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Zayn holds me as I pour my feelings out to him. He's always being so understanding and he still is even after what I did to him. "Zayn why do you forgive me?" I ask wiping away my tears "because Dylan it's time and I miss you so much it hurts, I miss talking, I miss your hugs, Dylan I miss you so much" Zayn says with a single tear streaming down his perfect face.

"Zayn I've missed you to I've missed our late night talks, I've missed they way we cuddled, I've missed they way you smelt. Zayn I've cried my self to sleep countless amount of times thinking about how you will never forgive me, How you never loved me and it pushed me over the edge" I say the words coming out more as a whisper with tears streaming down both our faces.

"Dylan how could you think that. I loved you so much it hurt. That's why I couldn't let you in because I knew I would keep falling in love with you all over again but I didn't want to get hurt. Dylan it was crazy how much I loved you" Zayn says tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "Zayn I've imagined those words coming out of your mouth for so long it's unbelievable that you actually said it" I say bitting my lip "Dylan I still love you but just as a sister. A sister that I love so much" Zayn says kissing me on the cheek "I love you like a brother" I say hugging him "please let's never fight again I love you to much" I whisper into Zayn's ear "no way your to special to lose" Zayn whispers back.

"So how was the date?" I ask Louis and Taliah who are cuddling together on the couch. "you know pretty average until" Louis says being cut off by Taliahs hand on his mouth while she giggles like mad.

"shut up" she scolds him which makes me laugh "I was going to say until you screamed and ran away cause you saw a clown" Louis laughs and Taliah blushes bright red "Clowns are freaky okay" Taliah says "I know what you were on about but I think we should keep those details to our selfs okay babe" Louis winks and Taliah turns so red I didn't even know a person could turn that red. "well we all know how that went then" I say "shut up Harry" Taliah squeaks.
"I'm going to go check on Dylan" I say excusing my self from some random talk about some ride that Taliah and Louis went on.

I walk out to say Zayn and Dylan hugging with tear stained faces. I know she lied to me and I know why because she doesn't like to see me worry about her. "hey guys" I say awkwardly "hey Harry" "what happened you too look like your in some soppy ass movie" I joke trying to lighten the mood. "well uhm..... Zayn kind of forgave me" Dylan says hesitantly.

My heart shatters did Zayn just take my girl away after breaking her heart and expecting me to pick up the pieces. No fucking way is he taking the best thing that ever happened to me away. He broke my everything and I had to fix it and now that it's fixed he wants it back no fucking way.

"so what you guys are back together?" I spit "no Harry no way Zayn is just well like my brother" Dylan says I feel a little better but not completely. "And does Zayn know that?" I question "yes Zayn does know that does Harry know that" Zayn mocks me "yes Harry knows it but Harry's not okay with it" I speak in the third person carrying on this shit.

"good and well you have to be honey" Zayn mocks me. "Does Harry know that I love him so much that I melt evry time you speak"Dylan enters the conversation. "Does Dylan know that I love her so much that my heart flutters every time she says my name" I speak low stepping toward this beautiful girl who loves me almost as much as I love her. "yes she does" Dylan says latching her lips to mine.

"I'm going inside, later love birds" Zayn rudely interrupts. "bye Zayn" Dylan waves. How can she be so happy and kind yet so empty and damaged. "Dylan are you scared to see Tilly?" I ask her once Zayn finally leaves us alone.

"no.. I just don't want to have to look at her. she knew that would hurt the most so she did it, I'm sick if always getting hurt, why do I always get hurt?" Dylan asks. "I don't know" I sate "Harry why did I have to kiss Rhys right in front of you? Why did I go fuck everything thing up?" Dylan asks again.

"I don't know why. You didn't fuck everything up okay" I say holding Dylan's small face between my slim long fingers. "I love you" Dylan kisses my nose "I love you more" I kiss her forehead.

"Are you guys up for a party at Zac's he's that guy from Mc Donald's that we met on Liam's birthday" Tilly asks everyone as Dylan and I walk in holding hands. "I wana go" Dylan speaks excitedly. Earning a glare from Tilly "anyone else wana come with us?" Tilly asks and Dylan gives her a glare that could kill.

"I'll come" Taliah says getting off the couch "well if she's going I'm going"Louis says I snicker he's totally whipped. "I'll come" I say still laughing at Louis. "I guess I'll go then" Rhys says getting up "Niall? Liam?" Tilly asks curiously "nah I'm just gona stay in I have home work to catch up on" Niall lies "yeah I have to head home and help mum out with Henry anyway" Liam says. I look over to see Dylan grinning widely at their poor lies.

(Thank you for reading plz vote xx follow me on twitter Mikaela_Dodson and could you guys plz read my 5sos fan fic it's called 'Beside you' and let me know what you think xx love ya:))

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