The new house

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"Mum I'm just going for a walk" "ok Rhys be back by sun down". I walk and walk till I find my self in the middle of an abandoned riffle range I see this girl running who makes me stop in my tracks she is absolutely beautiful. She catches me looking and stops at the gate. "Hi I'm Dylan" she says as she whips her long golden blonde hair and bats her ocean blue eyes "Rhys " " you wouldn't bye any chance be moving into 159 Dodson place?" " How do you know exactly where I live?" "I live next door!!" She sounds so ecstatic "school?" "McDonald school of performing arts" "me too" "we should walk together on Monday" " yup" "I'll show you around tomorrow I have to go " " bye " I say and before I know it she off with her blonde hair swaying behind. By the time I find my way home I have pretty much with a perfect plan to wooh the girl next door. As I walk in mum and dad are yelling as always and dinners cold and my older brother is off in his room so it's just like normal "Rhys I told you to be back an hour ago" " I know sorry mum I got lost" " it's called a GPS " "I'm going to bed" I scold at my exhausted mum. When I close my eyes all I can see is her with her blonde hair and blue eyes her flawless smile the way her lips were a perfect shade. (Plz like and comment xx)

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