The seceret

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Dylan's POV
"Hey" Rhys said so coldly it sent chills down my spine "did zayn tell you?" I say hesitantly "No Harry had to zayn couldn't handle it" he said rather abruptly "do you hate me?"
I say not wanting to hear the answer "no of course not I hate what you did though" I started balling my eyes remembering what I did,Taliah, Rhys and Zayn and Harry's friends know."can you tell me your side of the story please" he said looking up with sad eyes "uhm yeah I guess but you better take a seat" I say between sobs "ok here goes" I say as we sit down "so well me and Zayn had been dating for about a year and a half when he started hanging out with Harry and as a girl I thought he was hot even though I was with Zayn and well Harry was the new bad boy in town and any girl with eyes wanted to be with him and I heard Niall and Liam say that Harry has the hots for me and as Zayn , Harry and I started hanging out more he started flirting with me but Zayn didn't notice and that carried on for a while then I started flirting back and Zayn noticed then that Harry and I had a thing after that he started fighting with me and stopped bringing me along to there group. So on Harry's birthday the boys through a party." I said and started crying and put my head in my hands. Rhys gave me a hug and instantly I felt sparks which made me want to carry in with the story so I wiped my nose and dried my eyes and continued. "I had gone up to Harry's room alone to wish him happy birthday and as I walked in he was only wearing his black skinny jeans no top on so I could see how masculine he was and how the tattoos he had showed a deeper Harry and while admiring his perfect body I tripped on his dressing table and fell and he caught me just in time and we were lying down face to face body's connected when". I pause as the story gets harder and harder to tell."He kissed me and I didn't stop him I encouraged him and one thing lead to Another and well I ended up having sex with him as we walked down the stairs to face everyone after our time up stairs we agreed not to tell a sole". At this point I was clinging to Rhys in sadness and he was holding on to me which made me feel like we were the only two people in the world." And then it was that time of the month and nothing happened and I thought that was a bit strange and then I started vomiting.So I went to the doctor and told him my symptoms he said have you tried a pregnancy test and I said no he gave me one and I went to the bathroom to check and as the face on the test appeared I vomited and cried at the result and I thought but me and Zayn hadn't done it since we started fighting and that was a while, then I smashed my head against the bathroom wall and realized it was Harry's child!". I said still crying with Rhys muscular arms still wrapped tightly around me." I went and showed the doctor the tests and wished me congratulations and I was screaming on the inside then the next part tell Harry. "I text him hey can we meet up he said yeah sure when and where the cafe now on my way his words as soon as he arrived he said hey what's the matter and then I told him and we agreed to get an abortion and we would pay half each and then he said I should tell Zayn and I didn't want to hurt Zayn so I didn't but Harry had assumed I had cause Zayn was being sort of cold towards him again an Harry said that baby would of been cute aye to break the ice and looked over at me, the look on Zayn's face he had no Idea of what Harry was on about. Oh so you don't know Harry said glaring at me and then Zayn figured it out right there and his went from confused to anger and punched Harry and knocked him to the ground and started beating him I was screaming and yelling at him to stop I thought Zayn was going to kill him. I said slamming my fists against the ground in despair and Rhys was starting to tear up a bit I could see it in his eyes." Dylan just shut up you cheating hoe and that's when Harry snapped and hit Zayn right in the face and screamed shut up you cunt none of this would of happened if you would treated her right you son of a bitch! And right then and there I fainted and fell to the ground in shock. "I woke up in a hospital with Taliah by my side and I could hear her telling the doctors to hurry up and I giggled a bit and she gave me a big hug and I instantly felt better then I saw Zayn and Harry get pushed down the hall in gurneys and in neck braces and then it hit me again I started crying and screaming and punching my stomach Taliah tried to stop me but she couldn't and then she hugged me and it made everything better as I cried into her shoulder and told her everything, we both ended up crying". I was head first in the dirt slamming my head when Rhys grabbed me and kissed me and I was caught of guard but I still kissed him back and instantly sparks fly. "Now can I get back to the story" I said and sniffed nice one Dylan my self conscious ads "yeah I just wanted to kiss you since the first time I laid eyes on you" my heart fluttered. " By the time I had an abortion Liam, Niall and Louis knew, Harry and Zayn had patched things up Zayn hated me and Harry felt bad for me and looked after me sometimes when Taliah was busy and now we are here and Harry and I are close and the rest of the gang and I are all friends. " we'll sounds like you've had a rough 6 months" "yup" I say sulking "don't cry Dylan it's not your fault condom company's don't make Harry proof condoms" he said and I laughed and so did he we laughed the same laugh a damaged yet perfect laugh. "Dylan?" "Yeah" I said and lifted my head up from lying on his chest "did you feel something when we kissed?" He said and I could hear the fear in his voice I leaned in and so did he and our lips moulded together perfectly and that was as good as any answer could be. (Plz like and comment and if you want Rhys and Dylan together let me know or what about Harry and Dylan xx plz read thanks xx)

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