The Box

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A/N: There will be one more confession in this chapter and Montana will be getting a friend

As the fleet returns to base, I come out of my bridge to see that QE, Hood and the rest of the High ships are there along with a vampiric looking girl. As I disembark, several girls approach me including Hood, South Dakota, North Carolina, Washington, Arizona and Pennsylvania. My 5 sisters look mad, as they get closer I hold up my hand. "Don't yell at me, Bama already did that." They calm down but Hood seems sad, then QE speaks "Montana, we were informed that you not only took on Bismarck, but the two Sakura Empire heavy cruisers Takao and Atago plus Fredrich Der Grosse. Why was that?" I nod and speak, "Your Majesty, I fought the cruisers because they had Belfast and Cleveland pinned down in a stalemate and the fight with FDG was completely unavoidable, I did not spot her until she fired upon me after my fight with the cruisers. I would have followed Belfast and Cleveland but they needed cover so they could withdraw and link up with Sheffield and Edinburg. I had planned to end the fight with Atago and Takao and follow Belfast and Cleveland but FDG engaged me after finding out about me from Bismarck. She decided to test me and we slugged it out for a bit before I was able to disengage. I do believe that I might have persuaded Ironblood to rethink their alliance but with yours and Enterprise's permission, I'd like to sail to the Sakura Empire base and talk to Lady Nagato about what is going on." At this several of the girls look concerned but none more than Enterprise, Belfast, my sisters and Hood for some reason. QE thinks for a bit, then speaks, "I don't think that's a good idea, perhaps if Takao and/or Atago tell Lady Nagato about you and what you said to them, she will seek you out personally." I nod saying "Also it would have given me a chance to size up or intimidate Yamato or any other ship girls that want to pick a fight with me." At this my sisters start grinning and QE chuckles, "Not only are you masterful of physical warfare but mental warfare as well." I nod and bow, "With all respect, Your Majesty, I'd like to get some food and sleep. I did take some minor damage from my fights and I'm starting to come off my adrenaline rush." As QE nods she and the rest of the High ships leave except for Hood, who heads to talk to Enterprise and Belfast. As I turn to head towards the chow hall, I hear my name being called. I turn and see Hood walking towards me, "Montana, please wait, I'd like to talk with you." I nod and respond "As you wish, Lady Hood." She blushes, "Just call me Hood." I nod "As you wish." As we walk towards the chow hall, she starts to fidget with her sleeves. "Is there something on you mind?" I ask her. Se blushes briefly and turns to look at me "When I heard you went to fight Bismarck, I was worried about you, but when I heard that you made it out and were able to cover for Belfast and Lady Cleveland, it went away. But once I found out about you facing FDG, I was afraid that I....I wouldn't be able to tell you that...." At this, she embraces me and looks into my eyes and says "I love you, Montana. You embody the ideal Knight of the olden times with your kind words, actions and your willingness to resolve conflict without violence." At this she kisses me on the lips as I stand there in shock. "Hood, I'm surprised, and I'm guessing that you talked with Enterprise and Belfast about sharing me?" She nods and I kiss her back. "I will fight on for all three of you. I may be new to the emotion of love but I hope you and the others can help me understand these new feeling." As I say this I hear someone clearing their throat and both Hood and I look up to see Enterprise, Belfast and all my sisters. "Well crud!!!" I say as my sisters look on with glee. Maryland is the first to speak, "Well damn, I expected Enterprise and Belfast but a High ship, and Miss Hood to be exact, you have a good eye, lil bro." I blush and my girlfriends and sisters laugh. Washington walks up to Hood and gives her a hug, "Welcome to the family. When's the wedding?" At that Hood, Belfast, Enterprise and I blush. I speak up "I don't think it's time for that yet, Washington. I might be getting at least 3 more." Everyone looks at me, and California speaks "What do you mean?" I grin sheepishly and scratch the back of my head, "Well I might have charmed Takao, Bismarck and FDG." They all look at me, and Nevada shouts "WHAT!?!?!" I grin and say, "Like Maryland said, I have a good eye and plus, all three show the determination to get better especially Takao." My sisters nod and walk away after congratulating and welcoming my girlfriends. I stretch and yawn, "And now I know what a lot of my sailors were talking about when they talked about their different ways of getting girls." At that I get bonked on the head courtesy of Enterprise. "Baka, you need to lay off your charming personality or you'll have to deal with entire fleets of girls chasing after you." I grin and as I'm about to speak I notice two birds watching us from a nearby tree. I point them out to the girls, "We're being watched by a pair of birds." All three look at the birds as I realize one is a bald eagle but the other I don't recognize. Enterprise says, "The bald eagle is mine, his name is Concord but I don't recognize the other." As she speaks she holds up her arm and both birds fly towards us and land on my shoulders. I look at the other bird and notice that it's a male and is slightly larger than Concord. I look at the girls, "I think Concord's friend is a Golden Eagle, according to what I heard from my CO during my time in my world, he's a common bird in my namesake state and is the bigger cousin of the bald eagle." All three look at me in awe. Enterprise speaks up, "Concord doesn't really like new people, he only rests on my shoulders or my older sister's,...." "Yorktown, CV-5 also known as the Fighting Lady." "Would you quit doing that!!!" I shrug which disturbs Concord enough that he flies over to roost on Enterprise's shoulder while the Golden Eagle just shuffles his feet in order to maintain his balance. I look at his feet and see that they're black, and I'm reminded of one of my old sailors who was from my namesake and a member of a Blackfoot tribe. "I'll call you Blackfoot." He looks at me and pecks my head. Turning to my girlfriends,"Ow, I don't know about y'all but I'm famished. Let's go eat." As we head inside, I notice my sisters are there. Belfast, Hood, Enterprise and I grab our food as Nevada notices Blackfoot, "I see you made a friend." I smile, "Yep, meet Blackfoot, a Golden Eagle", she nods and gets a plate with some uncooked meat, "For him and Concord." Enterprise and I nod our thanks and we head to a table in the midst of my sisters, who are all looking at Blackfoot. Massachusetts speaks up,  "Um, Monty, do you..." "Yes I know about him, and his name is Blackfoot. He's named after a Native American tribe that lives in my namesake state." She nods and goes back to eating. As I sit down and start cutting my food, Blackfoot steals the piece of meat off my fork. "HEY!!! This is mine, the stuff on the plate is yours and Concords." As I say this, he hops of my shoulder and picks up a piece of meat as Concord does the same. Hood speaks up, " Do you think Lady Nagato will seek you out to talk about what's going on?" I shrug, "I don't know. But since I was able to talk to the lead ship and the queen mother of Ironblood, we might have a new alliance forming." After we finish eating, I kiss Hood, Belfast and Enterprise and head to my barracks with Blackfoot flying overhead. As I approach my barracks, I hear rustling in a bush and angry muttering. Activating my gear I point my guns at the bush, "Show yourself or prepare to be fired on." As I finish speaking Ark Royal steps out of the bush. Looking at her, I speak "Why are you following me?" She gets as close as she can due to the fact that I'm bristling with guns, "Why do those whores get you but I don't?" I mentally groan at her tenacity to trying to make me hers. "Don't call my girlfriends whores. And why would I want a yandere?" She looks kinda hurt at my comment. "Tell you what, how about if you stop being weird around me, I'll think about it but in the meantime, how about we're just friends." At this she brightens up and tackles me in a hug, "Okay Montana." As she leaves, Blackfoot chirps at me from the roof of my barracks. "Okay buddy lets get some sleep." As I deactivate my gear and head inside, I still feel as if I'm being watched, I shrug it of and change into a T-shirt and a pair of shorts.

TIMESKIP btb Montana cuddling with his girlfriends

In the morning I do my pt and head to chow, linking up with my girlfriends. Hood mentions, "There's a brief about the item that Sheffield and Edinburg recovered the other day. It's being held in PoW office in an hour." I nod, " I'm guessing all of us need to be there?" Hood nods and as we finish up and head outside, I spot Blackfoot dive bombing a couple of destroyers, who seem to be afraid. Concerned, I walk over to them and as I do, Blackfoot lands on my shoulder. "Are you girls okay?" Both destroyers look at me and one with white hair and animal ears speaks up, "We're okay, Mr. Montana, your bird startled us." I look at the other on and she nods in agreement. As she does I spot a crab hiding in her hair. Smiling, I say "Well he's probably hungry and saw that you have a crab in your hair which is probably why he was diving on you." Both girls start shaking their heads and several crabs land on the ground and try to get away, but Blackfoot is faster than them and catches two of them. The girls look at him in awe, and the one with ears speaks up, "Mr.Montana, can I pet him?" I nod and Blackfoot hops off my shoulder to my wrist and both girls pet him. "Girls, if you don't mind me asking, what are your names?" The one with the ears speaks up, "I'm Hammann, a Sims class destroyer." I nod and look at the other girl. She looks at me and says "I'm Eldridge the only ship of the cannon class." I look at her, "I know how it feels to be the only ship of your class." She's looks at me in awe "It's sad but at the same time all the other Eagle Union destroyers consider me a sister so I'm happy." I smile, "Same thing happened to me. If you ever want to talk, come and find me. Also, just call me Montana." Both girls nod and run off to join several other destroyers playing on the beach.
TIMESKIP btb Montana singing more Sabaton

As we're sitting in PoW's office looking a black glowing cube, several of the ladies there are talking. "Who did Sheffield say gave Akagi this black mental cube?" Hood asks. Belfast speaks, "A Siren codenamed Observer. Also there was a massive ship that Akagi called the Orochi." I grimace which is caught by everyone in the room, PoW asks me "What was that look for?" I look at them, "This Orochi might have the capabilityof carrying the types of weapons that I told QE about. If there is a good time to talk to Lady Nagato, it would be now." Out of the corner of my eye I see Enterprise reaching to touch the box. "Enterprise, don't!! We don't know what it does!!" At the sound of my voice she stops suddenly. I look at everyone in the room, speaking in a tone that sends shivers down their spines. "We must destroy Orochi before it's used and we have to destroy that cube." Hornet speaks up, "But if we keep it, we could possibly have control of the siren ships." I shake my head, "It's too much of a risk. It must be destroyed before Sakura Empire finds it again." PoW says something more rational, "I suggest we put it in the armory until we decide officially on what we're to do with it." We all nod and I head out to my ship and notice a small fleet approaching just as alarms sound.

Next time: Meeting Sakura Empire

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