Attack pt 2 and Arrival

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As Bel, NC and I sprint to my office, I hear the sounds of combat. Shouting to Bel and NC "Forget going to the office, Bel get me that dark cube so I can destroy it, NC, let's go fight" Bel nods and runs off towards the armory as NC and I run towards the fight. Leaping over a knocked down vending stall I see that the sirens are attempting to enter the harbor and there's a large ship with them, that looks like mine. Doing a quick look around I see that the cruisers, and some of the older destroyers are forming an outer perimeter for the battleships and carriers. Moving forward even faster now, I get spotted by Javelin who shouts "The commander is here!!!" I shout "Keep the formations tight and support each other, let's move out onto the water and give those sirens a fight!!!" I summon my rigging and charge forward as Bissy, Enty, Hood, Yamato and the rest of my harem and the fleet follow. The copy of my ship moves to fire on us with its main guns. I leap up and fire a full barrage at it, causing multiple hits. Through the smoke I spot a figure who looks like she's bound by chains. Landing back beside Enty, I speak "It looks like the sirens are holding that ship captive and forcing her to fight. I'll see if I can free her." Enty gives me a quick kiss, "Be safe" I nod, "I'll try." I feel a tap on my shoulder and Bel hands me the dark wisdom cube, I put it inside a storage pouch on my belt. Bel and Enty move off to provide covering fire as I move toward the copy of my ship. I manage to destroy some siren ships as I reach the hull of my target. I leap up and find myself face to face with the tentacles of Observer. "Hello again Montana, it seems that we've caught your attention with your sister." I stumble back a little, "My sister? I was the only one built, Ohio and Louisiana weren't built because of the Essex and Midway class carriers." Observer smirks "Well maybe if you surrender and give us the cube, we'll let her live." I smirk and bring out the cube, "How can I trust you when in fact this is the Orochi disguised as a Montana class battleship and Ohio is just the form that the spirit of Orochi has taken on." At this Observer lashes at the cube with one of her tentacles, which I counter with a sword slice, cutting it off. As she looks at me and the remaining part of her tentacle, Observer speaks "Give it back and we won't kill your precious little daughter." Suddenly a Purifier clone appears holding frightened Lil Bel. "Papa help, I'm scared." As I look at her, I hear Belfast shout "Monty save her!!!" I hold out the cube and as Observer reaches for it I throw it into the air and fire a 5" round into it while firing another one into the purifier clone's head and then dive and catch Lil Bel. I hear the shattering of the cube and Observer's screech "No you diseased male, you've ruined my test." Holding a crying Lil Bel to my chest I aim my turrets at Observer and speak "Whatever your plans were for my daughter I won't let you follow them through, you are standing on the ground of your defeat." She starts chuckling "The same words can be used against you...OHIO KILL YOUR BROTHER" at this the chained girl breaks free and activates her rigging. I land on the water still holding my princess, as Belfast pretty much teleports over to us. I hand her our daughter "Get her away from here, and have the other prepare for combat against my puppet of a sister." As Ohio aims her guns at Belfast's retreating form and prepares to fire, I aim all my guns at Ohio and fire, "Your fight is with me not them!!!" She snarls and speaks in a distorted voice "Look at how far you've" she says the word brother with venom. I draw my saber and ready my riggings. Orochi/Ohio does the same Observer floats over us, chuckling "Well this should be interesting because you're both evenly matched." I set into a defensive stance and Orochi/Ohio launches and fires her riggings. I tank the rounds, and parry her sword. I knee her in the gut and slash at her neck, as she falls to her knees. She blocks my slash and try's to kick me down but I catch her leg and break it. Shouting as I hold her "OROCHI HEAR ME!!!RELEASE THIS INNOCENT SPIRIT!!!!" Orochi/Ohio laughs, "Why should I? She's the perfect host. The perfect combination of speed, armor and armament." I break her other leg "I'll keep breaking limbs until I get to your neck!!!" Observer starts to laugh again, "Silly male, Ohio can't hear you because she's becoming one with Orochi and so will you and the rest of your friends and family!!!" She continues to laugh but suddenly there's the scream of several diving planes that seem like they're on fire. One hits Observer in the back, sending her crashing into the water and the second two crash into Orochi/Ohio's face, slightly singeing my face. I let go of my corrupted sister and she claws her way towards Observer as I scan around looking for the carrier that launched the planes. From my rear I hear Akagi speak "Great, Akagi's rival for Monty-Sama's love is here." I then hear "Who dares hurt Monty-sama before he can give me children?" At this my harem looks at me and then towards the voice. Emerging from the smoke is a woman who could give Zeppy and a few of my big breasted girlfriends a run for their money size wise.

Observer floats up, with Orochi/Ohio wrapped up in her tentacles, "Impossible she wasn't supposed to arrive til later

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Observer floats up, with Orochi/Ohio wrapped up in her tentacles, "Impossible she wasn't supposed to arrive til later. How did she get here so fast. doesn't matter." She turns and looks at me "We will be back and you all will fall!!!" I aim my guns at her and prepare to fire but as I do, a portal opens up and swallows them all up. I stand there for a few minutes before collapsing to my knees from exhaustion. I hear my name being called and as I look up, I'm struck by a tiny white blur who could only be my princess. I wrap my arms around Lil Bel, who looks up at me with tears in her eyes "Papa, are you okay?" I stand up holding her closely "Yes my little angel, it's just a little shocking seeing your aunty Ohio being used for evil." She looks sad "Will you have to destroy Aunty Ohio?" I look up towards Belfast who nods at my nonverbal question. "Yes, princess, I have to destroy Aunty Ohio, she wouldn't be herself if we freed her from the bad guy clutches." She nods and snuggles into my chest, "I hope she knows you're going to do it for her safety." I rub her back "Me too angel, me too." I hand Lil bel back to Belfast as we head back to shore. When we get there, I notice Akagi standing bust to bust with the new carrier, shouting angrily at her "MONTY SAMA IS ALREADY TAKEN YOU BIG BREASTED CLINGY FIRE CHICKEN,SO LEAVE HIM ALONE!!"

(A/N: like this but less lewd and more angry fire chicken and fox carrier)I speak up "AKAGI, TAIHOU KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Both carriers jump and Akagi's ears go down "Akagi so sorry Monty sama, her jealousy got the better of her

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(A/N: like this but less lewd and more angry fire chicken and fox carrier)
I speak up "AKAGI, TAIHOU KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Both carriers jump and Akagi's ears go down "Akagi so sorry Monty sama, her jealousy got the better of her." I nod and give her a head pat. "It's fine for now but I will not tolerate anymore. We can all agree that this fight rattled our nerves especially Belfast's and mine." I look towards Taihou "Welcome to Azur Lane, Phoenix carrier Taihou. Amagi will give you the rundown of how the base works and all the other stuff like that." She nods and gets closer "I heard from a little kitty that you have a harem. Would be possible for me to join?" I smile and think 'I'm going to kill Akashi!' I speak to Taihou, "I don't think that would be a good idea. It would not make Akagi,Roon or Eugen happy with me." She looks sad, but smiles quickly, "Then maybe I can be the friend that drives you silly every so often." I nod, "Just don't do it around Lil Bel or any of my future kids." She nods and walks over to Amagi and they head off. I turn to Belfast, "Bel what's our status report?" She speaks up still holding a sleeping Lil bel, "Well a lot of the girls are suffering from minor injuries and fatigue. Building wise, there weren't many buildings hit, a few small stores and stalls that can be rebuilt." I nod and head towards my house. "Bel, inform the rest of the harem and the fleet, that I'm going to sleep and don't want to be bothered unless it's an emergency." She nods, "Are you okay mentally, Monty?" I look over my shoulder at her, "No, Bel, I'm not, I had to tell my daughter that I have to kill her aunt from my side. I'm trying to get over that." I kiss both Bel and Lil bel on their foreheads, "I'll see you when I wake up." She nods and heads towards the maids office as I head back towards my house.

Next chapter: Nuke and Hoody

Rise of a Legend (Male Superbattleship OC x Azur Lane)Where stories live. Discover now