Introduction of the Sisters and Her Majesty

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A/N: I gave some of the girls the voices associated with the states they're named after. And I'm going to try introduce them by class going from closet to furthest.

I'm in a room with all the battleships from Eagle Union, including NC. She points out different girls and names each one. The one that looked like a Native American is South Dakota. One with short brown hair came up and introduced herself "Greetings, I'm Indiana, it's nice to have a big little brother" As she walks away I notice that she has a northen accent. The next girl looks like a twin of South Dakota but with white hair and a southern accent. "Hi little bro, I'm Alabama, call me Bama, don't do anything stupid with out me!!" She walks off with a grin. Another girl walks up to me, she looks almost exactly the same as Bama and SD, she speaks with a New England accent "I'm Massachusetts, the third of the SD sisters, you're just as big as the state you're named after!!" She walks off, after her is NC and another girl. NC speaks "You already know me but here's my sister Washington" Washington speaks and her voice sounds smooth as silk "Welcome to the family, lil' brother" as she hugs me and forcing my face into her bountiful bosom. I jump back, blushing heavily, speaking to them all "I may be your little brother but I'm the biggest one here, don't try to do any weird sexual shit to me!!" All of them look a little sad but I cheer them up immediately, " I will take and give hug but no shoving my face into your breasts!!" After Washington and NC, are two girls in similar uniforms, the first one introduces herself "I'm Pennsylvania, is nice to see a fine specimen of a warship" she gives me a hug and the next girl walks up, "I'm Arizona, may I ask what happened to me in your world?" I look down at my boots, then back up at her with tears in my eyes, "You were sunk during a surprise attack by my world's Sakura empire, on December 7 1941" She gets a few tears in her eyes and we hug for a solid minute, I look her in the eyes "I promise it won't happen here!! I'm just happy that I finally get to see you whole." She kisses my cheek, "it's good to finally meet you, little brother" she walks off. After her, remaining girls walk up, the first two look like they're wearing buckskin clothes "I'm Oklahoma, I have the same question as Arizona" again I start to get sad, "In the same attack that sunk Arizona, you were sunk, you keeled over, trapping over 400 of your crew inside. Only a few made it out." She's silent as she processes the information. I walk up to her and give her a hug. "I...I know everybody's fates some are good, others aren't, I will bear your pain, that way you don't." She comforted by this and walks over to Arizona. The next girl walks up "I'm Nevada, I don't go anywhere with out Oklahoma, was I present at this attack" I nod "You were, but thanks to your commander's quick thinking he beached you that way you wouldn't sink thus making it possible for you to be able to participate in the war." She looks at me and asks "what did I accomplish during the war?" I speak "You supported the invasion of the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, you also supported the landings at Utah and Omaha beaches in Normandy, France along side Laffey." She nods and walks over to Oklahoma. The next 5 look similar only with different accents and hair colors, the first one walks up to me "I'm Colorado, I hope you're as strong as you look, lil' bro" as she walks off the next girl walks up, she has dark red hair, she looks me up and down, "I'm Maryland, hope you like crab legs. Though I'm kinda sad that you said no sexual stuff is to happen to you, because you are fine. I hope I get a sister in-law or a few soon!!" She winks at me and walks off. My next sister looks like a mix between Colorado and Maryland, " I'm West Virginia, can you tell me if I made it out of that attack" I look at her " You sank in shallow water after several torpedo strikes, but you were refloated and repaired over a few years." She looks at me and says "did you ever get revenge for us?" I smirk "I helped sink several escort carriers that were involved in the attack." She nods and walks off, my next sister walks up to me and gives me a hug, "I'm California, I hope you like to party." I nod "I'm not too fond of crowds as you saw when I got here." She nods and says "Looks like big sis Cali has to help you get over that!!" As she walks away, my last sister saunters up, "I'm Tennessee, I hope you got good aim" I summon my gear and select a single five inch gun, I walk over to a window and look out at the water, and spot a shark chasing a destroyer at about 3000 meters, looking back Tennessee, "see the shark out there?" She nods in confirmation, and I say "Boom!" As my gun goes off, the shark is blown out of the water with a hole in it. I look back at Tennessee, smirking "Happy?" She nods "Very welcome to the family." As my newly found sisters leave, NC stays behind, "Well how'd it feel to meet the family?" I smile somberly, "it's nice to see some of them that were gone before I entered service. But I have a feeling that I'm not done with introductions today." NC nods, "I imagine you'll have to meet the Queen sometime today." I nod and go outside and pull out a pack of cigarettes , NC looks at me in shock, "YOU SMOKE??" I look at her as some of our sisters who are nearby look at me with looks varying from shock to anger to confusion. I light one up and take a puff, "I mean if we engage smokescreen, doesn't that mean we all smoke?" NC scratches her head, "now you've confused me." Grinning, I say after a puff "Nevermind, looks like we're about have company" pointing towards two very finely dressed girls approaching. NC tries to smack the cigarette out of my mouth. "HEY LET ME FINISH IT!!!" I shout. As the other two girls approach, I finish my cigarette. Brushing the ash off my jacket, I look at the two ladies, "I'm guessing you're here to take me to Her Majesty?" One of the ladies who has a shoulder cape like piece of clothing that looks like the British flag of my world, speaks "Indeed,you are just as smart as Belfast said you are." I bow, "thank you, though I don't know either of your names." The first girl, giggles, which is cute, "My mistake, I'm Hood...." "You mean you're the Hood that took on the Bismarck?" "Wait you've heard of me?" " Yes but I'd rather not discuss the outcome of the battle you had with Bismarck." "Please tell me, I want to know" she gives me puppy dog eyes. "Lady Hood, on May 24, 1941, in my world, you and the battleship Prince of Wales" At this I notice the other girl become fully interested in the story. "engaged the Bismarck and the Prinz Eugen, the Bismarck managed to hit one of your magazines, it ignited and blew up, you sank with all but three of your crew." Lady Hood looks at me, smiling, "at least I didn't go down with out a fight." I smile back, "indeed, Lady Hood, but I believe you're leaving your friend out of the conversation, and by the way she's looking at us, she's not happy." "Ah yes, thank you for reminding me." I looking at the other lady, who is dressed in a royal like uniform. "Judging by the look you gave me when I said Prince of Wales, I'm guessing that you?" "Belfast wasn't lying you're smart." "I'm just trying to get my bearings here. So learning to put names to ships of my allies and enemies is important" I look at my watch, and bring up the time. "Lady Hood, I believe that we have an appointment with Her Majesty and it would be improper to keep her waiting." "Ah, you are correct, Lady Carolina, I've been told to invite you to come along if you so please." I look over at NC, with a pleading look in my eyes, "pweeettty pwease, for your baby bro?" At that Hood, NC and PoW (A/N: I will be abbreviating the longer ship names) start laughing. I start laughing too, "I'm sorry, I guess I wanted to try to be funny." NC, still chuckling "Miss Hood, I'd be honored to attend." Lady Hood smiles "excellent, I believe we should Mister Montana's suggestion and meet up with Her Majesty" as she and PoW start walking towards the Royal Navy side of the base.

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