IX / sonder

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the realization that each random passerby is living a life as vivid and complex as your own 



wilbur watched as niki spun around the hallway, hands tight around the picnic basket, with a large smile on her face. wilbur wore the same smile, but the truth was he couldn't be more nervous.

none the less, he was still excited too.

it was fun being able to hangout with the rest of his family, plus minx. despite the cold temperature and the fact it looks like it'll snow any second, it was nice to get out and do something.

niki spun, then smiled at wilbur. "do you know who you're asking to the yule?"

wilbur's mind paused for a second, he'd forgotten about the ball for while. "no, actually. why?"

"i dunno, felt like you might've figured it out already. i have, at least."

"oh really? who are you thinking of asking? or have you already asked?" he asked, his eyes meeting hers.

niki's smile got wider. "i'm not telling you, it's a surprise."

wilbur chuckled, finding her sense of mystery funny, although he had no clue who she'd asked. she mingled her way into the courtyard, wilbur following loosely behind her. everyone else was already there, but they all seemed so silent.

minx had brought drinks, and had waved to him and niki once she saw them. techno brought a blanket and tommy had.... brought himself. wilbur laughed to himself quietly. maybe he'd been holding himself back.

niki'd begun talking, setting out the blanket with techno and instructing everyone sit down. she'd made little cucumber sandwiches, and minx had brought some sort of lemon-y drink. everything felt so... nice. wilbur half expected niki to make a cake or something, like the last time they had done this, but now it felt different.

"oh hey, techno, do you have any plans for the yule ball?" niki brought up.

minx gasped. "argh, i still gotta find my dress, but i'm so excited. really wanna ask this one person out." she butted in, a smile growing ever so slightly more evident.

techno hummed, nodding his head. "no, wasn't planning on asking anyone or anything."

"you really should, especially since you always complain about being single." niki sighed, giving the joke another motherly layer.

"guys, c'mon! you should know i have all the women. love them, really." tommy said, full of pride. he'd put a hand on a hip and flipped his hair just to add.

wilbur laughed, letting himself relax. "tommy, you could spare like, one, for techno. he's your older brother."

tommy let out a contagious laugh, bringing in the group a little bit.

"what about you wilbur?" minx asked.

"i didn't really realize it'd be coming so soon, really. so no." wilbur readjusted, bringing a knee to his chest.

"huh, you sound like my friend, schlatt."

"jonathan? you know him?"

minx's eyes widened. "he lets you call him jonathan? no fucking way!" she gasped again, going on. "he never lets anyone call him that, you must be special to him."

wilbur paused, heart skipping several beats.


minx nodded, going on about how when they'd first met all she was given was his last name, and how she thought it was actually his first based on how much everyone else called him it, along with another bunch of stories about him.

wilbur felt his stomach tighten, partially out of shock. special? to the jonathan schlatt? no way.

he let himself rock back and forth for a second, before noticing someone walking by. phil. of course, tommy notice and waved aggressively to him. but, minx also sunk back, going quiet, letting the conversation go on.

phil was also observing the group, and once he saw minx he seemed.. off.

"wilbur! come here!" he shouted, waving him over.

willbur frowned.

he pushed on his leg, waving a quick dismissal to the group. hopefully this won't take to long.

"c'mon," phil said, waving wilbur to walk with him. wilbur nodded, starting walk in sync with him.

they walked in silence together, until they were a reasonable distance from everyone.

"why're you talking to her?" phil said, his tone dropping. it was oddly uncomfortable, and wilbur stopped dead in his tracks.

"why'd you say it like that?" wilbur spoke, not realizing how uncomfortable he was showing in his voice.

phil stopped walking after a little bit, turning to face wilbur himself. "you know what she did,"

wilbur groaned. "it's fine."

"no, it's not."

wilbur's eyes narrowed. "stop sticking onto the past! i said i'm fine!"

phil didn't appear to like this, at all. "she could have killed you! you can't just brush it aside like this!" he spoke, refraining from yelling but slowly stepping over that border.

"it was an accident!" wilbur hissed, starting to get annoyed. why did phil have to worry so much about him? he wasn't even his real dad, yet he remained so stuck on holding him back.

"accident? accident!" phil let out a sarcastic laugh. "you couldn't hold a wand for weeks. all because she could properly execute a spell! you're not even supposed to be right now!"

wilbur groaned again, frustration and annoyance becoming evident. "well i can!" he yelled. "cut it out, literally! you're acting like a child. she didn't mean it, and we've both established it was an accident. stop trying to find reasons to baby me!" he went on, cutting himself off when he realized phil had gotten sadder, almost like wilbur'd just cut him down multiple sizes. he felt a surge of guilt start to rise, and it got larger when phil had started to walk away without a word.

"phil," wilbur said, reaching out to grab phil, but the older man had moved away. wilbur frowned.

"dad." wilbur spoke, more firmly this time. running to catch up. phil paused for a second.

wilbur winced. he felt awful. he never called phil 'dad', and for now to be the first time in a very, very long time was so much worse.

phil looked down, continuing to walk.

"go have fun wilbur."

wilbur didn't want to go back. he wanted to sit here and cry, and here was kind of good spot. isolated. he sat down for a little bit, letting himself calm down. he didn't realize, but minx had come over to check in.

"hey, did you forget to like, come back?" she said softly. wilbur didn't see this side of her often.

"'m sorry. phil just ah, doesn't really like you still."

minx nodded. she knew she felt unwelcomed. "it's not your fault, really. both of us understand so, it's good enough i guess."

he let himself smile, still sad, but it was bittersweet in a way.

"yeah," he paused. "good enough."

minx smiled too, reaching a hand out for wilbur to take, which he did. they started to head back in silence.

despite not feeling his best still, it was the most he'd get.

and maybe he was happy with that.



THE PLOT THICKENS! also i am planning to branch off into a LOT of complicated things so if any of you guys need explanations or chapter summaries let me know :]

drink water and eat!!!! love you all

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