JUST FRIENDS?:Chapter Three.

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"Omg Kim have you seen the guy who walks around with your sister" Hannah one of Kimberly's Friends said to Kim who was applying gloss too her already coated lips.

She smarked them together and turned to her Friend.

"And I care about him why?" She asked her Friend then started appling máscara.

Her Friend used her fingers too comb her hair and turned to look at Kim.

"No, his like ....hot now"Hannah said not even beliving the Words. All of a sudden Kim burst into fits of laughter.

"Yeah, when hell freeze" She said clutching too her tummy.

Hannah scratched her dark hair.

"Am serious kim" she said.

Kim closed then locked her Locker with her textbooks in Hand she flabed her hair and turned to leave.

"Uh-huh" was all she said as she was stutting.

Kim, Kimberly Elisa Towers, Twin of Kendall Elena Towers, blue eyes , Long red Center parting hair, small  but fleshy Pink lips, and a small oval shaped face. She is dolllike and extremely  different from her sister in every way.

She wore the school's uniform only her skirt were more shorter, black fish nets ,black flats , and the schools wine blazer which she rolled the sleeves. She used a black band too hold her hair back. 

"Well you gonna see for yourself" Hannah said to the HBIC ( high school bitch in charge).

As the girls were stutting their way too class, Ryan, one of kim's many one stands approached her.

"Hey babe" he said putting his Hand around her waist. All Kim did was fold her arms over her chests.

"What" she said, Making it clear that she was not intrested.

"I had fun last night". He said tangling her waxy hair in his index finger.

"Of Course you did, look dude I had fun too okay but we can't happen again at lest not until I give you a call ...come on Hannah lets go" she said realising herself from his grip and strutted out to class leaving a complete dumbfounded Ryan behide.

"Hash, girl" Hannah who is kim's bestie said. Making Kim to glare at her and open the class door.

She flabed her hair and walked in Making all eyes to be on her. She took her sit in front of the class.

Hannah tapped her shoulder to get her atention.

"Hey, look kim" Hannah wispered nuging her head backwords. Kim looked at her like Something was wrong with her before she got the hint and looked back, at first she had the look of nonchalancy until  her eyes landed on him, her eyes bulged.

"What da, who the fuck is that" She asked. Looking at Darrin who was helping her sister to get Something out of her eye.

"Him" Hannah said somewhat dreamily before she conported her self.

"Darrin!, but his like cute now." She said.

"Told ya, but wait still he stands so you gonna know his is not cute but effing hot" Hannah said nodding Making Kim to look at her.

"How is that possible"  Kim asked.

"I guess he decided  too hit the gym,gee they look so cute together" Hannah said making Kim to turn shaply at her then glaring at her sister.

"You are right.....but not for long" She said, Hannah was still putting her Chin on her back plams but turned her eyes to her Bestie.

"Why do you say that" she asked Making Kim too smirk at her sister and the guy who has been crushing on her for years now.

"Because my dear Hannah I have this hurge to have him...all for myself" She said and Hannah gasped while Kim kept smirking and looking at her sister who is now glaring at her ,the Teacher Ms Connor walked in ,Kim winked at her sister, flabed her hair then turn to the front of the class.


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