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Zoe gets the door and her boyfriend and his mate walk in they look rather familiar. "heeeeyy" Zoe slurs kissing her boyfriend on the lips when it clicked it was those guys that we met at McDonalds on Liam's birthday Zac and Jayden I think. "Who's this" Zoe's boyfriend asks "This is Tilly my new friend and Tilly this is Jayden my boyfriend and that's Zac" Zoe introduces us "we've already met I could never forget a beauty like her" Zac says and my cheeks instantly blush. "Oh yeah we met her and her friends at McDonald's and that hot blonde chicks boyfriend nearly lost it" Jayden says chuckling at Harry's expense it was funny though. "that chick was hot though if I was him I would do the same especially if it was someone who looked as good as me flirting" Zac says grabbing out some Doritos my favorite. "that's my friend Dylan" I say stumbling over to get some chips "she's hot but not as hot as you" Zac winks once again my cheeks blush.

"LET'S PLAY TRUTH OR DARE!!!" Zoe yells "lets do it you go first babe" Jayden says kissing Zoe on the lips "okeeey... uhm Tilly truth or dare?" Zoe asks "Truth" "uhm are you a virgin?" She asks giggling like crazy. I snatch the bottle off Jayden and jug as much as I can down "yes" I say quickly covering my mouth to hold back the vomit. Everyone's faces drop "how could you be a virgin when you look like that" Zoe says raking her eyes up and down my body the guys doing the same.

"Well Zac truth or dare?" I say quickly taking attention off of me "dare duh" "okay I dare you to run down the street naked "easy watch and learn baby" he says stripping off I can't believe he's actually doing this. I can't help myself starring I have never seen a guy naked before. "like what you see" Zac says throwing his top at me I smile shaking my head.

After a lot of dares and truths we are all officially drunk and throwing up everywhere. I pass out in the bath with no top on only my white lace bra on.

I feel a lot better today but still not happy just better I'm trying to be happy for Harry because I hate seeing him upset. I'm so thrilled that Tilly is talking to me.

Harry and I arrive at the mall as I walk I feel like everyone is starring at me ,judging me talking about me I hide behind Harry for protection I don't want all these people to see me. I begin to shake and run into the elevator with Harry running closely behind. "what happened?" Harry asks stopping the elevator. "everyone's looking at me and judging me" I say shyly "no they're not your just over thinking, come on baby lets go shopping before we have to go back to school tomorrow" Harry says holding my hand and squeezing it for reassurance "okay can you help me pick out some dresses" I beg "anything love" Harry says kissing me swiftly on the lips.
We go back to Harry's house house after shopping for hours because I'm sick of my house and all the pain it holds. "What do you want to do?" Harry asks "Go for a walk in reserve" I say remembering the time.

Harry and I walk through the reserve holding hands and talking about everything. "I hope your okay and not lying to me" he says which is exactly what I was doing I told him I was dealing with this hole situation fine when really I went home and cried my self to sleep every night and when my mum wasn't home which was most of the time I cut my self until my body went numb. A tear streamed down my face I quickly try and wipe it away but Harry sees it. "I know your lying to me I can tell I know you Dylan" he says bringing me into a hug I hug him back as tight as I can. I tell him everything thats been going on in my fucked up head.

"TAG!" He yells running away and I chase after him tripping up a couple of times till I can't see him anymore. Someone grabs me from behind and swings me around "Harry!" I squeal "blondie!" He screams and kisses my nose before running away again.

I have a big grin on my face and so does Harry ,his smile is so beautiful the way his dimples deepen when something makes him happy. We race each other to reserve screaming trying to trip each other up when Harry gets a call interrupting my amazing tackle.

"Hello" Harry answers "Hey uhm Harry... It's Rhys he's missing" Niall stutters and as I hear those words I get shivers down my spine. "what happened and how do you know?" Harry asks worriedly I am speechless where would he go? Why would he run off? Did I hurt him too? Those questions keep running through my mind like a broken record.

"He was hanging out with us and then he got a call and left and no one has heard from him since.. I'm really worried please come and help mate I need you". Niall says his voice full of emotion and I know he's blaming him self I've heard it all to much. "We are on our way" Harry says shoving his phone back in his pocket.
"Finally you guys get here I've been worried sick" Niall says pacing back and forth like a mad man. "Sorry mate we went to Rhys's house to see if he was there he wasn't I'm so sorry mate" Harry says walking over to give Niall a hug. I go and sit down next to Liam who is drinking some coffee. "Dylan I'm scared" Liam says gripping his coffee mug "he will turn up Liam" I say squeezing his hand "I'm more scared about Niall" he says with a tear streaming down his face I get up to hug him. "Dylan can I tell you something I haven't told anyone" Liam says sobbing into my shoulder "anything at all" I reply kissing the top of his head "I like Niall" Liam says hugging me once more "I know and I think he likes you too" I say wiping the tears from his eyes.

(Plz comment and vote xx follow me on twitter @Mikaela_Dodson thank you love you guys :* :)

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