Decisions and Revelations

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After the night of passion with Atago, Richelieu, Jean Bart, Dunkerque and Algiere, I get dressed and head to my office after making a stop at the cafeteria for breakfast. After that I head to my office. As soon as I sit down behind my desk, Enterprise, QE, Bismarck, Nagato, Richelieu and Jean Bart walk in. Nagato speaks up first, "I think we all know why the leaders of the factions are here for?" All the other women and I nod as I begin to speak, "Indeed lady Nagato. The sirens were quite confident that they could overwhelm us with Orochi but were not expecting Taihou to arrive as soon as she did. In all honesty, I have no clue how they knew she was coming unless the corrupted wisdom cube acted as a listen device. I also don't see anyway except for a nuclear blast to sink Orochi. And the only women with the capability to do that would be the Iowa sisters and maybe me but we need to get research started for nuclear shells. If I remember correctly it would be labeled as W23 Atomic shell but I don't remember." The women nod and Enty speaks up, what would we label the ones for you?" I shrug "W24 might work since I'm the class after Iowa and her sisters. Now the next topic is Orochi/Ohio. I was the only ship built in my class then my blueprints were destroyed, how did the sirens get a hold of them to make Orochi look like a ship from my class?" QE speaks up "It may be a possibility that they brought you here in the hopes of turning you against us but Miss Enterprise's patrol found you before the sirens could, hence why the Orochi looks like you." I nod, "That's a possibility and when I was fighting Orochi, it didn't seem to have the same firepower as I did. It seems that she was equipped with sixteen inchers instead of eighteens." Enty speaks up "Do you you think you could pull the same plan that you did with Amagi but on  Ohio to separate her from Orochi?" I shake my head, "I sensed nothing like I did with Amagi, she just a puppet, a fragile one at that. A Montana class would not have been so easy to bring down the way I did. Push it out to any patrols that are planned, they need to have at least 3 battleships with 16 inch guns or bigger and at least one CV and 2 escort Carriers.  And look into building shore guns, with the capability to punch holes in siren ships from a distance. I'd recommend a few 280mm M65 atomic gun. It'll fire W-5 atomic shells. And also start looking up a way for decontaminating any ship girl. Though I believe the Iowa sisters and I will get the upgrade for decon once we receive the new shells." All the girls nod and turn to leave except Enty. As I start looking at item requests that different girls have requested for shops and festivals that are happening soon, Enty clears her throat "Monty, we need to talk about someone." I raise one eyebrow towards her, "If it's Ark Royal, I bring it up with Her Majesty." Enty shifts around nervously, "No it's about you. You're way to calm about Orochi looking like a Montana class. Are you okay?" I sigh and rub my hands against my face, and ponder my feelings right now. I look back up at Enty, "To be honest, Enty, I don't know how exactly I feel. Part of me wants to see if I can save her but the other part knows that she's just a twisted image. There was something there but so dark and twisted that no amounts of wisdom cubes would purify it. That's why I shifted the priority of research to the nuclear shells. I'm also going to green light the research for carrier planes capable of carrying nuclear bombs so a single carrier can destroy something like the Orochi. And please don't be mad at for this but it's looking like the only carrier that will be able to equip these planes will be Nuke." Enty glares at me and it makes me realize something about the mother of one of my daughters. Enty begins to speak "Montana, if I find out that my no our daughter has to miss out on being a child to fight in a war that she is too young for, you will not be afraid of the sirens but of me. Am I understood?" I nod, very shaken by how Enty vehemently wants Nuke to enjoy being a child, "Enty, when you first awakened were you the same age as Nuke?" She nods with tears in her eyes. I stand up and pick her up into a bridal carry and sit back down in my chair. "Did they make you start fighting at that age?" Again she nods crying silently. I can't help but feel sad for my first wife. "They gave Hornet, Yorktown and I about 2 months of training then sent us out to fight. A lot of the older ships from other nations thought we were destroyers but they found out that your sisters, the cruisers and the destroyers would act as shields for us, they learned we were carriers. Monty, it hurt, Yorkie, Hornet and I wanted to play when we weren't doing missions but leadership didn't like that and had us training more. That's why I don't train Nuke that often and only when she asks. Though if you want her to get used to the planes that you create for her, do it one type at a time." I nod and kiss Enty on her lips, "Anything for you, my wife, you deserve to be yourself and I now see why Belfast was the way she was before I got here. Enty smiles and falls asleep, and we stay like that for the rest of the day. The next morning I wake up, there's a blanket covering Enty and me with a note from Belfast *You two looked very comfortable so we (your wives) left you too the way you were. Also Monty, be warned Taihou has been advocating to us about why she should be in your harem. We aside from Akagi and Roon have told her that it's your decision. I would suggest that you make a decision fast before Akagi and Roon make Sakura Empire have one less armored aircraft carrier. Also Yamato has informed us that her sisters Muashi and Shinano wish to join but that's a later discussion. With love your wives and children. I smile and doze off again while Enty nuzzles closer to me.

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