IV /kenopsia

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the eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that's usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet 

(a/n: sorry for dying for a bit! i ran into some trouble with grades and school along with general lack of motivation, but i think ive got it all sorted out so i should be fine update wise)



wilbur'd been gone for a bit now, probably.

time flew by when it was just thinking, but there wasn't really much to think about other than the fact schlatt had just walked with pretty much a stranger, followed him to gryffindor common room, and now lying in his bed while he lies on some uncomfortable couch for everyone to wake up and see.

schlatt wanted to convince himself that there was nothing wrong with this situation, but he knew ultimately there was everything wrong with this. he wasn't even on his own bed, he should be the one sleeping on the couch, not wilbur. but wilbur had to be the one sleeping on the couch because of how he felt bad and how he 'owed him' for running into him in the hallway, which didn't matter at all. 

this only lead schlatt to realize wilbur was just some kind guy that had bumped into him, and felt bad for making schlatt even later for class. that or wilbur was secretly planning to murder him once they got close, which quickly seemed stupid.

god he needed to sleep.

but he couldn't get wilbur off his mind, and schlatt couldn't even fathom why.

maybe it was just how wilbur was being so, nice, for no reason.

it wasn't romantic.

he was just stuck on how a technically still total stranger let him into gryffindor common room, somewhere he never belonged in the first place, and in his bed.

maybe it was.

maybe he was screwed. 

𝒇𝒐𝒓𝒆𝒍𝒔𝒌𝒆𝒕  ➵ schlattburWhere stories live. Discover now