FIGHTING FOR HIM: Chapter twelve

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        ***WARNING: Will change povs alot in this Chapter****

      Darrins POV.

I draged my self to my Locker filling like a zombie, After not getting enough sleep because The Whole Family decided to give me an hearful after Aunty CeCe told them what she thought she saw.

"We didn't kiss!" Is what I kept on shouting to them.

I stood in front of my Locker and rub my eyes.

"Darrin you Better know what you are doing, dont let the right girl walk away from you" I remebered what Aunty CeCe said.

"Look,I know what am doing and stop please, Ken and I dont like eachother like that please, I like Kim, why cant you just get it."

"You dont like Ken that way, but she likes you." .


"I know Ken, and If she did have feelings for me, she did tell me" I muttered to myself. I looked right and I saw Ken aroaching her Locker, her CFH wine hoodie covering  half of her face, her black book Bag which Sadie got her for her Seventeenth  Birthday was what gave her away.

I stared as she walked pass me and opened her Locker puting in some books Inside.

And I don't know what got into me as I ran to her and hugged her from behide ,I Shut my eyes tight as she tensed.

"Am so sorry Ken" I wispered.

That when I heard her sniff. I let go and turned her to face me and I roughly removed the Hood , my eyes widden when I saw her Blood shot eyes.

"Ken please" I wishpered as I hugged  her.

"Da-arrin, let go" she said.

"No" I said.

"Stop, you are drawing in a crowd" she said and I let go and turned ,Sure enough half of the nosy student of crownfield high stared at us , some mururing.

And I snapped "what the hell, don't you guys have Lives or things to do" I snapped at them.

Some stared in Shock at my outburst and some gasped.

I was never one to be heard, I was, I am only close with Ken.

Some of the student walked away and I rolled my eyes at the ones who still stayed.

I turned to Ken.

"Can we atlest talk, why don't you want to hear me out Ken?" I asked.

She stared at me." What do you want to say"  I was suprised that she did want to talk.

I held her hands and took her to one of the classroom which was empty as I heard ' Boos' from the student who Wanted to know what I did.

She Sat on the table and folded her Arms .

I stood in front of her and ran my hands through my hair as she gave me the ' well talk' look.

"When the girl told me Mr Alonzo asked to see me, turns out ,Kim wasn't doing Well In class and he asked me  to tutor her, And I said yes, look I did it mainly because of my collage Application , and " I decided it was time to tell Ken everything, I didn't want her to be in the dark anymore.

"And Ken, I like Kim, for a Long time now." I said, her eyes widden as she stared at me and got off the table.

"What?" She asked , I swallowed hard.

"I like her, I don't know how I did ,but I know I like her, since I was sixteen."

Ken stood there looking Hurt, breaking me the more.

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