JUST FRIENDS?: Chapter Four.

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Darrin's pov.

Ms Connor our history teacher was rambling on about some dude who is dead, normally I did pay attention but thats impossible when Kimberly hastag my Crush decided  it was a good idea to sit in front where I could see her.....plus I already know about the History of the Clifford Constitution.

So there I was, in the back of the class chewing the end of my black pen while looking at the girl I fantasize about but can never ever have whistle her Twin who completly hates her guts is siting beside me and taking notes.

I kept on looking at Kimberly ...which I think she felt because the un thinkable happened ,she turned around and looked directly at me and winked, while I Sat there looking dumbfounded and my mouth hunged wide open, she kept looking at me and I being the fool that I am still had the Stupid look on my face and feeling my Whole face hot.

-Do Something Moran the fucking girl of your Dreams is looking at you...Something you have Always Wanted ..now do Something you barf Bag.!

Oh guys do you know what I did, instead of a Wink back or a small wave or even a smile ,I did what I knew future me Will comdem ...ladies and gent I being the idiot I am looked down at my  note book Making it seem like I am not intrested in my Crush.

-Yup Aunty cece was right ...You are so gonna die alone!.

"Why the heck do you look like that"My bestie asked ,the only girl I can ever be normal with.

-Maybe I should even ask her out.
- Yeah so instead of a 'Yes I would love to' I Will get a punch  on my face for even thinking of it. This.

"Like what?" I asked looking at ken.

She rolled her eyes.
"Like a effing tomatoe, omg are ...are you blushing...at what or who" she wispered yelled.

I ran my Fingers throw my hair...Something I do when am nervous

"Pfff, whattt ,no.. ,what the heck are you even saying" I said trying to Play it cool.

She narrowed her eyes at me and use her two Fingers to give me the 'Am watching you' sign.

Which I shrugged too.

"Okay class, am giving you your start of the year Project and, it Will determine your grade so if I were you I Will take my time to create Something presentable with your Partners who I Will pair you with, and class you Will be presenting  an essay on the colonial era, that is, how it took place , where it took place, and why it took place, with that being said , am going too pair you now, Luna parker and Jake o'Neil,
Sofia Connor and Raymond Greyson, Ronnie Anne Lincoln and Lori casagrande , Brian Joseph and Josephine Swift. Hannah lucas and Bella Steel.
Kimberly Towers and Ryan George.
Yes Kimberly?" Ms Connor asked due to the fact that Kimberly was Raising her Hand.

"Yeah um Ms Connor Ryan and I were Partners last year...and It wouldn't be cool if we are patners again....Don't you think so?" Kimberly said.

Ms Connor thought for a while when she cleared her throat and looked back at her paper.

"Um okay, Kimberly Towers and....oh Darrin Sparks." My eyes bulged and my brains turned to Jelly, as I heard Ken wishper a 'what'.

I turned to her, and she was shooting glares at the back of her sisters head before she turned to me with a ....Scared look?.

"Kendall Towers and Ryan George." Ms Connor anounced.

Then Something snapped, Hold on, does that mean that He Will be alone with her in her room or his room... yeah not gonna happen..as much as  I like the idea of Kimberly and I together , I cant stand the idea of my bestie with someone who I know she would not be confortable with which Will cause her grade.

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