XII / liberosis

548 32 11



a longing to let things go



schlatt groaned, feeling the warmth of the sun on his skin. he rolled over, feeling most of the warmth leave, kicking bed covers off of himself and feeling the cold hardwood floor. what a shit spot to have picked for sleeping. hopefully, he'd be able to swap next year. he straightened out, eyes roaming the room. nobody was even up yet. what time even was it? 

too late to go back to bed, apparently. 

he scanned the room again, only to see no movement, and got ready like every other day— throwing on a white button up, black trousers, and a green tie that he didn't even like. he raked his hands through his hair, noticing how long it'd gotten. had it really been that long? felt even worse knowing they'd be out of here in less than a few months maybe? it felt like he never even left this place with all of his family back in new york. 

schlatt stretched out, slid on shoes and left the room. the common room was unappealing to him, as there was nothing to do there. besides, he never even liked the color green. not this shade, at least. 

it was barely even light out, and stepping out into the hall full of paintings of people who where dead or never even left felt different at such an early hour. it felt so strange seeing it so empty. though, this wasn't necessary his first time seeing it like this. yet, he actually was alone this time.

he took a minute to observed, and then made his way down the stairs, letting his legs guide him rather than thinking of where actually to go. schlatt made his way around empty corridors— maybe getting a little lost once or twice, just a bit— and to the entrance of the giant library hogwarts offered. he'd only been in here what, once or twice now? it was always dead silent whenever he went though and strangely, there were voices of people chatting inside. and two of them sounded oddly familiar. an urge to check it out arose. and why not? nothing else would be going on forever.

schlatt took his first few steps in and rounded his way to where studying tables were, and maybe instantly regret it. wilbur was sitting there with niki and two other unfamiliar faces, in different houses. although, one of them looked strangely familiar. a blonde kid, slightly younger than the rest of them. they appeared to be packing up though, so no point in asking.

niki however noticed schlatt probably immediately, wrinkling her nose (rude) and pointed him out to wilbur, who looked back and smiled. the other waved him over, but schlatt pretended to be oblivious after staring for way too long, ducking into a book shelf, just to find himself in an isle he knew jackshit about. 

what was wilbur doing here? and wh— who was coming? 

he stirred, immediately going to grab a book and look it up and down. but there was a slight chuckle. 

"history of werewolves? really?" wilbur joked, raising and eyebrow. schlatt had partially forgotten what that stupid british accent sounded.

"i, uh.. i need to brush up on my history." schlatt blurted, gripping the book tightly. 

"uh-huh.." the brit paused, smiling to himself. "why're you hear so early? never thought i'd see you in a library."

"oh um, no i just woke up early." he said sheepishly. "sorry about um, the ball."

wilbur's face turned, he didn't frown or anything, just looked concerned. "no, no i had fun. should've taken you up on that dance though."

schlatt paused for a second, maybe longer. so the dickhead actually heard him.

niki called something out to wilbur, and he peeked out and told her he'd be right out.

"why're you here?" schlatt asked, changing the topic.

"oh, i wake up early everyday to come here. it's the only way i can really talk to my family."

family? nobody really looked related at all, but the blonde kid somewhat resembled phil a little bit. were they all related to him somehow? i mean maybe it was adoptive or something. or maybe wilbur looked like his mom more, which was entirely plausible. was phil even married?

niki shouted again, telling wilbur he'd be late. wilbur ignored her. "sounds kind of weird, i know. none of us look alike, right?" 

schlatt smile lightly. "yeah, was it that obvious?"

"a little," wilbur laughed quietly. he thought the taller might've gone on a bit, but left schlatt standing with some stupidly heavy book and a small smile on his face.

wilbur turned back, checking the time. he cursed, noticing that it was actually late, and professor jacobs would be kicking his ass. he grabbed schlatt by the hand and swung his bag over his shoulder. "c'mon, we're gonna be late!" 

schlatt laughed, loosening up and letting wilbur drag him, watching the other with some kind of stunned yet stupidly happy smile just from the action, although it was probably empty. a spur of the moment thing, and it wouldn't happen again. yet, wilbur never let go.

and it felt a lot more than a spurr of the moment.

HEY. i feel like everyones just a wee bit upset that you were all denied a happy romantic dancing scene but THERE ARE ULTERIOR MOTIVES!!!!!! 1) i have a very drawn out plan of the book, and if that scene WERE to happen, that would've been the end of the story itself, but it leaves a lot of questions unanswered 2) i went a wee bit off script in the last two chapters... YES, wilbur would have actually considered it but i have forgotten to mention his arm injury (ahem. minx incident.... i have BRIEFLY touched down on this so far) is um.. quiet preventive. i haven't brought it up lately because YES i was distracted with all the cute little details i wanted you all to be happy!! 3) guess what. I DONT CARE!!!! mwhahaha you all want romance and i will do the EXACT opposite!! out of spite!!!!! no love for anyone (/j, i love you all very much and every reaction and support comment i get inspires me to keep writing). 4) I HAVE REALLY BIG PLANS FOR THE NEXT COUPLE OF CHAPTERS. LIKE, REALLY BIG PLANS!!!!! i dont want to reveal exactly what i'm planning, but just you guys wait!!!! again, sorry if i upset anyone!!!!! there will be better moments!!!!! also haha im having a SMALL crisis with the story. haha. it feels very rushed to me so dont be surprised if i edit any chapters slightly, or things seem a little slow! i'm having trouble with story boarding and like appropriately figuring out how to write this without being one of those x3 hey i love you yeah me too lets date writers (no offense to anyone!!) but! hopefully i work it out. hopefully.

also!!!!! (sorry again) i am sorry if im upsetting anyone with the story or my choice of setting and writing! i am trying my best to keep it separate from harry potter itself (its whole story line) while maintaining the fantasy elements of it. some character i felt like could stay, just to keep that small element of hey, this is set in hogwarts. i hope im not ruining anything for anyone, and i hope the setting doesnt effect your views on the story. sorry again.

sorry for the horribly long a/n, it's something i felt was important. i don't want to dump all of my emotions onto random people here to enjoy a romance. i wanted it to be more "sorry if it's disappointing or a let down" but i wanted to give into actual reasoning.

also sorry for slow updates, i've been trying to enjoy my summer as there's a month left of it, and i'm gonna get busy when the school year starts up again. i'm not too hooked on continuing the story either, but i'm trying my best to keep it consistent.

THIS CHAPTERS FOR THE PERSON WHO WANTED THE LIBRARY HANGOUT!!!! its not much but i think it's cute :] this one is short because there is so much to unpack next chapter!!

again, sorry, but HAVE A NICE DAY READERS!!!! TAKE CARE OF YOURSELVES, BE SURE TO EAT, DRINK SLEEP AND DO THINGS YOU ENJOY! i hope you are all doing great <:]

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