XVII / gnossienne

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 a moment of awareness that someone you've known for years still has a private and mysterious inner life


(a/n- hey!!!! this chapter came a little slow ive been really busy with sports but two of my teammates were (temporarily) hospitalized (one of is are okay, just a concussion, but one of my teamates has to undergo surgery because of her arm break. we don't know entirely if shes okay, but we're all wishing her our best) and i was almost myself but i am feeling better now, just sore and tired! although the week isn't over yet, so four updates this week hopefully!!!)


"i don't get why your so upset over this,"  niki said. "a lot has happened today and you chose to be upset over some guy."

wilbur'd been pacing around non-stop for maybe the past 20, maybe 30 minutes. 

"well, um," he didn't really know what to say. "i don't know! i just, i fucked up. a bit. i don't know."

she frowned. "what happened?"

"too much! i get, yeah, maybe he was curious and that's okay, right? he was kind of a dick though, and i just let all of it out on him! i don't want him to hate me and feel like i'm keeping secrets (he maybe deserved it though), but i didn't want to explain to him whatever happened today. what if he thinks i'm a freak?" wilbur took a giant breath, than sighed. "i don't, i don't know."

niki remained silent for the longest time and he knew she was trying to find the words to help him. "who's this erm, 'mystery' guy."

do not blurt jonathan out loud.

"... why?"

 "don't get mad, but you've never cared like, this much about some random guys opinion." she looked over at him with soft eyes. "sounds like you're a little in love."

was it that obvious?

"yeah but now everything's all wrong!" he flopped down on the leather couch. everyone was mostly gone or asleep somewhere. he'd come back later than he wanted to, but it was nice staying with phil for once.

yet, he found himself tracing back to earlier.

he didn't know jonathan as well as he wanted to.

hell, he really didn't know him at all.

that's what aggravated wilbur more. not knowing. even if it was selfish of schlatt to be all 'i deserve the truth' like, he partially did. almost everyone in that room deserved the truth, or some version of it.

"apologize if you feel like you need too. and explain some of it, maybe all of it if you really want to. and, maybe you tell him you like him." niki said finally.

wilbur hummed in response. "what if he gets madder?"

"they do you really love someone who's an asshole?"

"no," wilbur said meekly. "he's not like that,"

niki raised and eyebrow. "tell me about him."

"um, you really have to know him. i don't know how to act around him really," he paused for a second, trying to think of words to describe schlatt. "he acts strong, i think, he has a softer side to him sometimes."

"okay, you are horrible at describing your lover." niki giggled.

"hey! we aren't dating!" wilbur punched her lightly, laughing quietly.


wilbur sighed. "we aren't dating yet,"

niki smiled and sighed.

and it was silent for a really long time. wilbur didn't know why, but it was nice for a while. peaceful silence. a silence were wilbur could think what to say and honestly, he didn't want to right now. maybe he didn't want to talk to him at all, maybe for a while. he wanted to rest. or sleep forever. maybe both.

"i'm gonna go to bed," 

niki hummed in response.

wilbur sat up, leaving the room and niki behind. it was only till he kicked the covers off his bed and layed down that he realized:

everything is a little more interesting now.


HEYY it hasnt been a week yet. lol. ANYWAYS. gonna be busy for a bit <33 kinda rushed the ending on this one but i am sliightly burnt out and tired BUT I WONT BE DISAPPEARING 

also kinda wanna write a dance chapter that we COULDVE had. so! let me know if that sounds interesting!!!!

have a good day everyone! <3

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