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I stayed the night at Louis's after the best night of my life. I really like Louis a lot. I wake up to have Louis naked lying on top of me completely passed out. When suddenly my phone rings and interrupts my gaze. I read the contact and its Tilly why the hell would Tilly be calling me at like 7 in the morning something's up. "hello" I answer. "h-hey Taliah" she stammers "what happened Tilly?" I question. "Dylan and I had a fight". "about? what happened" I say curiosity getting the better of me. "well ahh she told me that she kissed Rhys after I told her that I liked him" she sighs "but she knew that I really Harry and hate how she gets everything she wants. Then I called her a slut" she says quickly "you what?" I gasp how could Tilly, I know she's pissed but how could she? "I did and I also told her that she sleeps with every guy she likes" Tilly whispers "Tilly how could you, is Dylan ok? what happened after?" I question. "well then she ran upstairs crying and I left. I don't care how Dylan is she's a slut she's probably fucking some random right now" Tilly raises her voice. How could Tilly do this she knows Dylan's past she knows how much those words will affect Dylan. "Tilly how could you" I say flatly and with that I end the call not wanting to here her crap explanation.

I'm woken up by the alluring scent of pancakes my absolute favorite. I turn over to feel if Harry's there but it's just empty. "Harry?" I call "Baby down here" he calls from the kitchen. I get up to see Harry when suddenly my knees buckle my head feels all weird and everything is going blurry before I know it I collapsed on the ground. I can't get up all I can do is blink I try call for Harry but no noise is coming out. "Blondie pancakes are ready" he calls and I can't reply all I can do is blink the tears away. "I'll eat them all if you don't come eat them I know there your favorite" Harry calls again I try to get up but I can't it feels like I'm glued to the floor. Everything all of a sudden goes numb what is happening? I look at my wrists to make sure they're still there when I see my blood is everywhere my cuts must have bleed out that's why I can't move. Harry comes down the hall whistling like he does if he feels like he has accomplished something when he walks in he stops in his tracks. "Baby" he says full of emotion "are you ok what happe" he stops mid sentence and looks at my wrists and tugs at his curly locks "this is my fault how could I be so stupid" he says causing a tear to spill. He looks at me with glossy puppy dog eyes "I love you" he says "I... Love..... You" I whisper. Harry immediately picks me up in a cradle position and carries me down stairs to the couch. "Ill get you some orange juice and then you eat your fabulous pancakes cooked by your amazing boyfriend" he smiles cheekily. He hands me a glass of orange juice and grabs the first aid kit. Harry puts a straw in my orange juice so I can drink my juice with out drowning in orange juice. "How did your wrists even get this bad they were fine when I went to surprise you with pancakes" Harry asks him self aloud "did you have another night mere?" He asks I nod slowly because I don't have the energy to talk to anyone. "That's it your heart rate must of gone up and so you lost heaps of blood through your open wounds" he sounds like a doctor a adorable doctor that cooks me breakfast. "want your pancakes babe?" I nod excitedly. Harry turns on the tv to sponge bob which is our favorite show to watch together. I try to stand up but keep falling back into my seat when Harry comes and grabs me and puts me over his shoulder he walks over to the couch and throughs me on to the couch. We sit there eating our delicious pancakes watching spongebob cuddling when I hear the door unlock. Shit. "Oh My Goodness what on earth happened in here young lady!" My mum says sternly. Harry and I look at each other with worried looks plastered on both of our faces she doesn't understand my pain so she doesn't know that I hurt my self I'm worried she will find out and overreact and send me to a mental hospital which is not happening. "We are in here Mrs Devine" Harry yells loud enough for her to hear she's a but deaf. "Hi Harry nice to see you" she greets him by giving him a hug which is weird. "Honey how was your sleep over? Sorry about before I forgot that its only 8:30 in the morning but can you please clean it all up when your done?" She asks sweetly my mum is so understanding and sweet she's never sad always happy or mad. "Dylan's a bit tired and has a sore throat I think she might be coming down with something" Harry says looking at me, I silently thank him. "Oh really thank you so much Harry I feel awful for leaving you here with this goof ball. But on the other hand rather you than me I had a lovely time shopping catching up with friends thanks for baby sitting" my darling of a mother says joking, Harry chuckles which show his gorgeous dimples.

"Who was that?" Louis asks "Tilly" I say angrily "what happened you can tell me baby" snuggles into my neck kissing it softly "well she called Dylan a slut" I say hurting for Dylan "she what" Louis looks up shocked. "She also said that Dylan sleeps with every guy that she liked". "what a bitch how's Dylan? What about Harry my boy does he know oh god" Louis says rubbing his temples. "I feel so bad for Dylan like honestly what is Tilly's problem how dare she" "Taliah don't worry your pretty little head I just text Harry he's with Dylan keeping her safe and her mum just got home so it's ok babe stop stressing" Louis whispers in my ear nipping at my ear lobe. "Well that makes me feel better" I let out a deep breath "now maybe we can finish what we started last night" Louis says crawling on top of me his lips inches away from mine. When our lips meet in a hungry kiss..

God I'm so pissed off honestly Dylan is unbelievable she is such a slut I hate her. First she stole Harry and now Rhys for god sake just pick one you don't need to fuck everyone to get at me. I walk for ages until I see someone in the park she looks upset, really upset I need to see if she is alright I mean I'm pissed but I'm not horrible. "are you okay?" I ask the girl, she has long, straight black hair ,brown eyes nearly black which are amazing and olive skin. "yeah well um.. no" she stutters "do you want to talk about it?" I ask because I need to talk to someone who isn't going to defend the slut that I once called my best friend. "but I don't know you" the girl says tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. "my names Tilly I'm a dancer and I go to Mc Donald school of performing arts" I introduce my self. "My names Zoe I go to Sydney's all girls high and I'm an artist nice to meet you Tilly" she says very politely "nice to meet you to Zoe" I say "Can you tell me what's bothering you now Zoe?" I ask "over a coffee my shout" she offers and who would say no to free coffee I sure as hell wouldn't. We walk and walk until we finally find a coffee shop that actually looks decent "so well I kind if just saw my dad cheating on my mum" she sobs while gripping to her coffee mug. "Aww Zoe are you ok my parents went through a similar thing when I was younger I know how much it hurts" I say laying my hand out to squeeze hers. "what about you what's wrong with you?" Zoe asks curiously. I debate wether or not to tell her the truth for a while "um well yeah my best friend well ex best friend and I had massive fight" I say upset that I said that Dylan is still my best friend no matter what she does. "do you want to tell me the hole thing or is it to soon" Zoe asks "well I called her slut" I say quickly "okay Ill ask more questions later because right now we are going to have some fun" she stands from the table dragging me back to her car.

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