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Taliah and I get ready together for the movie that I'm so pumped for but Taliah's a little clueless about the hole thing. Ever since I was little I have loved super hero movies and comics.

"You look stunning" I smile at Taliah, she blushes in return "Really? You think Louis will like it?" She smiles "of course he will". Her flowery skirt and her lace white crop top matching perfectly.

"You look hot" She laughs, her laughter is contagious, we both end up rolling on the floor with laughter. I stand up and ruffle my fingers through my long golden locks.

*At Movies *
Taliah and I link arms as we walk into the movie theatre. My eyes land on slick back curly mess I run over and jump on his back. "Shit!" He screams obviously scared by my encounter.

"Sorry" I give him a apologetic smile. "it's okay I know you can't control your self around me" he laughs. I greet all the boys with a hug.

"7 tickets to Avengers please" Harry smiles at the pretty movie lady. "Here you go would like anything else?" She winks and unbuttons half her top. Bitch.

"Could I get a large popcorn, coke and skittles?" He smiles back. "sure" she slides him a piece of paper. "Here" I hand her the money so she will shut up and put her tits away.

She screws her face up before handing us our food and winking one last time at Harry. "What is wrong with you?!" I ask.

"What do you mean?" His raspy voice asks, is he seriously that blind? "That chick was like all over you!" I shout "she gave you her frigen number for god sake!" I storm into the girls bathroom.

"Dylan please come out" he calls from the other side of the thick bathroom door. "Why should I if your just going to flirt with everyone" I snap. "Come on let's talk about this" he asks and I open the door.


"Look it's not my fault I didn't even know she was like flirting or whatever and I couldn't even give a shit because I have you" Harry says in his sexy voice.

"Well it's hard because your Harry and everyone wants you!"

"Dylan how do you think I feel? I mean look at you, especially tonight I mean you look so hot! Like every guy in this building just wants to get in your pants!" He shouts.

"Would it help if I wore mums clothes?" I giggle.

"No because you would still look sexy" he bites down on his plump lips. I blush at his words.

"You are so cute when your jealous" he winks before walking in the dark cinema. I begin to follow him when I walk into something.

"Oh uh I'm sorry" a familia voice says "it was all me" I look up to see Tilly frozen to the ground in shock.

"Dylan?" She asks and I nod. "Wait! Stop! Can we please talk?!" She calls as I try to escape. I turn around and nod not trusting my words.

"Dylan please listen this time" she gives me a weak smile. "I'm so sorry about all of this mess and I really miss having as a friend I just miss you so much even my mum was wondering where you were because you haven't been sneaking in and stealing our food. Dylan just please forgive me and we can put all this behind us" she finishes struggling for air through that speech.

"I'm sorry that I called you a slut. I didn't mean I was just upset and hurt. I'm beyond sorry that you self harmed because of the words I said I'm sorry. Please say something" she begs with tears threatening to spill.

"You really hurt me" I say "I know I did" she fiddles with her hands. I grab her hands "But I can forgive you" I smile "Really?!" She half squeals, I nod and she hugs me tight while jumping up and down like a crazy person.

"So what were you actually doing here?" I ask "Rhys invited me to some alien movie or whatever" she laughs "really well we are all watching avengers" I smile "okay well I have to go Dylan but I will text you later" she hugs me before hurrying off to another cinema.

'Can u plz bring me my ticket x'

'But it's just started!'

'Hurry then!'

'Ugh fine'

I wait patiently for Harry to hand me my ticket. While I wait I spot the flirting movie chick.

I screw my face up in disgust. I mean she was pretty and all but she doesn't need to be going around and showing everyone her tits!

"Jealousy is a bitch ain't it love" Harry whispers in my ear from behind. I jump out of of my skin "Harry! You scared the shit out of me!" I say catching my breath. "I know" he laughs "but seriously babe you need to control your jealousy" I laugh at his ridiculous remark.

"Whatever" I smile "Come on before it starts!" I grab his arm pulling him into the theater.

"Captain America is so hot" I whisper as I shove buttery popcorn in my mouth.

"Dylan the only avenger you can call hot is hulk" Harry whispers back "Shut up", "who needs to control there jealousy now? Hmm" I whisper fighting back a giggle. "Still you" he steels a handful of my popcorn.

"Shhhh" I shush him and focus my attention back to the movie.

*After the movie*

"That was EPIC!" I say as we exit the movie theatre "It was" Taliah agrees "Taliah you didn't even get to watch it you were to busy making out with Louis" I laugh and Harry high fives me. "Shut up" she pushes me lightly.

We all went our separate ways Louis and Taliah leave together obviously, Niall, Liam and Zayn. and Harry and I head back to his place.

"Hi Anne" I smile as Harry and I enter "Hi Dylan!" She hugs me. "DYYLLAAANNN!!!!" A voice calls down the hall followed by heavy foot steps.

Gemma runs into my arms and hugs me tight. "Gemma!" I squeal "Your back!" Gemma beams and I nod. "Okay, okay. Back off gem she's mine" Harry steps in between us "Look who's getting jealous now aye?" Gem and Anne laugh. "Is it pick on Harry night or something?!" He laughs.

"Yes" I kiss him on the cheek. "Stop teasing" he grabs my waist and pulls me to face him, smashing his buttery lips on mine. "Aw" Gemma claps, I giggle and Harry kisses my hair.

"You guys are so cute!" Gemma squeals. She can't stop squealing tonight "I know right" Harry laughs and sits on the couch in the living room. I sit on his lap as Anne and Gem follow behind.

"I'll put the kettle on" Anne excuses her self "Do you guys wana play a board game?" Gem asks "Yeah!" I say and Harry nods excitedly.

I'm over the moon that Dylan finally forgave me! and then I went to a movie with Rhys it was such a good day today.

Now it just depends if the guys will forgive me? I hope they will but its okay if they don't I will keep trying.

"Tilly?" Rhys snaps his fingers in front of my face "oh sorry" I smile "it's okay" he laughs before intertwining our hands. I can feel the butterflies growing in my stomach and the blush creeping to my cheeks.

"I'm so happy that Dylan forgave you" Rhys smiles and I nod in return "Same it feels like a life time since we've talked" I beam.

"So how come you haven't been around lately?" I ask sweetly. Rhys tenses up "Uh you know this and that" he fake laughs "Just tell me" I smile and he bites his lip nervously "Later" he kisses my cheek. I decide to drop it, For now at least.

(Sorry if its bad and it's kinda boring now! It will get a lot better promise so keep an eye out ;) thank you all for reading! spread the word and don't forget to vote and comment. Follow me on twitter @LovingLuke1 I will probably follow back! All the love x.)

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