Twist of Time

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Chapter 4


[baekhyun’s pov]

It has been a very hot typical morning wherein i wiped the sweats coming out from my pores and as soon as i got off of my door yeol’s been standing taking pictures of my morning face.

“what is that for?!” i complained frowning my brows and was frustrated because of this breathless heat.
“photos.” He shortly answered looking on the camera where he just took a picture and smiled at it like a dork.
“why?” i split between curiousty and sweat.
“memories.” He answered smiling back at me and ran towards the cab as soon as he stole a kiss from my cheeks.

“yaaah! Pabo!” i shouted and smiled as i ran over to him. we’ll be on our way! Just you wait, this weekend is going to be the best!

. . . .

We’re on our way to gangwondo’s east sea. Yeol sits beside me as i rested my head on to his shoulder. Yeol’s manager gave us 2 body gaurds for his own protection, the one drives as the one sits silently on the passengers sit.

“yeol, i’m hungry.” i spoke after a long while drive.
“is that so?” he hanged and stood up from laying his back.

“cheugiyeo, my wife here is hungry, can we go stop by a rest area?” he asked looking at the body gaurds in front as one of them answered, the one who’s not driving.
“yes sir, we will.” He followed as yeol got back again laying.

“why did you say i’m your wife?!” i was shocked about that word, i mean.. do they even know who i really am to chanyeol.
“well, are you not?” he asked in sarcasm as he frowns his brows in curiousity.
“i am., but, do they even know about--” i was cut
“us?” he continued as i nodded.
“of course they do, even manager does.” A question runs into my mind; how, on earth does manager knows about this?!
“so don’t worry about it.” he pats my head and smiled sweetly with closed eyes. with that smile i felt at ease, erasing the worries in my head and planed to have fun with yeol this weekend. Oh well, at least i wouldn’t have to act like me and yeol are just friends infront  him.

. . . .

Rest area; where there are a lot more people than we’d be expecting, everyone seems to plan on going out on a trip this weekend.

“there’s too much crowd, are you sure you’d be fine around them? They might found out that your here and two gaurds aren’t enough for your protection.
“of course, as long as we act normal, everything will be okay.” what’s with him? he kept on saying things like; “everything will be okay” and “as long as i’m with you, everything will be fine”, those lines totally gets to me.

“what do you want to eat?” he asked and waits as i looked out on the food counter seeing the foods displayed. I’m currently picking out on hotdogs and looks for a delicious one, i haven’t tasted them but you can judge food by it’s look, right?

‘i want that one’ said that in my head as i pointed out to that hotdog with lots of cheddar cheese on it, ‘twas also the biggest one.

I didn’t speak but just pointed to it and as yeol saw me do that, he puts his hand inside his pocket and comes out his credit card on it. he gave it to me as i grabbed it swiftly, i walked over the counter to place my order and as i’m finished i gave off the credit, paying off all bills later while i return yeols credits.

i looked for a place to sit as yeol went to a cafe to get himself a sausage.

“yeol! Can you also buy me an iced caramel coffee?!” i shouted as yeol looked and smiled back, knowing that he agreed to buy me one, i waited.

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