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Chapter 2

[baekhyun’s pov]

I got awake from the rays of the sun coming out from the window.

‘ugh’ i whined.

I stood up from the bed and strolled my eyes inside the room. chanyeol’s gone missing.

‘he must’ve been inside the shower.’ I thought but then i saw no one inside. where could he must be?


My phone suddenly beeped as i walked over the side table where it is currently placed.

mr. byun baekhyun,’ t’was him.
i saw someone. Can you please get down here on the restaurant?’ he saw someone?

. . . .

“baekhyunnie!” as i entered the restaurant, i saw chanyeol waving sitting with someone infront of him, he looks familiar even by just looking at him on the back. His bouldered shoulder, perfectly shaped body and that sexy looking hair, i think.. i know who he is--

. . . .

[jongin’s pov]

These two hyungs, i’m just so happy to see them together.

“so hyungs!” i started off.
“how’s your life!? We haven’t seen each other for like 2 or was it 3 years?” i asked as they both smiled jolly and i felt the urge to smile back.
“it’s been a year full of busy schedule. Baek’s been planning to publish another book--”
“and yeol’s been concentrating on his new album to be released next year.” It’s funny, how they both finished each other’s sentence.
“is that so? That looks so very busy.” The three of us been having a conversation like this, seems to make me miss having a conversation with all of them. I felt so happy and at the same time lonely, it’s a mixed emotions, i guess.
“and i guess this weekend is your day of vacation?!”
“yes, it is.” A lucky guess, i think.

“and so how about you? how’s your life jongin?” baekhyun hyung asked as chanyeol hyung nodded and agreed with that kind of question. They both looked at me like they’re wanting to hear out from me, they wanted to know things that happened to my life.
“it’s been a tiring day- a tiring year actually.” I answered as they both looked worried so i have got to change the topic.
“that’s why i decided to go on a resort, and it’s a coincidence to see the both of you here.” i gave off a smile. the biggest one so they won’t find out i’m not fine. It’s been a tiring day- a tiring year actually.

[baekhyun’s pov]

He seems different. I knew something’s wrong. He wouldn’t tell us but i knew something’s wrong, i know yeol figured it out too, maybe a little earlier than i do.

“it’s been a tiring day- a tiring year actually.” He said as it gave us a hint that something really is wrong. We’re so worried, i knew something’s wrong and the fact that he wouldn’t tell us only makes me more worried.

“that’s why i decided to go on a resort, and it’s a coincidence to see the both of you here.” he gave off his biggest smile, but
“yeah-- we kind of actually came here for the same reason as you have.” And i thought yeol noticed, but i think he doesn’t. I kept on just looking at jongin as he looked back and noticed i’m looking he gave off another smile.
“so, what room are you in?” yeol kept him busy, or maybe he just misses talking with jongin after a long year.
“room 369, you?” 369? So he’s been just a few rooms away from ours.
“jinjja?! we’re room 365!” yeol smiled in joy.
“oh- jinjja?! we’re just a few rooms away from each other.” jongin said as he laughed, but something’s changed about the way he laughed.
“deh!” yeol smiled as wide as he can. I’ve never seen him happy like this before. I’m sure he misses talking with him a lot.
“so if i may ask, whats have been with you and dyo-?” yes, i’ve been curious with that myself too.

His eyes fall off and went pale, he seems to have never wante to talk about this, but the he raised and titled his head as he closed his eyes and smiled.

“we’ve been doing fine.” That wasn’t the answer i’m expecting him to say, anyway chanyeol saw dyo-ah, and by the way chanyeol told me everything, dyo-ah doesn’t seem to be fine.

“really? is that true??” i suddenly feel the urge to want to find out what was real. I looked at him seriously as he did in return, we never took off of our eyes.
“yes” he shortly answered.
“i’m glad.” Yeol said as i was left silence, i don’t know why, but i can’t seem to believe him.

We talked and smiled, laughed and fooled around, but it all seems different.

“so, if i may ask.” This seems to be a serious question that yeol’s about to throw up.
“hmm?” kai answers with a ‘hm’
“are you mad at us?” that question got me by a surprise, and i knew it got kai in surprise too.
“what-?! No, of course not.” he denies.
“well, if not at us. Are you mad at him?” by means of ‘him’, it must’ve been him-- ‘kyungsoo-ah’.
“him?” but kai doesn’t seem to figure out who.
“kyungsoo-yah.” Yeol said as he looked at kai seriously like he really  wants to know the real answer. Kai took seconds or moments to answer the question, he hesitated.

“no, why would i?” then he smiled again with eyes closed as i felt it hurts somewhere down his heart.
“because, he couldn’t be strong for the both of you, and that he has to leave you, that you begged for him to stay but he doesn’t seem to abide with that.” yeol continuously said as he never took off his eyes on to kai’s. It took him moments to answer that second question with regards to kyungsoo-ah and by this time, he doesn’t seem to answer the question.
“kai-yah,” yeol said with a sympathic like voice and sounds calm as a streaming water drops from a cylindrical point. Kai-ah looks back at yeol and this time with eyes about to cry out.
“it’s not kyungsoo’s fault that he has to go, it’s not anyones fault that they- we had to go.” We didn’t want to go, but we had to because they had to.
“everyone grew tired about the routines, as much as he- they wanted to stay, they had to go because they can’t do it anymore.” Yeols explaining with the most sincere tone, because other than yeol, there is no one that kai-yah is ever gonna listen to.



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