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(adj.) extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world.

Wow, what a word. This word can describe all things beautiful and heavenly and delicate. What a tender and juicy word! Descriptive goodness.


No one else seemed to exist to those two when they're gliding across the ballroom, joyous and light from their ethereal love.

The little, snowy white flower had such an ethereal appearance that her first instinct when she saw it was to protect the little beauty from any danger.

Ethereal is a rather beautiful word you can use when describing something that's, well, ethereally gorgeous. It's probably one of my favourite words.

You can clearly see the difference between the words ethereal and elysian, although they're both such beautiful words and mean beautiful. One means very light and delicate and pretty while the other means beautiful and creative.

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