Dream Come True [side story; kaisoo]

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[kyungsoo's pov]

The mood of the atmosphere was set to be just at peace as a flash of sunlight were heavenly seen. I was in my office—scheduled to do so—dabbling some shits[sheets]. I hate reading, im not the kind of dude who read books ever since gradeschool nor highschool. I even wondered why I became an assistant director; im just good at photography not in films. Im good at basically eating that's maybe why I wanted a restaurant to fill my tummy with foods.

-knock, knock-

"kyungsoo hyung!" without seeing his face, I knew who's the person standing on the other side of my door.

. . . .

As the door opened, a fresh cold breeze entered the room. winter is, again, fast approaching but it never seemed warmer when he flashed me a grin.

"perhaps, do you not have any class today?" he shook his head down walking towards me with a dark aura and sat on the chair placed right infront me. his head was down my table as he started staring at me while i looked on to his deep melancholic eyes silently.
"it's thursday." He started the conversation but questions kept on running on my mind like; 'what's with thursday?'

"it seems that you forgot that im off every thursday." He probably found out that I literally have no idea on what's with Thursday by just looking at me in the eyes.
"I waited for you, but you didn't came." He smiled yet it felt sad. I should know it by looking on his lip stretched lightly beyond those smooth pale cheeks and it hurts bcos im the reason of all this.
"im sorry. I forgot." I shook my head down and felt my hand numb. I felt too ashamed, guilty as hell. Why would I forget something that includes jongin?! Slowly, I started to remember that Im supposed to drop over his studio so he and I could go together back to my office but I didn't bcos I forgot and I hate myself bcos of that.

"it's okay, im sure it's a lot of pressure for you to do a job you don't even wanted to do. I know you dislike reading even just one page of a book so what more if you'd start reading a whole script of a movie? I know it sucks for you." But despite all that, he's still as kind and understanding as ever.

He knows me a lot more than I do and I guess he knows how I struggled out of this shitty life bcos this is not what I wanted to do. im sorry that I ever tried to forget about you.

"im sorry." I muttered still with my head down blankly staring on the ground, he hummed.

"say, are you busy this sunday?" suddenly I felt a bright aura and as I looked back I saw a wide smile flashed before me. his sunny face, white teeth, pink-ish lips and eyes sparkling; everything seemed just too perfect as if im living on a daydream.
"im on leave this sunday. why?" but instead of answ'ring he gave me a sexy grin sending me hanging.

. . . .

[jongin's pov]


"sehun-ah." I am currently knocking to oh's residence bcos ringing the doorbell would just keep my energy down and probably he won't ever wake up from a good sleep last night with luhan hyung.
"sehun-ah!" I shouted out his name seriously making the neighbors stamp their feets with all the noise I am making down the hallway.

I knocked and rang the door bell simultaneously and suddenly, I heard foot steps; a squeaky tiny foot steps. A moment later, the door opened with a heavenly beauty flashed right in front my eyes; rubbing his newly awakened eyes with his milky hair half fixed and messed.

"hyung." I see luhan hyung wearing sehun's printed white shirt.

. . . .

The room was set to be too diff'rent smelling like a sweet aroma of cinnamon when luhan hyung is around and I always get to eat home made cookies when he's in charge of hun's kitchen in addition.

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