Questioning and Revival

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A/N: Vestal and Akashi worked together to find Amagi's wisdom cubes during the siren sea battle. Monty was informed of them finding. Also Prince of Wales and two Eagle Union ships will be joining the harem in the next chapter.

After we dock back at base, I head down to my ships brig. I notice that Akagi and Kaga standing by the door to their cell. Akagi speaks up first "I noticed we stopped". I cross my arms and speak "Yes we have, but if you two try anything, I will personally sink you both." At this, Kaga speaks "And what can a lowly male battleship do against the First Carrier Divison?" I smirk and reply, "This" and I activate my gear causing both kitsunes to fall into the harbors water while I remain floating. As Akagi gets up, I can see her curves through her soaked clothes. I can't help but notice how beautiful she is. Kaga gets up, spitting water out of her mouth, "That was underhanded and a befitting action of male." I start laughing, "Just like your attack on Enterprise?" She looks taken aback. I land on the water, and point my my gears guns at them. "Now you two are going to listen to me. Amagi is still alive, the Sirens were just using her to force you to cooperate. Now Vestal has been doing some research along with Akashi and we found Amagi's cubes. We will save her but in return I want answers." At the mention of bringing back her sister, Akagi's ears and tails perk up, "You can save Amagi-née?" I nod, and wave over Vestal, who had been watching the interaction with my girlfriends. She's carrying a box and when she opens it, I see two cubes nestled in the padding. The moment the box fully opens, the cubes rocket out and circle around the kitsunes and seems to pull in a life force. As this happens, a bright light emits from the area where the cubes are spinning and within 30 seconds, the light goes away and standing between Akagi and Kaga. The girl.... no lady, looks like an older Akagi, with an umbrella. (A/N Yall know what amagi looks like. She's an angel.)

I speak up, "Amagi, welcome back, I'm

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I speak up, "Amagi, welcome back, I'm....." Amagi speaks up with a voice of silk, "You're Montana the last battleship, I've been waiting to meet you." Akagi and Kaga stand up and go to hug Amagi but instead of getting hugs they get bonked on the top of their heads.

(A/N skip to 0:25 -0:30)
As they fall to their knees, I start laughing at the sight of two of the most powerful carriers brought to their knees because of a head bonk. "Amagi, how much force did you put into those?" She smiles at me, "Not much, most of the time they do it just for a reaction" I nod and hear some more girls moving closer to the group. I look over my shoulder to see Yamato, Musashi, Takao and Nagato leading the rest of the Sakura Empire girls. Yamato and Musashi shout "Amagi-sensei!!!!" I turn and look at Amagi, "I'll let you have your reunion. Akagi and Kaga, we will continue our conversation later." I glide over to the nearest Eagle Union dock and jump up onto it deactivating my gear.  Blackfoot flies up and lands on my shoulder, and I notice Fredrich, approaching me, "Vell, meine Liebling, zat vas interesting zu vatch." I nod, "Yes but I feel that Orochi will still be released but with someone else as a puppet. I just don't know who."  I notice Enty standing of to the side with the other woman with the same color hair as Enty. Hugging Enty and kissing her on the cheek, I hear the other lady speak "Oh my, you weren't lying when you said he was handsome, little sister." I turn and look at the lady, "It's nice to finally meet the famed Fighting Lady, Yorktown." Yorktown blushes, and says "And of course he's a charmer" I smile sweetly and Enty and FDG nearly faint. "Thank you for the compliment, Yorktown. I have to say you're quite beautiful."

She blushes and Enty bonks me up side my head

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She blushes and Enty bonks me up side my head. "Stop flirting with my sister." I look at her and smirk. "Which one? Because I haven't flirted with Hornet yet." She pouts then huffs in annoyance and walks away. Turning to Yorktown, I speak "Sorry, I haven't teased her before and it was the perfect opportunity." She smiles "You are the funny balance she needs. Please treat her right." I nod and watch as she walks after Enty. I suddenly feel a stare and as I turn to find out who's staring at me, I'm hit by a red, white and brown tailed missile. "Monty-sama, it's time for your reward for bringing my sister back." As I start to see straight, I notice I'm laying on my back with Akagi sitting right over my special area. She has a look in her eyes that terrifies me.

(A/N This look, poor virgin Montana and weebs everywhere)

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(A/N This look, poor virgin Montana and weebs everywhere)

She starts running her pointer finger in circles on my chest. "You're now Akagi's heaven sent mate, although Akagi doesn't like the fact she has to share you, and that the maid vixen from Royal Navy gets to claim you first as per the wishes of the author and Goku671" All of a sudden Akagi falls face first into my chest, knocked out by a head bonk curtesy of Amagi. She picks Akagi up of of me and speaks. "You should go get ready to ask my sisters your questions, also I'll help you get used to Akagi's antics and weird speech pattern." As I get up, I hear Akagi mumble, "...adorable kitsune battleship and carrier babies." I gulp as Amagi and Kaga carry Akagi over to the rest of the Sakura Empire girls.

Timeskip to the next day bryb Akagi smothering Monty with her tails and her *ahems*

Im sitting in the office that QE forced me to take as the newly deemed commander of Azur Lane. All my girlfriends including Akagi made it their personal mission to become my secretaries. Akagi, Belfast, Roon and Enterprise have been silently fighting for the position of head secretary, though personally prefer the others. They do tease me but they don't do it as much as what everyone calls the main four. I'm studying some of the overpriced supply lists Akashi sent me when there's a knock at my door and a bouncy brown tailed kitsune and a more somber white tailed kitsune. "Monty-Sama, you haven't come to Akagi for more cuddles." I can feel my brain starting to hurt. Despite Amagi's lesson on why Akagi speaks the way she does, it still gives me headaches. "Akagi I've been busy trying to convince Akashi not to rip off the other ships. Also your antics with Roon, Enterprise and Belfast are a little taxing." Akagi's ears droop, "Does that mean that you don't love Akagi?" I stand up and walk over to her and embrace her in a hug. "I love you and all the other girls the same. But you two are here today to answer some questions." Both kitsunes nod and look at me. "What is the Orochi? And what is it capable of?" Kaga speaks up "Orochi supposed to be a weapon designed to take out the Sirens. It's a super battle carrier." I nod while taking notes. "What special abilities does it have and is it like us or is it a siren ship?" Akagi speaks up, "Orochi has nearly impenetrable shields, and the capability to launch missiles." I nod and look up, "What kind of missiles?" Kaga speaks up "We do not know, the tentacled siren known as Observer didn't tells us." I nod and put the notebook on my desk. Kaga moves to the door. "I'll leave you two to talk. Please, sister. Don't make me an aunt yet."

Next time: New Sisters and New Girlfriends

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