Meeting Sakura Empire

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As the alarms go off I watch the approaching fleet, I notice three battleships, four carriers, two cruisers and one destroyer. Hearing footsteps behind me, I turn and see my girlfriends along with QE and the High Ships. QE speaks, "It looks as if they've come to parlay with us or at least you, Montana." I nod "I believe you're right, Your Majesty." I turn and look at the approaching fleet and I pull out my phone and press play as a song plays over my PA system. (A/N play the song above). I turn and look at the girls on my deck, "I'm heading out to greet them." All the girls nod and jump onto the dock as my ship and I move forward. As I get closer to the fleet I spot Atago and Takao as Takao spots me and she blushes and waves shyly before getting yelled at by a white haired girl that has nine tails. From what I was told, her name is Kaga. I turn my ship hard to starboard as my main gun batteries rotate to give a full broadside on my port side.

(A/N play from 1:06 to 1:20 to get the effect but with out dropping the anchor)

As I do this, I stand on one of my masts with my arms crossed. I look at the first ship which has a elegantly dressed girl standing in front of the forward turret. I look and notice a majority of the girls are staring at me in shock. I shout "I presume that you are Lady Nagato, the leader of Sakura Empire?" She looks at me and replies, "Yes I am and I'm guessing you are Montana?" I nod and jump off my mast and landing in a kneeling position just in time to dodge a katana strike from a black haired girl. Drawing my saber, I place it on the ground. "I did not come here to fight only to talk but if I'm attacked know this, none of you will escape unscathed. Takao and her sister can attest to that." All the girls pale as my guns lower from max elevation to point directly at them. Nagato is the first to speak, "Who exactly are you, Montana?" I smile, as I speak "I'm the first and last of the Montana-class of super battleships. I was designed to take on the Yamato class of battleships and come out on top. My armor is thicker than theirs and my main guns are 18.5in guns in four mounts of three." At this, two ships pale more than the rest. I look directly at them, smirking, "Yamato and Musashi, I presume?" Both nod not willing to speak. I look at the rest of the ships and address Nagato, "Does the name Operation Crossroads ring any bells?" Nagato pales, and two girls prepare to launch flames at me. I turn to them, "Ah, the First carrier division Kaga and Akagi, does Midway ring any bells?" They immediately pale and stand down. Smirking, I look back at Nagato, "If you don't cease work on your little project Orochi, there will be many Operation Crossroads type explosions across the world, what ever your reasoning for aligning with the Sirens, it will only further their plans to end humanity. So I give you this ultimatum, rejoin Azure Lane or be destroyed by me or by the Sirens. The choice is yours. Make the right one." As I turn to talk to Yamato, I catch Akagi staring at me with anger and lust. I smirk and wink at her. She grows red and storms off. I look at Yamato, "How's feel being the floating hotel again? I guarantee i saw more combat durning my seven months of combat than you did your entire life." At this she starts to get mad, shouting "I'm the strongest battleship on the seas, not you!!" I smirk and look at her as I  speak, "Tell me then, how is it that I took on Bismarck and Fredrich Der Grosse and emerged with out a major injury, yet you're scared of the sound of airplanes." At this all the girls seem to pause as I verbally batter Yamato. I turn to the rest "Let me tell you something, Project Orochi is just a ploy so the Sirens can get a super weapon and to divide us. If you rejoin Azur Lane, there will be competitions between factions to see who's the strongest." At this I pick up my saber and sheath it, I turn back and catch Takao's eye and blow her a small kiss, to which she immediately faints. I smile and leap back to my ship. And press play on my phone and a song starts playing over my PA system.

Turning to look at the Sakura Empire fleet, I speak, "Heed my warning, the Sirens only want one thing, and are willing to use whatever means to get it." At that my guns go back to their stowed positions, and I sail back towards the harbor. I look back and see the Sakura Empire ships following me except for Kaga and Akagi. I jump of my ship as it pulls up to the dock. Hearing several thumps behind me, I see that Takao, Atago, Yamato, Musashi and two girls, one of which is the one that swung her sword at me earlier. Cracking my neck, I look towards Nagato as she disembarks. She speaks, "I am here to speak more with you and Queen Elizabeth." I nod and as I turn on my heels, I hear one of the carriers speak up, "Don't turn your back on Lady Nagato." I turn and summon one of my 5" guns and point it at her, "You're on my home turf. I have the advantage here. Any of you attack my friends or I, it will be considered an act of war, and you will be eliminated." At that the Sakura Empire girls pale, except for Nagato. "It makes sense. You're from a different place and you know of what happened to pretty much all of the girls and ladies you interact with." I nod, and she follows behind me. Approaching us is QE, Hood, Enterprise,Belfast and my sisters.QE speaks up "Ah, Lady Nagato, it's good to see you're looking well." Nagato responds "As are you, Your Majesty. I'm here because Montana mentioned that the Sirens are just using us to further their plans at wiping out humanity." QE nods "Yes barely a day here and he had already figured it out." I speak up, "I also deduced that Observer is using the promise to bring back Amagi to trick Akagi and Kaga into doing her dirty work." Both Nagato and QE look at me in surprise. "I see why Takao fell for you" speaks Nagato. I look at Takao as she turns red and I smile. "That's one reason, Lady Nagato. Your Majesty, I did suggest something earlier to Lady Nagato." QE responds "And what would that be?" "A series of competitions between all four camps with each camp sending one ship of each class to compete to see who the best ship in that class is." QE nods in agreement, and Lady Nagato speaks up "I agree, but who will talk to Lady Bismarck and Lady FDG about it?" I speak with out thinking "I will. According to FDG, I made an impact on Bismarck, and I might have made an impact on FDG too." Both leaders nod, and I notice that the kitsune aircraft carriers weren't there. "Excuse me,Lady Nagato, where are the other two aircraft carriers that came with you?" She looks around, surprised and nervous, "They must have headed back to our base to warn the Sirens about you." I groan, "Well fuck, if we're to get all four camps together, I need to head to Ironblood's camp immediately." With that I sprint off to my ship only to spot another fleet approaching in the distance. As with when Nagato and her escorts arrived, alarms begin to blare as I think to myself *Well that makes it a little easier.*

Next chapter Meeting with Ironblood

Rise of a Legend (Male Superbattleship OC x Azur Lane)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang