XIII / kuebiko

511 31 27



 a state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence 

(quick tw!!! slightly descriptive gore mention— nothing too extreme however)



wilbur sat down, taking a quick peek around. he'd lost schlatt somewhere in the crowd, but found niki amongst everything. she seemed excited to see him again, or more excited about whatever was going on today. it was strange seeing everyone so excited for a class nobody really liked (the exception being him).

he turned to niki, furrowing his brows. "what's going on?"

niki smiled bashfully, which was sweet, but her face had a twinge of confusion or doubt. she seemed entranced into whatever was going on— maybe some club activity. "i'd tell you, but i don't really know don't know exactly myself."

"oh," he hummed, taking another observatory glance. professor jacobs himself was nowhere to be seen, and several girls were gossiping. he only overheard bits like 'he's so attractive,' and 'i've heard he hasn't done magic in years.' another girl passed, going on about how potions was about to get interesting now that they were able to actually use their wands now.

wilbur's stomach dropped.

magic? with wands?

no, no this was the one stupid class that didn't require it— that was actually possible for him. his only opportunity. potions was all he had left, literally. it didn't require magic that made his arm ache and tear open wounds that needed to stay healed. he'd made it so far with progress and could only do, what? 2 spells? 

wilbur thought it couldn't get any worse— but it did. the professor cleared his throat, and made the brief  announcement that yes, they were preforming magic. and yes, everyone was expected to do tje spells he was assigning. and he was no expert in magic, but these were fairly complicated spells for their class.

and the cherry on top— professor jacobs knew about this injury and it's sort of 'extent'. 

he couldn't even listen as he began instructing, going on and on about how the spells are necessary for the potions— maybe making eye contact with wilbur every now and then, even more unnerving. it wasn't boring, and hell, he'd love to learn more about it if it didn't require him to forcibly do it.  the professor went on into instructions and how to actually do the spell and even niki began writing and god— he felt so stranded. 

jacobs paused for a while, letting everyone catch up to what he was saying. his eyes scanned the room. "alright! does anyone want to volunteer?"

nobody raised their hand.

in fact, many pulled their wands back, to hide them almost. wilbur was part of these people, hoping that he wouldn't call out his name, that it wouldn't be him.

"ah, wilbur! top student of the class, why don't you demonstrate for us?" 

everyones eyes rolled onto him, and it felt like he could collapse even though he wasn't even standing.

wilbur's breath caught in his throat, standing up and anxiously grabbing his wand. the professor watched him like a cat, and everyone else followed. he couldn't get his body under control, hands shaking and sweating and he almost dropped his wand once or twice on the way up to the front of the class. even if it was only seconds, it felt like it was forever. 

he stood at the front, reading over the spell correctly and then facing the unbrewed potion. 

everyone's waiting for something to go wrong— for the spell to backfire or something so much worse, and wilbur couldn't even think of what because the second he weakly mutters out the spell—

it backfired.

his fingers stiffened and he jumped back slightly as his wand flew out of his hand and landing directly in front of the professor. he didn't even have time to explain himself, or mutter out a quick excuse before the man is already coming for him.


there goes his wand, and nobody bothered to say a word. it was dead silent in the room yet it felt like everyone was laughing. yet— only one person was.

"what's the matter wilbur? can't cast the spell?" the professor chucked, watching as his face twisted into horror.

wilbur's ears rang, and he lost sight of wether everyone was watching, laughing or judgmentally waiting for something else to happen. he felt paralyzed, like a deer in headlights. he couldn't breathe right, and he couldn't figure out what to say to the man he so clearly trusted who was now ridiculing him. 

"i," he choked out. "i'm not feeling well! i'm going to the nurse." 

he can't tell if his voice was as firm as he wanted it to be, and he didn't care because before anyone could even react, he turned on his heel and left.

wilbur tried to calm himself down, but kept raking over the terrible memories he wished were nightmares. he remembers how much blood there was— god it took weeks to clean— and how mortified everyone looked, including minx. she felt bad, he knows she did, but all he could do in the moment is scramble and try to collect everything. it hurt so bad it didn't really feel like his arm was even there. 

his feet carried him to the nurses office, and the poor lady immediately recognized him and asked him to sit, asking if he needed anything, ice, water, something to destress but he declined it all. he's stuck retracing the scars on his fingers and the way the tissue twisted and looked like the most mangled shit ever yet somehow completely normally for him. 

the nurse never left his side, and she stayed for a while until she had to go tend to other duties. wilbur watched her leave and disappear around the corner, and he got up and let himself take himself to the only person he could go to—




also! if people need me to elaborate on wilbur's injury i will!!!! i'll probably edit a little section later in an a/n (or this one) explaining it if needed <3

on a lighter note, i'm feeling better!!! my mental health was kind of in the dumps the past few weeks, but i've been getting better and doing what makes me happy and on this case, that is writing angst #girlboss

i hope you all had fun reading this!!!!! be sure to take care of yourselves readers, and thank you for all the support <:]

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