Who's The Birthday Boy? (Request)

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Description: Julie is babysitting the boys and it is Luke's birthday. Their mom needs to run out and pick up a few things. Julie is the boys cousin but they call her Auntie Julie.

Requested by PreciosaDeLeon Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like it!

Note: This was not edted so sorry fr the mistakes in my spellng and grammar. I kept falling asleep during editing lol.

Warning: Don't think there are any...


I walk into the house, a bag of craft supplies hanging from my arm.

"Hello?" I call, opening the door. This house is basically my second home. I look around for everyone. "Hello? " I call again, a little bit louder.

"Auntie Julie!" Alex and Reggie exclaim running up to hug me. They wrap their little arms around my legs and I crouch down to hug them back.

"Hey guys, how are you today?"

"Good." They answer in synchronization.

"Good. Are you ready to make some cards for Luke today?" I ask, Reggie already starting to peek into the bag. They nod. I set them up at the dining room table before going to look for Luke and Emily. I find Luke playing with Legos on his floor in his bedroom. "Hey Luke." I tap the door lightly.

"Auntie Julie!" He scrambles to get up and hug me. I hug back.

"A little birdie told me it sas your birthday today. Is that true?" He nods, smiling wide. "Well, happy birthday! How old are you, seventeen?" He giggles.

"No, silly. I'm seven!"

"Seven?" I exclaim. "That's so old! The birdie never told me how old you were turning so I guessed. But I didn't think you were that old." I say, making him chuckle. Emily comes into the dorrway wearing a blue blouse with black jeans.

"What colour was the birdie?" Luke asks, tugging on my sleeve. "Was it red? Or blue? Or black? Or green? Or..." I chuckle.

"It was blue."

"A blue bird? Sounds amazing, doesn't it Luke?" Emily asks, making her presence known.

"Yeah! Really cool Auntie Julie!" Emily turns to me.

"Jules, I'm heading out but I should be back in a couple hours."

"Okay. I'll be fine until then anyway. Take your time!" I tell her. She leans over and kisses Luke's forehead.

"Lukey, honey. You need to be good for Auntie Julie, okay?" He nods, placing his hand over his heart.

"I promise to be good for Auntie Julie." Emily and I chuckle before she heads downstairs. I turn to Luke.

"Come on Luke, let's clean this up and go downstairs." The two of us quickly clean up the Legos and head downstairs. Alex and Reggie are sitting at the table making cards. I pull out some paints. "Hey Lukey, you want to paint?" He thinks about it for a second before nodding.

"Thanks Auntie Julie." I get the paint ready for him and he paints.

The boys spend the next hour and a half making cards and painting. Eventually they get bored and decide to clean up.

"Okay, what do you boys want to do now?" I ask.

"Hide and seek!" Luke exclaims.

"Okay! You guys go hide and I will look for you." I cover my eyes. I hear the boys run off and the giggles as the find their places. "One, two, three, four, five..." Once I reached ten, I uncover my eyes and look for them. "Where oh where could they be?" Each time we play this, they always get better. I look behind curtains and under tables. I look in the cupboard under the sink and find Reggie.

"Luke, she found me!" He calls.

"Uh oh! I better be quiet then!" I hear Luke call from the coat closet at the front door. I stifle a laugh.

"Good idea! We should all be quiet so she can't find us!" Alex calls out from the basement stairs. I cover my mouth to cover my laugh. These kids are adorable. I pretend to look in other cupboards and walk past the basement door. I hear Alex gasp and the sound of his hand slapping his mouth as he quickly covers it. I pretend to look in a few other places before opening the basement door. Alex lets out a little yelp before collapsing into a fit of giggles. "She found me too Luke! It's up to younto win this war!"

"Oh no! Don't worry guys! I'm hiding in the coat closet so she won't be able to find me!" Luke calls back.

"Good! You are totally going to win this war!" Reggie calls back. I take a step towards the coat closet and sense Alex and Reggie tense up behind me. I turn into the laundry room, pretending like I didn't hear them say where Luke is hiding. After pretending to look for him some more, I open the clset door and see him sitting on the floor, knees pulled up to his chin, trying to make himself as small as possible.

"Man down!" He calls. "Man down, she found me!"

"Aw man!" Alex and Reggie exclaim. I help Luke up and congratulate him on being the last to be found.

"So since you won Luke, what do you want to do right now?"

"Um...Oh! I know, I know, I know! Can we play pirates?" Pirates is their favourite game. It's basically just a scavenger hunt but they get to dress up like pirates.

"Okay. You boys go get ready, I'll hide the treasure." They run upstairs to get changed and I take the "treasure" which is five dollars in Monopoly money and hide it. I quickly draw up a map. They come bounding down the stairs and inhand each of them a map. They set out on their "journies"

Two hours later, Alex opens the cookie jar amd finds the money. He lets out a small squeal as Emily walks into the house.

"Hey guys. What's going on in here?" She asks.

"We were playing pirates!" Reggie exclaims. She kisses his forehead and ruffles his hair.

"Pirates? That sounds fun." She smiles at me. "Okay boys, can you go get changed please? And make sure to brush your hair." The boys run off to get changed and Emily turns to me "Thanks again Jules. It really helps us out"

"Really, it's no big deal. The boys are great and they always make me smile."

"Again, thank you. You are coming to the party later right?"

"Of course I am! I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I look at the watch on my wrist. "Speaking of, I should probably go get ready. See you at the party!"

"Okay Jules, I'll talk to you later!

"Bye Emily." I walk home, smidely widely.

Hey guys. How's it going. I hope you liked that chapter! It's my birthday so I decided to do a birthday theme in it. I hope you guys enjoyed it! What else do you guys want to see?  What are your thoughts on Carrie x Flynn? Let me know in the comments! If you have any requests or comments let me know! I love hearing from you guys! Remember to comment and vote! Stay safe! I hope you have a great day/night/whatever time it is for you!

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