Chapter 29

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"Hyunkyu, have you pooped your pants before?" Taehoon asked.

Hyunkyu placed his hand on the device he got shocked by a small wave of electricity.

He, Sua, Miyoung, Jukyung, Sihyun, Taehoon, Seojun, Suho, and Sujin were all gathered around a lie detector device. They were asking questions to each other and if they lied, they would get hitten by a toy hammer. Miyoung knew these types of toy devices were random but still played along as it was pretty funny because they were asking each other stranger questions.

Hyunkyu asked Sihyun if she thought of herself as a princess. She answered negatively but the lied detector told otherwise. Everyone hit her with their toy hammers.

"Lee Suho, have you kissed before?" she asked.

Miyoung looked at him, apprehending his answer. But he kept quiet. Actually, he seemed taken aback by the question. But since he didn't answer in time, he got hit by the hammers. However, Miyoung was still on the question. Did Suho kiss before? She wondered. She was curious.

Suho pushed the lie detector toward Seojun.

"Love or friendship?" he asked. Seojun placed his hand on the lied detector and looked straight at Suho's eyes.

"Love," Seojun said.

The device didn't shock him.

But as Sua found the answer too cheesy, she asked everyone to hit him. They all did.

Seojun then pushed the device in front of Sujin and asked her if she found her handsome. She responded positively but got shocked by the device. Seojun was quite offended by that though. Sujin then asked Sua to choose between Taehoon and Eighteen. Sua obviously chose her boyfriend. Finding them too cute, they decided to hit them both. Sua pushed the device in front of Miyoung.

"Is there someone you like?" Sua asked.

"Yes," Miyoung smiled.

She placed her hand on the device but got shocked. Unconsciously, she looked at Suho. He was already looking at her.

Miyoung looked down at the divice then got hit by the hammers. At least now she had the confirmation the device was random.

"Have you ever wanted to break up with Sua?" Miyoung asked Taehoon as she pushed the device in front of him.

Taehoon threw his hammer away and put his hand on the device confidently.

"No," he smiled.

But he got shocked.

Sua's smile faded as panic quickly filled Taehoon's eyes. Miyoung started to get worried. Knowing Sua, this wouldn't end well. She was feeling guilty as she was the one to ask the question. She didn't think twice before asking. She just wanted to move on from the fact that she basically admitted in front of the boy she liked that she liked someone (even though the lie detector told otherwise). But now, a couple might break up.

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