Siren sea and Montana's fury

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As Nagato shouted at Akagi and Kaga, I notice several things. Akagi seemed gleeful and Kaga seemed anxious about something. Akagi speaks up, "Azur Lane, welcome to Akagi's ocean and your defeat." At this statement, all the Sakura Empire girls tense. I speak up, " I know of Amagi and I want to help you but siding with the Sirens is a bad idea." At this, Kaga speaks up, her words laced with venom "You know nothing, male." I smirk, "Was that supposed to make me cower in fear of you? Because now I just want to prove you wrong." Kaga is and Akagi look startled as I move my ship closer. "I know that the sirens are just using you two to advance their plans at wiping out humanity. And I know that they don't plan on bringing Amagi back. But if you return back to fight against them, I personally will help to bring Amagi back." Both kitsunes look at each other and hesitate, and as they do I catch movement off to my port side. I notice that a flight of zeroes are headed directly for Enterprise. I open up on them with my 5" guns and my 20mm and my 40mm AA guns. All but one are shot down as all the girls in the fleet activate their riggings and Enty jumps onto one of her Dauntlesses. As I'm distracted by the zeroes, Kaga summons another one and does the same thing as Enty and goes to fight Enty. I turn and look towards Akagi when I'm met with the sight of multiple triple mounts of Japanese 35mm anti aircraft mounts sticking out of portals. Akagi smiles gleefully and speaks "My love for my dear Amagi is more powerful than anything that you can offer." The AA mounts open fire on me but do nothing. Akagi stares at me in shock, "That should have hurt you." I smirk and speak up "If you had listened to me the other day, you would have heard me say that I'm stronger and tougher than Yamato and her sister." As I activate my rigging, I hear a boom and look over to my left to see Kaga's Zero ram Enty's Dauntless. As Enty falls toward the water, she shoots at Kaga with an arrow from her bow. "BEL, CATCH ENTY" I shout not paying attention to see if she does. I leap into the air, screaming "You will pay for that, Kaga!!! EAGLES RAGE!!!" The same thing that happened to my riggings against Purifier happens again as I fire all my guns at Kaga, managing to hit her and as she falls I hear Akagi shout, "KAGA!!!" I turn my head to face Akagi, "Now do you know what you're up against? ALL GUNS BLAZING!!!" My riggings open fire so rapidly and violently (A/N: play song above for this) destroying a majority of the siren ships. Akagi looks at me with fear and anger and prepares to attack me when a bright beam of light bursts from the ocean and  blinds everybody. I turn and look to see Enty floating in front of Akagi holding Kaga, who seems to be unconscious. She doesn't speak and her eyes are glowing yellow. I then feel a chill as I notice that the sky is starting to look like ice and there's massive icebergs all around and the sky is cracking and causing portals to open up. Enty drops Kaga towards the water and Belfast glides over to catch her. I hear a thunderous buzzing and notice that Enty has summoned a massive group of dauntlesses and begins to carpet bombing a dodging Akagi. Soon one of the bombs finds its mark and blasts Akagi towards a newly formed portal. I drop like a rock and catch her. I look towards Enty and notice that she's returned to normal, looking very scared. She suddenly faints and begins to fall, Belfast and Hood thinking fast catch her and move towards the rest of the fleet. I land on the water and sail towards the fleet as well. As I get closer, I summon my ship and Belfast and Hood jump aboard carefully to take Enty to a bunk. While Yamato and I carry Kaga and Akagi to my brig to make sure they don't escape. As Yamato and I get back on my ships top deck, we're greeted by the sight of all my girlfriends and the remaining lead ships. QE speaks up, "What are we going to do now? Miss Enterprise seems to have gained something similar to your power up, Montana." I nod while pondering how to revive Amagi. I stop thinking about reviving Amagi and focus on the more prevalent matter. I think for a minute and speak up "When Enty wakes up I'll talk with her. She'll probably be scared after that." The ladies nod their heads and Nagato speaks " What should we do about the 1st carrier division?" I pause to think, "The sirens will probably try to get Akagi and the black cube back. But if they were watching this fight, they now that Enty and I can easily be a problem. So they'll also try to take us out." At that the girls nod and I catch movement on one of the icebergs. Traversing my turrets, I tell the ladies, "Get down or get to your ships. We got company" I see two sirens on that looks like a little girl with tall, black ears and a bunch of tentacles and an older one that has a rigging that looks like some sort of stingray.

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The one with tentacles speaks up "So you're the new ship, it'll be fun to watch you die trying to defeat us" I grimace and entire fleet aims their guns at the sirens

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The one with tentacles speaks up "So you're the new ship, it'll be fun to watch you die trying to defeat us" I grimace and entire fleet aims their guns at the sirens. I speak up, "I already killed one siren who said something similar. FIRE!!!" All my main turrets and all my secondaries that are pointed at them open up and when the smoke clears I notice that the older one looks hurt and is glaring at me as she fires. Her lasers hit me but do no damage aside from scratching my ships paint. At that the entire fleet opens up on them. Suddenly over the noise I hear the two kitsunes in my brig shouting. The squid siren speaks to the other one "Tester, get Akagi, leave the other one." The siren named Tester nods and heads towards me, as she gets close enough to pass me, I draw my sword and slice at her without looking. There's a squelch and several thumps and I glance over to see that I beheaded Tester. The squid looks at me with shock, "What are you?" I smirk, "Two down, the rest of you will follow them. Release Amagi's spirit." She smirks "I don't think so, why would I give up the leverage I have to force Akagi to build Orochi?" I growl and get ready to activate my rigging. Suddenly there's a hand on my shoulder and as I turn and look, I'm shocked to see Enty shaking her head. I stand down and as I look back I notice that the squid siren is gone. I turn and speak to the rest of the fleet. "Let's head back, I want to question the kitsunes.

Next chapter: Questioning the foxes and research

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