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(adj.) the euphoria you experience when you are first falling in love.

This is a strange word to say, but it has a bittersweet meaning. Because love can either destroy you or make you strong, but if they don't love you back, well, the first wound is always the deepest, as they say.

However, although mere puppy love (foolish first love but you don't realize it's foolish at that moment) can be harmful, it also helps build your independence and your ability to recover fast after it's over (most likely when they dump you). But try to be sensible with your relationships. Now why the f*ck am I giving romance and relationships advice and comfort???

Anyway, back on topic.


FORELSKET LOVE (this is another good title example)

The girl felt quite forelsket and smitten as soon as her eyes landed on the gorgeous boy's face.

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