Rescue Operation pt 2 and Confession

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A/N: play the song above for this, and the saber I'm giving him hides inside the left side hull when his gear is active.

As I move away from Bismarck and the other Ironblood ships, I use my scout plane to locate Cleveland and Belfast. They're on the other side of a massive pile of rubble facing two Sakura Empire heavy cruisers. Aiming my Charlie and Delta turrets downwards I jump, firing one complete salvo from them to give me a boost. As I hit the peak of my jump, I target the one that doesn't have any visible ears. As I come down, I raise my fist going for a strike to the top of her head. I shout "HAMMER STRIKE!!!" and as all 4 girls look up, I come down, striking my target squarely on the forehead. I land in a kneeling position, as my target reels backwards and the other one cries out, "Takao, are you alright?" As I stand, I look over my shoulder towards Belfast and Cleveland, "Are you two okay?" Both girls nod in confirmation, while getting into combat stances. I look back just in time to see the other girl that I didn't hit lunging at me. I bring my secondaries to bear and fire a salvo. She expertly deflects them with her sword. I smile, "Looks like I got a fight with a heavy cruiser. Tell me, will you go down like the last one I fought in my world?" She stops short when she hears my voice. "You're a male???" I smile and nod, "USS Montana super battleship, at your service." She backs up a few paces, "I...I didn't expect to be fighting a ship like you." I shrug "what can I say, I'm the unexpected." And I bring all 4 of my turrets to bear. "Now tell me something, what is going on with the Sakura Empire? Why is akagi working with the sirens? And Where is Yamato?" She pales and says "Sirens... I thought we were only using mass production replicas of their ships. And Yamato has been ordered to stay out of combat, Lady Nagato deems her to valuable to be used in minor combat like this." I start laughing, " So she still earns her nickname of floating hotel!!! Tell you what, take your sister, let us go and then go tell Yamato and Nagato that Montana says hi. Or you can fight me, but I guarantee that it'll be a one sided fight in my favor." She pales, as her sister is waking up. "Atago, I feel weird, one moment we have the upper hand against Belfast and Cleveland, the next thing I remember is someone shouting something and then getting a fist to my forehead from above." I smile and wave, "That would have been me. Sorry, I hate having to hurt someone as beautiful as you. But it was necessary to save my friends." Takao looks me up and down then blushes. "You think I'm beautiful?" I nod and look over at Belfast and Cleveland, "Go find Sheffield and Edinburg, I'll cover you and take these two ladies on." Both girls nod and move away. Atago grins, "We have you outnumbered now." I smile and light a cigarette, "You might have me outnumbered, but I have you outgunned. I have 20 5" guns and 12 18.5" guns. Plus heavy armor. And as the beautiful Takao" as I wink at her "has realized,I punch like a wrecking ball. But if you charging at me with swords I guess now's a good time as any to use this" is I pull out my naval saber from my left hull.
A/N play this song now

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