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Description: Luke and Reggie have a case of baby fever and want to have a child but basically their significant others (Jue and Alex) don't want to or aren't ready.

This was a request from Kaitlyn_T158 thanks so much for requesting! Also, I know you asked for just the one ship but I decided to try both. I hope you enjoy it!

Warning: um....I don't really know, honestly?

Note: the boys were born in Julie's time.  Also, I officially have the last few chapters written. There are about three more I believe and I am wondering hlw you guys want me tk update them? Do you want them all at once or gradually? I will put two different comments in the comments ad you guys decide which you want and comment "Me" under whichever one you would prefer.


"Please, Julie? Pretty pretty please?" I beg.

"No, Luke." She rolls her eyes for what feels like the millionth time since we started this conversation. I give her puppy dog eyes. "No. I won't give in to your puppy dog eyes this time." She sighs and walks away from me, setting up for band practice, which should be starting any moment.

"Why not? It would be so cute!"

"Luke, I'm still in school! If I were out, finished school then maybe I would. Not at sixteen years old!" She exclaims.

"Please Alex?" I hear Reggie beg as he and Alex walk into the studio. Looks like he is having as much trouble as I am getting Alex to do something he wants to do.

"No, Reggie, I've already told you. I'm not ready for a child. We are too young."

"But-" Reggie starts.

"No buts! And that's final." Alex exasperates. He rolls his eyes as Reggie goes to pout in the corner. I go and join him.

"What's his problem?" Julie asks.

"He wants a baby. Hasn't stopped bugging me about it all week."

"Luke too! It's like a virus is going around making them want to have children." Julie says.

"I'm sure there is."

"Please?" Reggie and I say at the same time.

"No!" They shout. We pout. Finally, I pick up my guitar and Reggie picks up his bass to start practice.

When we finish practice, the four of us go for a walk downtown. We pass by a few new mothers and their babies.

"Look at how cute they are, Julie! Imagine having one of your own!"

"Luke, we've been over this multiple times. I can't have a baby while I am in school. Plus, I don't want to be carrying a child around for nine months while trying to make a life for myself. And I don't think you will want me to be yelling at you all day every day. We aren't having a child and that's final." Jukie explains for the thousandth time. I sigh in defeat. She's right, of course. She always is right.

"Fine, I'm sorry." She smiles and kisses my cheek.

"Besides, we have each other and that's all we need." She says, and I agree.

"Alex?" Reggie says, looking expectantly at Alex. "What's your excuse?" Alex smiles and pulls out a booklet with tons of writing on it.

"I thought you'd never ask." He says, flipping through the book. He gets to a specific page and points to it with his finger. "First, we are still teenagers, meaning that we legally, cannot adopt a child. Secondly, you are nlt abe to take care of a chid."

"I so to can take care of a child!" Reggie interjects.

"April 19th, 2013, you tried to flush a cat down the toilet."

"I was younger! Can you blame me? You've dine stupid things before!"

"May 31st, 2019. You got lost at the grocery store and when I left yu home alone for five minutes that night, you nearly burned down the house. Need I go on?"

"I-" he pauses, and sighs, defeated. Alex made a good case. "Fine. But, in one year from today, we are getting a child! Promise?"

"We'll see."

"Promise?" Reggie asks again, this time a little slower. Alex sighs.


"Yay!" Reggie cheers and I smile. I stop in front of an animal rescue. I look at Julie with puppy dog eyes and she stops. She reads the sigh then continues walking.

"No." She says, matter of factly. I hang my head in defeat. She stops abruptly and I walk into her. "I have an idea of what might make you happy." She smiles, pointing to the shop across the street. My eyes light up when I read ice cream and so do Reggie's.

Reggie bolts across the street, nearly getting hit by a car.

"There's another reason we shouldn't get a child!" Alex calls, jotting down in his notebook.

I look both ways and run across the street after Reggie. I run into the shop and look around, eyes widening with every turn I make.

"Come on, I'll get you some." Julie says. The four of us wait in line before ordering a mint chocolate chip ice cream cone for me, a chocolate cone for Julie, a cotton candy cone for Reggie and a strawberry cone for Alex. We take our cones and contine our walk downtown.

Hey guys, that's another chapter I hope you liked it! I've never really tried anything like that before but it was kind of fun to write! For those of you who did not see my last update, I want to say that I will be ending this book as soon as I get the last few requests done. It was a hard choice but I have another story I want to work on and with the both of them, I've been feeling a little overwhelmed. As well, things are opening up where I live and it's finally summer so I want to spend time and make up for lost time wih family and friends this summer! I hope you guys understand! Please feel free to vote and comment! You can feel free to ask me anything you want to or say anything to me that you might want to say! I will miss you guys, thank you for your support! It means so much to me! I hope you have a great day/night/whatever time of day it is for you! See you in the next chapter!

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