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I wake up to Harry's crotch in my face not exactly the first thing I want to see first thing in the morning "enjoying the view down there?" Harry asks I get up to face him and he has this big grin on his face "what?" "Nothing it's just you look horrible" "wow thanks babe exactly what I want to here" "I know I'm such a charmer" he says and I laugh. By the time I get home I'm nearly dead I'm so tired I didn't even talk to anyone this morning besides Harry.


Taliahs POV

I'm so nervous because Louis and I are going in our first date and its a surprise so I don't know what to wear he's so annoying but yet so cute. I finally decide on an outfit after multiple calls to Dylan and Tilly I'm wearing light blue jeans and a big knit and a scarf plus Louis bennie that he left. He comes by my house in a limo to pick me up wearing a similar style of clothing yet a guy version "you stole my favorite hat" "but it looks much better on me don't ya think?" I ask "well definitely but it's comfy" Louis throws a fake tantrum and I giggle "so where are we going?" I'm dying to know I hate surprises "don't you worry your pretty little head where we are going young lady" I want to know now how dare he do this to me "tell me" I nag him nearly the hole time until he pulls up at the "CARNIVAL!!!" I scream "this is my favorite place ever Louis how did you know" I start to cry with happy tears "I know you babe" he says giving me a hug.

Dylan's POV
While Taliah is off on her date with Louis. Tilly and I are having a sleepover we are going to watch horror movies and sad movies and gossip I'm so excited when she gets here I give her a hug "we haven't had a sleep over in ages!" I say and now both of us are jumping up and down "I know right", "guess what I brought" she says pulling out a bottle of wine "I fucking love you" I say grabbing the wine from her. After watching one of the scary movies we put Disney Chanel on because we are to scared to watch anything else. "that movie was so scary!" I say "I know there is no way I'm moving from this spot" Tilly says I think she's serious. "So you and Rhys aye?" I say to Tilly taking the wine off her " yeah I like him like he's really hot and nice the complete package really" "yeah I know when I kissed him it felt amazing" I say carelessly cause I'm half drunk "what you kissed him?" Tilly says raising her voice "what it's no big deal its just a kiss chill" I say giggling "no it's not 'just a kiss' you take every fucking guy I like away from me Dylan do you not want me to be happy or are you just a SLUT!!" She yells "how dare you, you know what I have been threw how bad I feel and I tell myself that I'm a slut enough but when one of best friend says it well you might as well of just ripped out my spine" I say sobbing "yeah well if you stop sleeping or making out with every guy you fucking like then maybe I wouldn't be calling you a slut" Tilly says still mad while I cry and cry she just watches me "I'm sorry Tilly that Harry loves me and I'm sorry that I love him back and well I'm fucking sorry I'm such a fuck up and I'm sorry that I kissed Rhys who I didn't even know you liked so well Tilly I'm fucking sorry!" I shout still crying again I thought she was my friend she is supposed to be there for me not making me feel even worse I am hurt crushed really by how she called me a slu.... I can't even finish the word it hurt that much. As I run up the stairs crying to my secret spot where I used to come to cry and cut my self and I had come so far from that and now I'm back to square one. I hear the door slam and something breaks but I couldn't care less about that right now my head is drowning in horrible thoughts "no one will ever love you are a SLUT" a voice keeps replaying in my head. As I pick up the knife to start cutting my wrist again my phone rings and I see Harry's name pop up so answer it "hey babe how's your sleep over?" He asks softly "shit" I cry "what's wrong baby I'm coming over now" he says with worry in his voice I hang up the phone and finish what I had started.

Harry's POV
When I get to Dylan's I barge through the front door to see a smashed wine bottle on the floor so I know some massive shit has gone down. I rush upstairs to Dylan's room to find it empty. I know exactly where she is I head down to the end of the hall way when I see a trail of blood. I follow the trail of blood just like I did 2 months ago, I find her curled up in a ball rocking back and forth whispering "slut" "no one will ever love you" with a bloody knife to her side "Harry" she says looking up with glossy eyes "I'm right here for you"I say softly trying to take this all in. She stays silent so I pick her up and carry her down stairs so I can dress her wounds like I have done in the past, I am the only one who has Dylan like this and probably the last. "Baby can you tell me what happened please" I beg as I finish the last dressing. "Well ah we had finished watching a scary movie when I asked her if she liked Rhys and she said yeah he was like the total package and shit then me being the big mouth that I am said yeah when I kissed him it felt amazing". She pauses wiping a tear from her tear stained face. "She called me a slu.... " She takes a deep breath "a slut she called me a slut" she says trying to control her tears "and said that I sleep with every guy I like" she can't control her tears anymore they just flow out of her. How could Tilly do this to her she is one if Dylan's best friends and to think that I liked her how could I like someone who could hurt someone enough for them to start cutting them self ,how dare she what a fucking bitch. "Harry why am I like this, why am I such fuck up, why does everyone hate me, Harry how can you love me how can you love such a fuck up like me" she asks and tears prick in my eyes this is how she sees her self, how can such a beautiful be so damaged so hurt so broken. "Dylan I love you because I see the good in you, I see the real you, Dylan we are both fuck ups you know what bad I have done hell you know me better than anyone, Dylan I love you so much it hurts, baby you are beautiful on the inside and out you have so much life in you it's hard for me to see you like this I have seen it too many times I love you too much to watch it happen again" I say with tears streaming down both our faces "Harry I love you more than anything in the entire universe" she says so softly and full of emotions "but Harry I also hate my self I don't know what you see in me but I'm glad that your the only one to see it" she says crying and I feel my tears spilling down my face I don't like seeing her go back to the dark place she just came out of. I carry her back up stairs and put her in bed next to me. Dylan rests her head on my chest I comb my fingers through her matted hair to calm her racing mind "I love you and I will never let you go darling" I say softly "I love you to infinity and beyond curly" she says snuggling into my chest I feel her cry her self to sleep. I run my finger lightly over the bandages on her wrists thinking about how she has this constant reminder of the pain she goes through and she has another lot to add to the collection. (plz comment this one was sad I was crying when I wrote it haha I'm such a softie plz let me know what u think and if there was any mistakes let me know xxx :)

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