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Zayn stole how could he steal? why would he steal? "what?" I eventually speak "yeah" Niall says with disappointment clear in his voice. "I can't believe this" Harry says holding my hand tightly "how do you know?" I finally question. "he told us" Liam buts in "why would he tell you and not me?" I question a little hurt thy Zayn didn't tell me "because he doesn't want you think any less of him" Niall says "oh" I simply say ending that conversation. "So I'm starving" Harry says grabbing a menu.

Louis drops me off to my house and leaves again which is unusual but maybe he's just hung over. But Louis has been acting weird at the end of last night and this morning "hi honey how was the party?" My mum asks as she walks into the kitchen "it was good" I reply grabbing a glass from the cupboard "was Louis there?" , "Yeah he was and he's my boyfriend so can you leave me alone" I snap "sorry mum I didn't mean too honestly it just slipped out. I'm tired and hung over so yeah I'm going to sleep" I apologize before walking up to my room.

I wake to the sound of my dreaded alarm clock. "ugh!" I groan turning off the torture devise, I roll out of bed and make my way to the shower to wake up my tired body. I pull on my white of the shoulder top and my denim blue high wasted shorts and tie my thin brown hair into a pony tail. I here Louis honk and I grab my white converse and run down the hall way.

I grab my coffee on the way along with my oversized school bag. "hey babe" I say as I open the door to Louis's truck "hey" he quickly says before starting the car. "are you okay you've been acting really weird" I eventually speak up as we approach school. "yeah fine just a little nervous about a big test I have" Louis says obviously lying "Louis you can tell me come on" I bug him.

"I'm sorry but I can't" he says and it hurts a little why can't he tell me something I tell him everything but I push those feelings away "okay" I say with a fake smile.

I hated school it's not like I needed it I wasn't going anywhere. I just want to find the perfect girl which I already have and own a bakery have kids and grow old that's basically my life plan. "Mr Styles could please tell me the answer to question 7?" My bitch of teacher pulls me from my life day dream "no" I say and everyone else laughs at something that's not even funny.

"Well then pay attention" she says before picking someone else to answer her question. I drift off again thinking of Dylan and the first time we met.
"I don't want to go to the movies and meet your lame ass girl friend" I tell Zayn "you're coming no arguments" He decides. Looks like I'm going I don't want to risk losing one of the only friends I have.
We arrive to a old shitty movie theatre this night is going to be shit I don't want to see how in love Zayn is with his girlfriend honestly. Until I spot a beautiful girl with long blonde hair, Big blue eyes and the most amazing smile I've ever seen. She was absolutely stunning maybe this night could be batter than I thought.

She walks over and I instantly get nervous she smiles at me kindly I do the same "Baby" She calls out I look around for anyone she was talking to but she opens her arms and embarrasses my best friend in hug. Well this is going to be shit because there is no way that I will be able to control my self around her.

"Hi oh sorry my names Dylan" She introduces her self so sweetly and bubbly its adorable. "I'm Harry nice to meet you Dylan" I say I love her name it's perfect it's not too girly but it just suits her so much. "Lets get the tickets" Zayn says Dylan and I walk beside Zayn following him to get the tickets. How can Zayn get Dylan they are so different well they look so different she looks so sweet and innocent while Zayn looks like he could beat the shit out of anyone which I know is true. I make a promise to my self that I will not fall for my best friends girl friend even if she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen there will be one for me somewhere just not here just not Dylan.
Who new that would completely change.
The bell rings just as my day dream ends I pack up my things and exit the class as quickly as possible I just want to see Dylan and tell her how much I love her. I know it sounds way to controlling but I missed her so much and I just wanted to be with her all the time and tell her how much I love her.

(This is short I'm sorry but I wanted to get it up and tbh I don't even know what's going on in this chapter haha and if its crap I apologize because its like 2am so ya know bye plz vote and comment also follow my fan account on twitter 'LovingLuke1' or no one idk any bye love ya soz for the long note :)

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