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"Harry what happened?" Niall asks still hugging me he was crying uncontrollably he was blaming himself I can't stand it that one of my best friends is hurting so bad. "I'm not sure but Dylan and I will look for him okay" I say to Niall to calm him down "Thanks mate I don't know what I would do with out you" Niall says wiping away his tears.

"Liam can you come here for a sec" Niall calls "I'm going to go talk to Dylan" I excuse my self politely. "Hey babe how's Liam holding up?" I ask Dylan as I peck her on the lips. "well he's a bit shaken up and he likes Niall" Dylan answers playing with my curls in her delicate hands. "what does he? I never knew" I say shocked well they did kiss one time the first day we met Rhys but that's it. "I think Niall likes him back" I say quietly trying to make sure they don't hear us. "me too, we are such good match makers" Dylan says all too excitedly for whats happening.

I laugh at how cute she is when she gets overly excited. Her face lights up like a Christmas tree her dimples showing and her perfect lips forming the most amazing smile I just fall in love with her all over again. "don't laugh at me" Dylan says poking my dimple which makes me laugh more "stop it" she says covering my mouth with her hand. "Ew don't lick my hand" Dylan screeches removing her hand "I was trying to listen to what's happening egg" Dylan says leaning her ear against the wall. "Liam listen this is kinda hard for me to say this but well... Liam I like you" Niall stammers, "knew it" Dylan whispers "Niall I like you too" Liam says wait what?! Niall and Liam are attracted to each other how did I not notice. We hear a kiss and Dylan and I take that as I cue to pretend we were doing something else.

"we know you guys were listening" Niall says holding Liam's hand proudly as they walk in "what no way" Dylan's voice cracks and I just laugh "Dylan we heard you whisper 'knew it' oh yeah by the way Dylan you are a horrible whisperer" Liam says and all I can do is laugh cause they are right. "lets stop picking on me and call Zayn, Louis, Taliah and Tilly to see if they have seen Rhys" Dylan says "yup but can you guys not tell anyone about us?" Niall says with Liam nodding by his side. "of course not love birds" I say blowing each of them a kiss.

"I wanted to watch 'How to get away with murder" I complain as Louis changes the channel "it had that really hot guy in it" "the only hot guy that you should be talking about is me Missy" Louis says winking "this guy is way hotter though" I say laughing "right that's it" Louis says grabbing me in his arms and swings me around until he drops me on the floor because he gets a call. "On my way" Louis says hanging up the phone. "What's happened?" I ask getting up from the floor "well ah Rhys is missing" Louis says rubbing the back of his neck "what?! OMG lets go!" I say grabbing my purse and keys rushing out the door "hurry up this is an emergency" I call for Louis "alright, alright I'm coming bossy boots" Louis says getting in the car.

I awaken to the sound of a dreaded duck why is there a duck in the house I turn my head to see that it's Dylan calling I contemplate of weather or not answer "hullooooo" I say groggily wow I must have drunk a lot. "hey uhm Tilly don't mean to annoy you but something's happened" Dylan says sadly is she in hospital for more attention from the guys honestly. "like what?" I snap "it's Rhys he's missing" she says bluntly "we are at Niall's if you want to come help look Taliah, Louis and Zayn are on there way" she says hanging up the phone.

I walk over to the couch where I left my top well at least I thought I did anyway. I scan around the room to find it but I can't see it anywhere until I lay my eyes on Zac who is snuggling up to my top it was so adorable but I needed my top so I sneakily took it off him.

I slip my top over my head only to feel someone try lift it back I quickly turn around to see Zoe trying to lift up my top. "what are you doing?" I say trying to pull my top back down "I'm pulling your top off" Zoe whispers into my ear "Zoe stop" I say and she kisses my neck and it doesn't feel right I don't like it. "but Tilly your so hot" Zoe says slurring her words she's obviously drunk. Zoe grabs my hips and pulls me closer "thank you but please let go" I say trying to wiggle out of her grip she grabs my ass and squeezes it "Zoe stop" I say a bit more harshly I need to go help Rhys not here getting hit on by a drunk girl I only met a couple of hours ago. "but I don't want to" Zoe says pressing her lips to mine in a hungry kiss I push her off as she try's to slip her tongue into my mouth. "Zoe stop you have a boyfriend" I say walking away.

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