XIX / impignorate

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(a/n! i started writing this chapter before i received news of techno's death. i hadn't been watching lately, but he helped me a lot through a difficult time i was going through in a similar situation. i am going to further continue his character in this book, but i want to say rest in peace. FUCK cancer.)



to pledge, pawn, or mortgage



he skipped all his classes for the day.

it didn't feel too right just suddenly going back, so he went to phil. 

and coincidentally, phil was available too.

"long time no see," he chuckled, opening his arms to give wilbur a hug, which he took.

phil always hugged a little too tight, but it was always perfect to wilbur. just the right amount of squeeze to remind you that you're here, on the ground. that you're loved. 

"what brings you back so.. soon?" 

wilbur hummed. "to talk. i don't feel good enough to do anything today."

"a rare occurrence." 

and they both laughed. and it felt nice, to laugh. like nothing had happened. the paranoia of being anywhere in the building was so overwhelming that the final quiet felt so bizzare. like he didn't belong here. yet, he still wanted to be here, soaking up the cold winter sun. 

he knew they'd be leaving soon enough, on a train back home. 

it felt too soon. he wanted to at least straighten things out a little before he left, but that was too much to hope for right now. and soon enough would become tomorrow in, what, less that a week? maybe more. he needed to check.

"you remember the day you and techno showed up on our doorstep?" phil asked, almost like he'd been containing it for a while. like he had been curious for years.

"a little," he kicked some snow, beginning to walk. phil followed. "you looked so surprised. and then kris came over with tommy and it was like, she just clicked." 

phil laughed. a sign to keep going.

"techno was hesitant. the rest is a blur. you all opened up to us so quickly. i remember a lot of baby tommy, though."

"he was quite the baby," phil hummed. he always had this, unexplainable tone whenever he was reminiscing about something. 

"yeah," wilbur huffed. "you could say that again."

phil laughed quietly, kicking a little snow at wilbur. "he's still quite interesting."

wilbur laughed, too. "i'd know."

it fell silent between the two of them. wilbur enjoyed phil's company on days where everything had been a little too loud, too overwhelming. he didn't like things to be about him. never liked the strange looks or the whispers about him. he would go as far to say he hated it.

"i miss kristin." he said finally.

"really?" phil said, shocked.

wilbur didn't really connect with phil and kristin the way they'd hoped. neither him or techno called them mom or dad. not the way tommy did. he guess that's why it surprised him.

"yeah. i'm excited to see her. for the holidays." he looked up, seeing his breath from the cold. god, it got so cold so fast here. "i miss home."

phil went quiet. he was thinking. for a long time, too. he couldn't tell how long it'd been, but he didn't necessarily mind. 

"you sure about the train by the way? tommy and techno won't be taking it." 

wilbur hummed. "i am. i've always enjoyed the scenic ride." 

phil laughed. he'd already known the answer. the two of them always had something they could agree on. they preferred scenic rides and spending time with family rather than friends (but wilbur didn't have as many as tommy did, so it didn't matter much), relaxing after a long day. small things they could do together. 

he didn't realize how much time had passed. neither of them did. the sky was growing dark, reds and oranges smearing the sky. he missed a lot more class than he meant to. or was planning to, in that matter. 

and they stood there together, admiring the sunset. maybe phil wasn't. wilbur wouldn't know, and frankly, wilbur didn't care. he'd stay here for all eternity if he was given the chance. he knew he didn't have much left in the moment. maybe he'd left too late or thought too long but time always flew by and there was always the same pattern. wilbur would always come back and phil would always welcome him. just like he would for tommy. just like he would for techno.

wilbur stretched his legs out. "i should get going," 

"already?"  phil hummed. 

wilbur huffed. "as if i won't be back at some point."

he gave phil a hug, wishing him his goodbyes. wilbur waved, then made his way back.

just like that, he was alone again. wilbur made his way back to the dorms, taking a sharp turn to the right. it was only for a little bit until he ran into someone.



"oh god. i'm so sorry, do you need a hand..." he started before fully processing who it was. "..schlatt?"

"hey. i wasn't expecting to er... run into you," schlatt said,  looking at his feet. "i just wanted to say," and then he stopped.

"sorry, what am i saying?" he drilled. "um, i didn't think this through a lot. i'm really sorry."

wilbur didn't say anything.

"about the other day. what i said." 

he remained silent, looking schlatt in the eyes. 

neither of them could hold the eye contact.

"i don't usually apologized. it's my whole.. shtick." schlatt kept going. "but i mean it. it was messed up."

schlatt pulled one of his fingers, going silent. he remained antsy however, rolling on his heels waiting. 

"who are you jonathan schlatt?"

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