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(adj.) the manifestation of a supernatural or divine reality; any moment of great or sudden revelation.

This word is cool. You might find it useful when you're writing a fantasy story, like where a supernatural or divine thing becomes the reality. I actually don't really understand this definition, but I'll try my best to decrypt it. 

Ok, so I searched some stuff up.

Definition of revelation: 1a : an act of revealing or communicating divine truth. b : something that is revealed by God to humans. 2a : an act of revealing to view or making known. b : something that is revealed especially : an enlightening or astonishing disclosure shocking revelations.

Ok, so I believe epiphanic means a moment of sudden or great revealing or divine truth that's enlightening and shocking. 

I think I saw a book called Epiphany out there on Wattpad, and that's a great example of how you can use this word in a title.

Another example: 

A sudden epiphanic thought hit him.

I hope you understood that :')

(UPDATE) okay so epiphanic is a bit hard to understand, so here I present you with the definition of epiphany, which is almost the same thing as epiphanic.


(n.) a moment of sudden revelation.

See? Technically the same thing.

I believe it means a moment of sudden when the truth hits you, or an answer suddenly comes to you. And everything suddenly becomes clearer in someway to you.

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