FIGHTING FOR HIM: Chapter fourteen

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          Third person' s pov.

Darrin was a heap of mess as he layed spawled on his bed starring at the celling, his banglike hair in a raked Mess and his lips throbbing from bitting it alot.

He kept thinking about the Whole ordeal that happened the day  before but most of all Ken' s last Words.

I didnt do anything wrong!
You Hurt me first!

He knew he had no reason to be mad at her for being with someone else , but yet he cant  help but feel Jealous of the guy who had her in his Arms .

He  wondered why?

And again he also hates himself for hurting Ken, next to Sadie ,Kendall is the one who Holds a huge portion of his Heart.

Yet he couldn't tell if he he truly did  have feelings for his best Friend.

Same as Darrin she was also a mess on her bed, with Blood shot eyes.
She was meant to be the one mad at Darrin for the pain, yet she cant help but feel bad about what he saw.
She held nothing against Xavier, because she knew she Wanted it too ,it did help her feel okay ,untill it backfired.
She just wishes things could get back to the Days when he would call her at Midnight claiming he couldnt sleep, she Misses those Days when he was clingy or those Days when they took silly pics for the fun of it.

She picked her Phone and stared at the lock screen Pic, the same one as Darrin' s and she smiled at the mermory.

"Hey Darrin am craving something sugry, lets go for a treat" She said to a Darrin who was helping her apply a white base coat on her left nails , his tongue stuck out in concertration.

"Done, okay" he said and closed the nail polish.

She amried it and smile

"Not every guy can do this, you are the best boyfriend for a girl with on girlfriends" she beamed at him.

She was sixteen ,he was seventeen.

He smiled back"Thanks b, It took years of Practice." He said.

They hopped on their Different bike , yellow and Green.

And hit the Road, when they heard a familiar Ice Cream truck Music, they  looked at eachother Smiling.

The same day crossing their Minds.

They stopped. He got a chocolate chip cone his fav, she got Vanila her fav.

They Sat on the bench and licked in silence, Darrin as usual had to push his thick fame up the bridge of his nose ,so that it wont come in contact with the Cream.

He snucked a glance at Kendall and saw that she was pressing her Phone when a devious thought crossed his mind.

" Hey Kendall" He sang. Kendall who was Smiling at her screen looked up with the smile.

"Yeah" she said.

"This" Darrin said and pushed the ice to her Chin, smearing it on her Chin, her mouth fell opened then she closed it and glared daggers at him as he laughed.

"Why!" She screamed and he laughed.

"Aww Ken , you look so sweet" he said ,it was meant to be some stuipid pun but Ken blushed at it.

"Aww and cute, here" he came close to her and angled his Phone to take a selife.

Thats when ken knew she was surpossed to me mad and glared at him as he beamed at the camara in his cuteness.

"Wow ,we are cute together" He said  looking at the pic with a smile not even realizing the meaning of his words and a very red, redhaired. Like I said, he Is very oblivious.

He looked up and was Met with a glare, he did see the blush too, but he thought her Skin were just being Rosy again.

"Chill girlfriend , okay fine here" he said, she looked at his outscretched hand holding a chocolate treat and a boy with a smirk.

"You lick, then I lick" he said with that same amused smirk.

She rolled her eyes.

"Ew, then it did be like we are kissing" She said then blushed,, Making Darrin to laugh, he did see the blush.

"Surly you didn't think of that when you offered when we were younger,Ken" he said amused at a now tomatoe like Ken glaring at him.

"Bye me a new one" she said in a Voice that made him no she was not kidding.

Ken chuckled at the mermory before letting a tear slip, she was Scared that Darrin and her will be all mermoris from now on.


She Sat in her bathtop full of bubbles as she stared into nothing.

Also thinking of yesterday, and how  the  kiss Darrin and her shared made her go crazy, she knew she Wanted him now and not just to Hurt her sister ,she Wanted him in her.

She moaned at the direction of her thought. She was oblivous to the fact that she was now caressing her now hard nipples, pinching, pulling and twirling them in her hands as she thought of Darrin' s hands doing it.

She moaned as she imagined his soft hot mouth cupping her nipples and cupping her full firm breast.

Then her hands slowly trailed to her vigaina and instanly she Found her clit rubbing it and started moaning in escasty, she then stick in two Fingers in herslf Pumping herself and pulling on her nipples, all the while Imaging it was Darrin doing it to her ,she closed her eyes as she as she felt herself close, she pumped Faster still her body raved in escasty as she was cumming.

"Oh ,Darrin" She muttered and closed her eyes.

Never in a millon years did she ever thing that Kendall' s bestfriend ,the swany guy could ever be the one she did musturbate to.

Thats when she knew she was in trouble, she Wanted him now not only to Hurt her sister but also for her sexual desires.

In his room laying face flat. Xav was angry at himself for kissing Kendall, thinking any Hope of them being together or even as friends was thrown outside the window, most importantly he Wanted to know who that guy was to her, he knew one think, he Met alot to her and he Wanted to take that position, in doing that he had to know who he was and what is his position in her life.


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