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Laila's POV
Omg good job you stupid bitch now Harry is going to kill you, inI thought
I ran to "my" room
( the Room I waked up in )
and sprinted to the closet and closed the door and slapped my hand over my mouth to shut my breath a bit.
"Laila, come out come out wherever you are" Harry said in a strange voice
I hear the steps and the floor cracks against his shoes.
He is coming closer and I swear my heart can be heard miles away. Suddenly the movies stop and it is quiet.
Where can he had gone I think.
Suddenly I feel a hand on my cheek and a voice that sends chills up my body and I froze
" I found you, princess "
That's when I get panic and screams so hard I can and try's to run but he haves me in a strong grip.
" P-pl-please let me g-go" I said as I cried and starts to shake.
"Oh you see love I can't do that we sort of had a deal and I won" he smirked and drags me out of the closet
Harry's POV
I found her to easy with my hearing and my smart brain.
I drag her out of the closet and she begins to trash my grip
"Stop the fuck up now" I screamed and she stopped.
I throw her on the bed and hovering over her.
"Now you better listen carefully to me or else I am going to get really angry at you and do things you can't imagine" I smirked
" Now your going to listen to me and do what I say or else punished for it?"
"Y-ye-yes" she says
"Good girl"
And with that I sprint out of the room in a second
Damn I got to tell her why she is here soon much soon and what I am so maybe just maybe she will help me.
Tracy's POV (you didn't see that one coming)
Damn my best friend has been gone for 3 days wee the fuck can she be I will
Look at her house for clues because I will find her one way or another. (see what I did).
Thanks you yet double update * happy dance * tell me what you think about Harry and what do you think he is ;D
You will see in the next update
I love you my apples bye !

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