New girl and Boy!?

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I woke up to the sun blinds my eyes. I look down and see Laila sleeping in my arms, god she truly are beautiful I slowly kiss her cheek, forehead, and nose before getting up to make us all breakfast.
When I come down I hear my phone ringing
"Hello" I say
"Hello mate" I hear a familiar voice say
"LOUIS!?" I scream quietly
"No it's not me, it's the Santa clause" he says in a sarcastic tone
" Well ... okay, then why are you calling me then?" I say
"Well I am coming home to you guys and I have a girl with me" he says
" What omg I need to tell Niall he will be so happy, see you soon boobear" I say and smiles and put down my phone.
I walk to Niall's room and slowly opening the door and saw Tracy laying there in his arms how cute.
I walk to Niall's side
"Ni, you have to wake up" I say
~ no movement~
"Niall come on get up" I say louder
~ no movement~
" GOD DAMN IT NIALL JAMES GET THE FUCK UP NOW" I scream and he springs up and almost knock Tracy over in the progress.
" What the fuck do you want ashole" he says angry and irritated
"Well I just want you to know that Louis are coming home and will be here in the afternoon" I say coldly
Tracy stares scared at us like we are going to attach her.
And believe me, I would be scared too if I wasn't a supernatural being and saw Niall's eyes turning red with anger.
"Oh my is Lou coming home. it's been ages oh how I have missed my vampire buddy" he says as he's eyes ten normal again.
I, on the other hand, walk back to the kitchen and make the pancakes.
"BREAKFAST" I scream
And in a flash, Niall is there and are carrying a plain looking Tracy
" Sorry Tracy I should have warned you" he says
"Yes but it's fine I only feel a bit sick" she says
And then my lovely Laila came in the kitchen and looking absolutely beautiful, and she is just wearing my shirt.
"Goodmorning" she says
"Morning" Niall and barely Tracy says
And Niall is giving her a death look and she says it louder with fear in her eyes and Niall smirks proudly.
"Hi babe slept well?" I say cherry and kisses her cheek
"Yes" she says and smiles and grabs a plate and sit at the table across Tracy.
So I heard screaming from the bedroom is everything okay? Laila asked.
Yes mine and Niall's best bud are coming and he's name is Louis and he has a girl with him, I think she is called Lauren.
"What!?" Said Tracy, and Laila
"N-no not a-a vampire til" said Tracy
"What!" Screamed Laila, "vampire there is nothing as a vampire are you crazy!"
" God you really are stupid aren't you, let me explain to you, Niall he's a vampire and you know that by now because of the mating thing, and you truly beloved Harry "she says in disgust
"He is not a vampy, he is the darkest thing of them all...
"Tracy stop" Niall says with a warning look and looks at Harry's sight to see that Harry was having a sinister smile on his face.
"We-well I was about to say that Harry is
" A demon I know that Tracy Harry has already told me he's story so no need for you to rub it in my face" Laila said with an angry voice
"Well yes, so now you know that he is way more dangerous than Niall and that Louis boy" she says.
"Well sucks because I don't care, hell he can be what he want because.... because I.... I maybe am beginning to like him" Laila said and turns around and look at me for some response.
And I just stand frozen and stare at her with my mouth wide open. She likes me then she maybe can cure me. 
" Ha, sorry to disappoint you H but she will be dead soon because remember how is controlling you" HE said in my head.
That was when I lost it, I turned angry because of what he just had said and my eyes begin to burning a black color.
"Good H, look how easy I can make you angry, the demon process is soon complete and you don't have any humanity left in you" HE says and laughs.
"Shit the fuck up!" I growled with gritted teeth.
Get the fuck out of my head you fucking bastard and show yourself with so I can kill you right now!" I screamed again.
Oh no, I have never seen Harry this frightening before, I am really scared Niall is trying to calm Harry now so he doesn't do anything stupid and Tracy looks like she has seen a ghost, ha Karma is a bitch Trac, I think.
I take the little brave I have left and walk slowly across so I am standing towards Harry. He's breathing is short and he's eyes are black and it looks like he could kill anyone right this second.
"H-Harry pl-please calm down" I stutter
" You have to calm down I know there is still a bit humanity left in you..." 
"NO!" a demonic voice screamed from Harry
And that made me start to shake like the baby Girl I am.
"Please Harry come back to me, you're scaring me please Harry" I begged.
And then something in him must have heard my pleading because Harry slowly being to be himself again his eyes turned green slowly and he became less frightening and soon there my Harry was again.
"Oh my... what happened!?" He says panic clear in his voice. 
"I was the bad again wasn't I Ni?" He asked Niall
"Yes and it was pretty bad, hell you even got me scared a bit" he said and laugh
" Laila please I'm sorry" he says and looks at me.
I haven't noticed that I was still shaking and soon began to cry.
"Shh everything is fine now, I am fine, just calm down okay?" He says and soon I was in his embrace again and he is hugging me tightly.
"Thank god I thought I had lost you" I said sniffing.
"Well I did too a bit" he said till a bit shocked
* knock on the door*
" That must be Louis" Harry and Niall screamed and they ran to the door and nearly broke it up.
"Lou!" They said and hugged what I assume is Louis.
And then they came back in in the kitchen, and my breath became caught in my trout, because there came a very good looking boy ( not as good as Harry but still ) he had brown hair in a quiff and blue eyes and was shorter than Niall and Harry, but very muscular.
" Hello, you two must be Laila and Tracy" he said and he's voice was slightly lighter than Niall and Harry's.
"Yeah" we both say
"Well this is Lauren" he said proudly.
And in came a beautiful girl with brown hair.
"Hello" she smiles at us
"Hi" we say and can't take our eyes off her because of her beauty.
"Well then you girls can get to know Lauren here while I chat with my boys okay?"
"Yes Louis" I say.
God this is going to be awkward, I look at Harry's and he looks at me with a proud smile and Lou looks my way to because I think Harry was talking about me.
"Well we can go to my room" I said
And we three girls walked away.

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