XVI / opia

339 24 19



the ambiguous intensity of looking someone in the eye which can feel invasive and vulnerable at the same time 




schlatt didn't know how long he'd been waiting outside the griffindor common room, but it felt like too long. 

maybe an hour too long, or a few minutes too long, but he was waiting. for someone who would maybe never show up. schlatt remembered seeing niki maybe a few minutes ago, but her tall british partner in crime wasn't there with her. he didn't think niki saw him either, or maybe she knew where he was, but that didn't make sense.

she looked worried almost.

maybe she hadn't seen wilbur.

schlatt stood to leave. there didn't seem like a good reason to be here anymore. whatever happened, happened. it was too confusing to sort out in his own head, and maybe wilbur felt the same. maybe he was confused too.

until wilbur actually showed up, and looked like he wanted to hide the second they made eye contact. 

"hey. sorry, this is haha, awkward." schlatt spoke, realizing he had no clue what to say. "i wanted to check up on you since i couldn't find you at the nurse, or anywhere else you might be."

that sounds creepy. that sounds fucking horrendous.

wilbur frowned. "... you followed me?"

he sounded small. nervous maybe. it sounded rude to schlatt. really rude. maybe confused? or scared or freaked out that some random guy came looking for him?

"no. no! that's not what i meant. let's just..." schlatt trailed off for a second. "what, er, happened today?"

"i don't want to talk about it." wilbur spoke with a firm tone. 

maybe he was angry.

"listen— i get it must be scary n' shit but, my fr— minx, looked like terrified. i don't know what happened or whatever and i don't care what she has to do with it but i deserve to know."

that sounds worse. so much worse.

he deserved it? deserved it?? he'd met this poor guy what— 2 months ago? with almost no relationship and suddenly he deserved answers for something that has to do with the two people he could possible care the most about? 

it couldn't get worse.

"deserve it?"

it got worse.

wilbur tensed, and he could see the change from maybe over it to angry. very angry. he looked so weirdly at peace with whatever happened and 'oo, now schlatt has to know' but maybe, maybe thing would've been better if he left him alone at 'just wanted to check in! glad to see you're okay.', but now was a horrible time to rethink how it should've went.

"no— no," schlatt started, but almost immediately was interrupted by wilbur.

"deserve what?" he spat. "i've had an awful day and i feel like shit and i owe you jack-shit. alright? i don't care if your fucking 'best bud' has to do with how i'm feeling but i'm pretty sure everyone was like that, okay?"

schlatt lost his voice. he felt like he lost whatever wilbur he knew. not the stupid brown haired boy who was clumsy and was half deaf, this was some, some angry thing. he didn't know. he didn't want to know.

"we're friends— i mean, shouldn't you trust me?"

he didn't think someone could get angrier. "we were. and you know what? i regret it. if i don't want to talk about it, a good friend would leave it alone. and jonthan schlatt, if anything you are giving yourself a worse name than that good for nothing professor!" 

he deserved that one.

"what about the library— or, or the yule! that, that was something!" schlatt tried to defend himself. he knew there was no point and as much as he wanted to say 'once you hit rock bottom you can only go up' he was pretty sure wilbur could dig.

"it did! okay, and that doesn't mean i'm gonna run hand in hand and pick fuckin' daisies with you! i don't even get why you care so much!"

because i love you.

don't say that. that's weird. 'i love you' won't fix anything, maybe it'd be an ok shock scene for an audience who wasn't really paying attention, but it's not like kissing injuries better or some first loves kiss. and he didn't want to get into 'totally isn't true' because it totally was and now is not the time to tell anyone that.

well, maybe minx would want to hear it. she was already invested into what was now shambles. she'd hate to hear this.

"you know what, fine! i don't! go live your perfect weird ass life with your stupid family and go be happy! it's too fucking late for this. i shouldn't even have waited for you."

schlatt grabbed his books, took one last look at wilbur who had some weird expression drawn between anger and softness, almost like he felt bad but not bad enough. he didn't want to care so much right now, and maybe minx will be hearing his complaints about how everything's fucked up now but he felt angry and confused and those weren't a good mix for anyone.

he turned on his heel, going the opposite direction and where he should've been for the past god knows how long. he didn't want to turn back to check, but he was sure that wilbur hadn't even moved. he didn't hear some demonic name whispered into a painting, and then the creak and slamming shut of the door. was he shocked? was he angry? maybe he didn't know schlatt was waiting for hours on end, and maybe he felt bad now, but too bad. too fucking bad.  

maybe he should've phrased it differently. or left. both would've been great options, better than angrily trying to get into some stupid common room and never figuring out what happened. maybe i love you was a better response but maybe he was just hoping it would undo everything like it did when he was little.

though, he was learning how to dig deeper into rock bottom.

now there was only up.


i think its funny that its cannon that schlatt gossips to minx about wilbur 

no happy endings <3

until like maybe the next chapter i have to take like a few minutes to plan out the actual like chapters and storyline so >:o] have fun with this.

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