Don't go

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Chapter 12

[baekhyun's pov]

My time had reach it's final ending; I can feel the cold touching my skin. I accepted my path and follow it silently; I knew from this moment my last breath's be taken from me.

"c-chanyeol-ah," I looked down the sand preventing myself from crying. my voice turned hoarse from keeping the tears away from him. I felt my heart heavy being broken in pieces; I want to hold you tight, im sorry, im leaving.
"ain't the sky pretty?" a hot tear mold up running down my chin. i couldn't feel my arms, my feet, my hips; my everything.
"yes, it is." I felt him flash a smile, so light that sent me crying. I want to tell you everything before my life gave up on me.

Beach. The scent of the ocean. The dark blue horizon. it all appeared to be a dream.

"chanyeol-ah," melancholic tone and a weak heart, the combination of two hatred feelings that I'd regret to have.
"hm?" his sweet innocent voice calmly entered my organs. This tone is what I'd miss surely when im gone.
"don't wear thin cottoned clothes that shows pack of your buns." I started to tell him everything-everything that I longed to say.
"don't be late for work, always set your alarm." Tears on my eyes never stopped on streaming. It continuously falls down over my chin.
"don't eat alone, you'll lose your appetite." I know how you hate eating alone and the pain in your heart may have let you done so.
"but," his tone perpetually sounds like pain; I can hear his heart beat slow in vain.
"when im gone, don't look up the sky and wonder where I am." Im falling deep, im tired and I wanted to sleep. my eye started to shut close permanently as everything around me, suddenly, turned blurry.
"always take care, be safe and don't get sick." I'll come down from heaven if you didn't do what I told you to.
"lastly," my heart's beating loudly and my lungs aren't working properly. My time is fading, slowly, inch by inch, im losing you.
"smile." The depths of the sea seemed to drown me as I look far the unknown seeing noting but black pitch. It felt like im trapped between death and life; the feelings in my eyes started to unwind.
"for me." even if im gone, I wanted to see you happy. you'd make me frown in heaven if I saw you sad and lonely.

My sight begins to be too blurry, I can't breathe right and my heart beats slowly. I hear nothing feeling the cold wind; the stars in the sky looked pity for me.

"baekhyun," I heard him speak from his throat with a hoarse voice.
"byun baekhyun" it felt like he's crying in pain feeling his heart broke
"baekhyun-ah" I would want to tell him not to cry; hug him and say everything's gonna be fine. But I cannot stay longer; I had to say goodbye.

You called on to my name once, and I can't even seem to move. You called on to my name twice, and I'd begin to kiss you. You called on to my name thrice, so I promise I wont leave you. things I planned aren't done as it's supposed to, my body's cold-stiff as I felt miles being far from you.

"chanyeol-ah," being with you means a smile behold; forever I'll stay in your arms til im old. the moment I called your name with my heart, my world starts to crumble like pieces of ash.
"I love you." The words came out lonely from my mouth, my lips run ice dry as a winter night. My hand slowly reached for your face with a tear, I flashed you a smile but I know the pain stabs deep.
"so much." It felt like the world stopped revolving the orbit. It's just you and me. we met between light and darkness. Our story, would never end. Until the last breath I take. until our last vows be said. Until im captive in your arms. I swear I'd love you til death do us part.

[author's pov]

The moon illuminates the surface of the sea. the stars are fused making his hair shined brightly.

"baekhyun." the older's hand slipped out from the other's cheek. He cried out aloud wanting him back in a blink.
"baekhyun-ah!" he tried waking the other but his eyes were shut close. he wished to rewind preventing to loose his partner.
"you can't do this! don't leave me!" his shout echoed sending the others run fast. They saw him down his knees crying like he never had.
"wake up! don't go." people approaching tried to lull the person in vain, they tried to calm him down but his lips perpetually screamed his name.
"chanyeol-ah!" the kid abstained from endlessly crying as he mistook baekhyun's voice calling for him. he calmed down but is seemlingly out the world, he remembered his face's illuminated as the sun strokes.

It was an insipid coffee on an explicit day, he was looking down as he thinks of his face. he sat on alone thinking of what he'd say, he just lost 2 tickets for an important baseball game.

"chanyeol-ah," He wears a smile as he ran towards him. he wore a pink sweater saying: 'smile for me'.

"I can't do this!" his fist molds up not accepting he's gone, he cried on aloud making the noise pass the land.
"without you, I just cant!" his tears fell down and suddenly he just can't. he went to hold him back try'na wake the sleeping prince.
"open those eyelids!" he shook his head down endlessly crying, he thought of the days he was with him.
"is it gonna end like this!?" he thought of the years he woke up to see him. The pain in his ass was numb as he continued talking.
"you just said what you wanted then left me without hearing anything!" his voice starts to crack and sounded a little hoarse. His vowels were all eaten and he just couldn't stop at all.

"you said you loved me." he'd seen his face neither blink nor breathe. Hot tears in his eyes starts falling down his pale cheeks.
"but how can you leave!?" he looked up the sky and shut his eyes close. he'd seen in his mind the smile that he longed.
"you promised." The elder felt his pain as he's the first to approach him face to face. he held on to his broad with one hand of warmth and mercy.

"chanyeol-ah." his tears fall off as he silently absorbs the pain. He'd bruised a wound and there's no medicine removing the ache.
"he promised not to leave." His eyes flicked a tear as he bit his lower lip to prevent himself from breaking. The olders face haven't failed to show his emotions. He suffered seeing one's death and is suffering of seeing one live but emotionally dead.
"he promised." He remembered how he hugged him saying he'd never leave. he remembered all his promise with tears and melancholic.
"promise, aren't made to be broken. it's made to last until he can." the younger broke down holding him. yes, he's alive but, it felt like he's dying.


He felt there's no tomorrow, he knew there'd be no smile. he stood up all alone and his world crumbled like a broken ice.

That day, they attempted to run him over a hospital. But. the doctor declared him dead on arrival. Days had pass and his heart molds up an acute pile of ache. They tried to acclaim him but, he's acclimatizing a world without an accomplice.

. . . .

a.n: "tomorrow is nonsense without you."


to those who cried, mian.

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