Coffee and chills

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Harry's POV
"So where do you think we are going" I say and smirk and look at her, god she is breathtaking.
"I don't know" she says unsure like she is still scared of me, how cute.
"Well I'm taking you to a coffee shop." I say and look at the road.
"Okey" she says quite
" Well I hope we can maybe get a chance to start over again." he said

Layla's POV
My inner goddess is dancing because of where Harry was taking me. I just love coffee.
But as I took a quick glance at him I thought to myself maybe this isn't going to be so bad after all, maybe I can give him a chance after all. my thoughts were interrupted when the car stops. Harry go out of his car door and did a little jog toy side and opens the door and smiles down at me and takes my hand.
"So what are you going to order" he asked
"Hmm I don't know maybe a vanilla latte and a bagel" I said shyly
" Oh good chose miss" he said and smirk
When we had our orders we walked a bit and eat in silences.
"So I wanted to get to know you, Laila, I didn't mean to make you scared that's just the voice inside my head that makes me to the "monster" I am" he said and looked down embarrassed
"Your not a monster Harry look what you are doing right now, your sweet and caring" I said shyly
Harry stopped and looked at me
"Are you sure" he asked
"Yes I'm sure I said and looked deep into his beautiful green eyes, my inner goddess stands up and screams and wiggle her mouth and says to me " is he going to kiss you or what" and smirks
Suddenly I'm pushed against a tree and a Harry with dark eyes looks at me hungry
"Harry w-what are you d-doing" I asked silently
"I am going to kiss you now" he whispers in my ear and makes me get chills down my spine
And he landed in closer and closer
And then he's lips where on mine he's plumb pink kissable lips on my once. I was in shock but I kissed back immediately.
So what you think is going to happen and sorry for my late update I have exams at school -.- have a good day/ night

My nightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora