Final confessions and attack pt 1

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A few days after Lil Bel's birth I'm working in my office when I hear several voices with one being very loud. "I don't care if he iz your boyfriend schwester, he haz not fulfilled hiz deal vith Tirpitz und I!" Suddenly my door is slammed open and Admiral Hipper storms in with Prinz Eugen walking in behind her with a look of nervousness. "What can I do for you Hipper?" She stands in front of my desk and huffs, "Have zu forgotten you promise zu Tirpitz und I from ze other day?" I shake my head, "No Hipper I have not but I've been busy, you should know that I'm dealing with being a father now along with being the commander. But I guess I need to pay the debt I owe you and Tirpitz." She nods and storms out, speaking as she goes "Zu better be at ze hall ven I get zere vith Tirpitz." I stand "Of course I will." As she disappears, I sigh and Eugen speaks "Vats vong, Meine Liebe?" I look at her "The subs are reporting that the sirens are on the move but they don't know where they're going, so as of now I'm increasing the amount of girls on patrol around the base." She nods and I pull her into a quick hug and peck her on the lips. She tries to get a bigger kiss but remembers that I need to prevent Hipper from blowing up. "Vell it can't be helped about ze pesky Sirens, anyways zu zould probably go zu prevent mien schwester from flaying zu alive." I nod and head out. As I head out I see Belfast teaching Lil bel how to make tea. Lil Bel is serving the results to Laffey, Javelin, Ayanami and Z23, the main four as they're called. Lil Bel sees me and runs over " PAPA!!" She ends up tackling my legs in a hug as the main four and Belfast awe at the display of cuteness. I pick my daughter up, "Are you behaving for your momma, princess?" She shakes her head, "Yes papa, I'm also learning so much from mama. She says that one day I'll be able to help you with your work." I kiss her forehead, "I can't wait to have you helping me. Now go back to your momma, papa has to go fulfill a promise." She nods and gives me a quick hug and runs back to Belfast. Belfast waves and blows a kiss towards me. I blow one back and continue my walk towards the Ironblood section.

Timeskip btyb Monty playing dress up and tea party with lil bel

I arrive at the beer hall just as Bissy arrives with Tirpitz, Eugen and Hipper. I give Bissy and Eugen both a hug and a kiss. "I didn't know that you two would be here." Bissy speaks up "Ve're not, ve vere only valking vith our schwesters. Zis iz zer day, alzough I believe mein schwester vants zu talk vith zu." At this she nods to Tirpitz and walks towards the Ironblood headquarters. Eugen gives me a hug "I can't vait vor our little von vhen ve have her." At this I blush and she smirks and walks away following Bissy. I look at Tirpitz and Hipper, "Well, shall we enter ladies?" Tirpitz answers "Ja, und zu are paying." I open the door and let them pass, "Naturally I am." As I enter, I notice two ship girls inside the door. They stand at attention and shout "Atchung Kommandant on deck!!" I then notice the other girls in the hall standing at attention. I wave my hand "Carry on" they all sit and I turn to the two ships. "I don't believe we've met but you obviously know who I am." The one on the right of the door who appears to be missing an eye "I am ze pocket schlagschiff Scharnhorst of ze Scharnhorst class"

" The one on the right of the door who appears to be missing an eye "I am ze pocket schlagschiff Scharnhorst of ze Scharnhorst class"

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And the one on the left of the door stands up, "I am ze zecond schlagschiff of ze Scharnhorst class, Gneisenau, Kommandant."


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