Funny thing

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Hey Montana

What do you want Author-san?

Want to know something?

What's that?

One of your sisters and a light cruiser are named after my home state and city

Which sister?

Here's a hint, she's a post Washington naval treaty battleship, she was one of the first fast battleships with 16" guns and you met her in the first chapter.

You're from North Carolina?

Yep, so in a sense, I'm your nephew along with being a god.

That's just weird!!

*snaps fingers* Let's ask her opinion

No don't!!! That'll make this even weirder

*teleports North Carolina in* Hello North Carolina

Umm Monty what's going on and who is he?

This is Author-san, and he has some weird news

What's that, Author-san?

You're named after my home state. And the light cruiser Raleigh is named after the city I was born in.

Monty, you were right, that's weird. But at least he seems nice.

Thanks, now for the weirdness. Since I'm a North Carolinian, would that make me your son?

Whaaaaaaa........ ew no....I....I don't know? Maybe?

Great now you've gotten her confused, Author-san.

Mission accomplished, though I better skedaddle before Taihou senses me

*the fourth wall shatters* there you are, Author-sama!!! Come give me a hug and a child!!!

HELL NO!!! Get away from me you big breasted, clingy, obsessive, flaming chicken!!! *teleports away after fixing the fourth wall*

But I love you!!

*speaking from nowhere* I'll send you'll back now

Before you do, I have something to say!

What's that?

Readers from America, remember that this weekend is long because of the men and women who laid their lives down in the name of freedom. You should never forget the price of freedom. Many American families don't because one of their loved ones paid the ultimate price for it. May God bless you and please keep the gold star families of America in your thoughts

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