V / kairosclerosis

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 the moment you realize that you're currently happy— consciously trying to savor the feeling



it wasn't until wilbur heard the birds chirping that he realized he hadn't slept at all, and had spent the entire night reading. 


he cursed, knowing he'd probably fall asleep in one of his classes, or pass out now on the couch and miss all of them. wilbur couldn't afford to do either, but he wasn't really tired in the first place. maybe he'd go wake up jonathan, so he wouldn't be caught or considered suspicious. yet, wilbur wasn't too worried.

wilbur shifted slightly, putting a bookmark at the page he'd left on, and got up to go head to the beds. even though everyone was still dead asleep, he couldn't help but worry if he'd wake someone up even if all the boys in the room slept so heavily that if tommy screamed at the top of his lungs, nobody would wake up. 

the floorboards of the room always creaked, no matter what you did. this time, it creaked just as wilbur reached his bed, which caused jonathan to stir a bit and wilbur to flinch. he carefully made his way around the bed, pausing for a second to stare. 

now that wilbur thought about it, he looked really peaceful curled up on wilbur's bed. he suddenly didn't want to wake his.. guest? friend? jonathan, up. he couldn't help but admire him for a second. 

but, all good things must come to an end, and wilbur ended up gently shaking him awake.

this lead to a moment of awkward hope, and then jonathan slowly move his hands up to his eyes, then turning to look at wilbur.

"what?" jonathan had this odd, drowsy tone that made his voice even deeper than it already was.

it made wilbur freeze for a second, he wasn't expecting it. 


oh god, wilbur think, why did you wake him up? why did you, uh, oh god. think wilbur, think. "i, uh.." he paused for a second, zoning out briefly. "right, um, i thought it'd be a good idea to wake you up since you're not really uh, supposed to be here."

jonathan nodded, lying there for a second before wilbur gestured him to leave, "oh, right."

it was a lot more awkward then the both of them thought it would be, but the walk out was short and wilbur thankfully didn't really have to guide him out. it was mostly quite while schlatt got his stuff together, only quick glances being exchanged.

"thanks," jonathan paused, shrugging. "i'll see you around." 

"mhm, see you-" the door clicked shut.

wilbur sighed, looking around the empty room. somebody had forgotten to put out the fire, which was probably his own fault, but that didn't really matter right now.  multiple people had also left copies of various books lying around pretty much everywhere, but also papers that had been half answered and by the looks of it, complete guesses too. he never realized how many people didn't like finishing their homework, but at least there was an attempt.

he shifted, looking over at the couch he'd been sitting on not long ago. his messenger bag still partially empty from all the reading he'd done. at least he could return the books to the library now. at least the irma would be happy, hopefully.

there was a soft clatter across the room, panicking wilbur for a split second. it was only a familiar, blonde haired girl looking over at him. 

"sorry wil, didn't mean to startle you."

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