XIV / adronitis

351 23 1


the frustration of how long it takes to get to know someone 


what the fuck

what was that? what even, who— what was wilbur hiding? what did the professor know about this and most of all: why did minx look so guilty? 

schlatt head buzzed back and forth as the whole class regathered, but everyone kept silent apart from the occasional cough. nobody really seemed to recover, and nobody knew what the hell had just happened. was there something he didn't know about? after the library it felt like they were finally, finally getting closer but no. something had to come up. and, apparently minx knew something.

he peeked around, watching the jacobs for a second (who was paying absolutely no attention, just staring at the spot were wilbur once stood from his own desk. what an asshole, honestly.) and the ran to leave and head for where wilbur might've gone, really the only place schlatt knew he might've gone, the nurses office. he'd only been there once or twice and knew that it wasn't really a great place to be in all honesty. the nurses watched people like a hawk and it'd be lucky if you got out of there within half n hour or something, based off of injury.

the tapping of his shoes filled the walls as he practically ran to the nurse, but was surprised when he got there.

there was no sight of wilbur. in fact, it didn't even look like he'd been there at all.

what the hell was going on?

first, wilbur is can't do certain spells or something, maybe just magicless in general— two, minx has been hiding something from him for god knows how fucking long, and third, wilbur wasn't hurt? it was all so confusing and honestly he could hurl hundreds of questions at literally anyone who would answer him at this point, no matter the answer.

"do you need something dear?" one of the nurses asked, faking a sense of kindness. schlatt knew by heart these nurses hated him.

"my stomach was just bothering me a bit." he said firmly, looking around. "was someone here recently?"

the nurse shook her head. "sit down first, i'll get you something." 

schlatt sat on the edge of one of the beds, still looking for any sign of wilbur. there was nothing, but, there was a stack of paper and what looked like an overstuffed messenger back on a chair on the other side of the room. he didn't bother to ask about it. 

the nurse came back soon, holding some disgusting green pile of plant. she held her hand out, and he took it. it was wet and slimy, and schlatt wouldn't be eating it anytime soon. 

"someone was here recently, but i don't think it's who your looking for." she paused, turning her back to schlatt. "if that's all, you should be on your way back to class."

he nodded standing up towards the exit. "thank you," he lied, throwing the slop in the trash. he turned a corner away from the nurse, and took a moment to wonder where else wilbur could be.  sure, it was stupid to keep looking (the nurses office being the most obvious place for someone like him) but it felt right.

the library felt like a good place to look, but after this morning it was quickly ruled out in embarrassment. maybe the painting room, or back at the gryffindor common room, but there was no way he could get in there especially as a slytherin and having no other friends in the same house as wilbur. maybe niki might've let him in, but in all honest she was a little too sweet for his liking and probably didn't like schlatt either.

he decided to head up to the room anyways— if he wasn't there, he wasn't there. it was too late to head back to class anyways. 

even while heading up the stairs, he felt a strong sense of dread mixed with hope. hope for wilbur being there? maybe. but in all honesty, he didn't want to ask any questions right now. or have answers, or know what just happened. schlatt wanted to sleep. and punch something. maybe both, but there was too much going on.

and, to his luck, wilbur was nowhere to be seen. 

he'd disappeared like a ghost.

and maybe for once, that was a good thing.



i also have to change the entire fucking formatting of the book because I CANT PASTE THE FONTS?!?!? water damage rlly changes a person! so sorry for the boring new formatting!!!!!!!

i am! so happy. i hope you guys like the chapter even if its a little short :-]

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