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I am woken up by screaming so I quickly open my eyes to check on Dylan she's sweating and she has a frown on her beautiful face. "Dylan" I shake her softly just like I used to. "Wake up" I say a bit more harshly. She refuses to wake up its scaring me normally she would of woken up by now. "No , no!" she says shaking her head her frown deepening "Stop, stop!" she screams. "baby wake up" I shake her still nothing. "Don't touch me!" she screams. What is she dreaming about its scaring me, I'm drowning in my own thoughts of what could possibly be going round in her tortured mind. "Dylan wake up" I say flatly wiping the sweat off her face. She flutters her eyes open to see me looking at her with worry in my "Harry I had another bad dream" she sobs "I know baby, I know do you want to talk about it?" I ask softly kissing her forehead "no not really" she whispers. "ahh" she whispers rubbing her thumb over the bandages, "My wrists hurt. Not as much as I do though" she says softly sobbing "Dylan I hate seeing you have these night meres, this one was worse I couldn't wake you easily what if next time I can't" a tear streams down my face at the thought. "what's the time?" Dylan replies "5:30 am" I say groaning. "I want a tattoo" Dylan whispers, tracing her finger over my tattoos on my chest "are you sure?" I ask "I'm not sure about anything" she sighs. "Harry do you think I'm a slut?,No bullshit or anything just answer honestly please" she begs "Dylan Devine you are not a slut I can promise you that I think you have just made some wrong choices in life and you are just trying to recover from the consequences of your choices" I say meaning every word "and hey I'm not so great either you know my past my everything Dylan I have made worse choices than you. I hate seeing you go through what I did because I know how long it took to get to where I am now. Its horrible to witness someone that you love go through so much pain so much loss" Tears prick in my eyes but I try to fight them there has been enough crying from me tonight. " Harry I know you hate it when I do this to myself I know you love me and I know how hard it is for you and I'm trying but when one of your best friends stabs you in the back it puts a fucking mountain in the road. I will need you to help me through this because you are the only one understands" As she says those words a sudden reality check hits me like a slap in the face that she does need me right now because of what just happened how could someone do this to her? she needs her friends to help her not tear her apart and cause her to think that she wants to end her life. For someone to make her scar her body to make her lose all sanity to make her empty how could you empty such a beautiful thing and leave me alone to fill it back up again. I think looking at my wrists and Dylan's why did we do this why did I want to end my life why does Dylan want to end her life? That's what u will never understand how she could think to end something that hasn't even begun.

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