Recovery and More children??

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I wake up from sleeping after the attack to find all my girlfriends with barely any clothes on and Lil Bel (A/N: as you can tell this is the massive orgy that I don't want to write also Lil Bel came in later because of a nightmare about the attack) snuggled up as close as possible with Lil Bel laying in the crook of my right arm and resting her head on my chest. I start to move around in an attempt to get out of bed without disturbing the girls which happens somewhat successfully. Lil bel wakes up and notices me awake, before she can say anything, I put my finger to my lips and pick her up and head to chow hall. "Papa what are you doing?" Little Bel speaks up as we exit the house, I look at her "Well snowflake, I'm hungry and I bet you are too so let's go see what Aunties Nevada and Oklahoma have made in the chow hall." She smiles and starts skipping. As we get closer, I happen to see Zuikaku and Shoukaku chasing after Ark Royal. The moment that all three of them spot little bel and I, they stop and stand at attention. "Zuikaku and Shoukaku, you two can relax. Ark Royal stand still and don't even think  about running." All three ladies do what I say as Ark Royal pales. "Now then, Shoukaku, why were you and your sister chasing Ark Royal?" Shoukaku speaks up "Commander, She was watching Mutsuki and her sisters weirdly and when Zuikaku and I questioned her, she took off running." I nod "Okay also please just call me Montana." I turn and look at Ark Royal "Now what did I say the punishment was for your lolicon activities were again....ah yes, you're to clean the bathhouse by hand with a toothbrush. I will inform Her Majesty and Lady Warspite about the situation." Ark Royal stiffens even more then falls to her knees "Please don't Montana, their punishment will be even worse." Almost immediately Sirius appears along with a new woman who is dressed as a maid as well, but with a headdress that looks like cat ears.

Sirius speaks up "Commander, what's going on?" Looking at her and the other maid, "The crane sisters disturbed and chased our resident lolicon from her little activity and I have handed out my punishment but I need to inform Her Majesty and to see...

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Sirius speaks up "Commander, what's going on?" Looking at her and the other maid, "The crane sisters disturbed and chased our resident lolicon from her little activity and I have handed out my punishment but I need to inform Her Majesty and to see if Lady Warspite will watch her to make sure she does her time." At this the new maid speaks up "Nya commander, don't you think this punishment is too much, nya?" I turn and look at her, "I had informed her a while back about it, so no I don't think that it's too much. Also who are you?" She curtsies and speaks "I'm Cheshire, nya." I nod and turn to Sirius, "Take Ark Royal to Her Majesty and inform her and Lady Warspite of what I have said." Sirius and Cheshire nod and drag a scared Ark Royal away. I feel a tug in my hand and Lil Bel speaks up "Papa, I'm hungry, can we go eat?" I pat her head, "Sure snowflake, I'm sorry that took so long, but you were a good girl being so patient. I'll see if Auntie Nevada can get you something sweet as a reward." Lil Bel smiles and starts skipping to the door. As we walk in Scharnhorst calls out "Kommandant on deck!!!" All the girls inside immediately stop eating and stand at attention. I speak up "As you were." As they all go back to doing what they were doing prior to me walking in, Lil Bel ask "What was that about,papa?" I sigh "It's technically a sign of respect but I feel that it's a little much." She nods and picks up her tray and goes up to the line with me in tow. Nevada and Oklahoma are serving "How's my favorite niece doing today?" Nevada speaks up, as she puts waffles and strawberries on a plate for Lil Bel. "I'm doing good Auntie Nevada, although papa and mommas made a lot of noise last night." I blush and rub the back of my head as Nevada and Oklahoma glare at me. Oklahoma speaks up "Monty, if you had wanted some alone time with your girlfriends, you should've told us and we'd have watched this precious little snowflake." Still rubbing my head "Sorry I kinda was half asleep when it happened so I just rolled with it." They both nod and Nevada hands me a plate and a small box of donuts while whispering "Make sure snowflake gets most of them especially after what happened in the attack." I nod and head to sit down with my daughter and the main four group plus Unicorn.
Timeskip btyb a clingy kitsune

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