Less Than A Month

838 25 9

[chanyeol's pov]

These days; I tried to balance out my time for shoots, guestings and for baek. It's a little too hard but, I have got to make changes to spend it equally balanced between work and my quality time with baek.

"yah, manager-ssi! can I go take my rest this coming weekend?" I approached the busy man like im a child running over his father who just got home from work; It's kinda embarrasing but to admit it, I look cute tho.

"no." wha- that was forward.

"but!" I can't just let him say no! I can't live with it if I am to end up not seeing baekhyun for this week, I just can't!

"you have a live tv guesting on Saturday, 7:30 am sharp and an endorcing shoot around 1-5 pm; so, strictly I must say no." im on a very busy schedule and it hurtch. It made me totally mad and at the same time stressed bcos literally, I can't just cancel something particular in my schedule. This is very exhausting.

"Friday." Then he hits it. what's with Friday? Don't tell me he's asking me out on a date!? no way bruh! I already have me baekhyun!

"please don't tell me you're asking me out on a date! im so not in to you plus I've already got baekyhun so go away, shoo!" he smirked and seductively went towards me. thinking he's about to kiss me on my precious cheek instead he spank me slightly hard and laughed aloud in front me.

"dude. you're schedule is free on Friday; you could go on a break if you wanted to but please, be sure to don't ever over slept." He sighed and placed his hand above my head as I rolled my eyes and removed it.

"of course! thank you." I am being overwhelmed with happiness as I didn't realized that I bowed at him before I leave—which is pretty not what I usually do—but this just happen once; im just being nice bcos he lets me off this Friday.

. . . .

Thursday; I was out busy shooting on someone elses mv. Im featured on a song which I can never tell what the title is bcos there'd be a payment for the song if I did say it but perhaps and I guess people would like this song the moment they heard it bcos the mv was out to have more than a million views the sooner they saw my face flashed on it.

The day ended and I was pretty exhausted. I wanted to stop by some bakery to reserve a strawberry flavored cake for tomorrow's visit and maybe I'll pick 'em up the morning before I got off to baek's place.

I was driving by my own looking for a bakery or some café that offers pre-ordered cakes to be picked up the next morning as finally, the long drive ends when I saw a bakery and at the same time a café shop. The moment I saw the place, I felt at ease. The sooner I opened the door a bright aura seemed too light and im pleased. I felt welcomed; I felt home.

"welcome to kms' bafé; may I help you?" a bright girl was waiting for me behind the door—literally waits for ev'ryone coming in to the door—she was smiling.

"I would like to order some cake and pick it up tomorrow morning. perhaps, do you do reservations?" she gasp—maybe too surprised to see an actor x singer like me in a place like this—the placed looked too big for a newly opened shop and maybe too elegant if they'd only sell cheap breads and I persumed that this shop may either be government or-

"oh, this way sir. Please; follow me." she assisted me probably on the counter tho I can obviously know where I'm supposed to go even when she doesn't told me to but I still followed being just innocently kind to this pretty girl with a sunny smile.

"mr kim; a costumer wants reservation." I really don't know why but, I've known a lot of personalities with their surname as; 'kim'. Kim's a pretty popular surname now a days but mine wouldn't also be outdated.

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