said. Darrin thought for a while and nodded, he Sat down beside her and they began their sharing.  Mid through the end of the treat the girl spoke .

"I'm kendall" she said Smiling at him. He smiled back.

"I'm Darrin" he said , looking into her green eyes when he blurted.

"Your green eyes are pretty" He said then blushed after he  realized what he said.

Kendall giggled.

"Your green eyes are Pretty too" She said.

They both blushed.

"Can we be freinds" Kendall asked him in hopes he will say yes. All her freinds where a little girly for her taste and they were also her twins friends which she knew they liked Better.

"No" Darrin said, leaving the girl heartbroken.

"Best friends" He said, Making her Bright smile to come again.

"Forever...promise" Kendall said with her pinky out stretched.

"Promise" Darrin said linking their pinkies.

"There you are, my love I was looking everywhere for you....oh Hello sweetie" Allison said looking at the reason she couldn't find her son.

"Hi ma'am" Kendall sang.

Allison smiled and out stretched her hands for her son to take. Darrin looked back at Kendall and gave her the ice Cream he was holding and stood up and ran to his mom, leaving a every happy Kendall who hoped he was in her School.

When Darrin and Allison where outside of the Park ,Darrin spoke the obvious.

"Mommy, I met someone" He said running to his mother front.

Allison giggled.

"Oh really, tell me all... about her" She said. A Bright smiled appeared on her son's lips as he narrated what happened to his mother who kept on giggling as they walked home.


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